Pastor Scott's Message

This weekend I’m on vacation. A time away of rest away from work is a healthy part of Sabbath. There is a time to work and a time to play. Pastors work on Sundays so I take Fridays off to renew. I’m looking forward to being with my family.

As we continue through our study of Exodus, it gives us insight into Sabbath. We were created to work and rest. Genesis tells us this, “On the seventh day He rested.” All creatures need a time dedicated to restoration. I read somewhere that animals at zoos have to be taken off display once a week or else they start behaving erratically. The need for Sabbath is built into them. One of the crimes against the Israelites in Egypt is that they were not allowed a day of rest. In the movie the Ten Commandments, the Egyptian raised Moses recognizes that this is unhealthy and gives them back their day. In the Bible, there is no record of this happening.

God says, “Let my people Go, so they may worship me." Part of worshipping God is following his Sabbath instructions. He created us and knows what we need to thrive. People who treat every day like a work day eventually will burn out. Their body and soul will not stand for uninterrupted activity. On Sundays and on vacations we can embrace our roles as needy creatures. It is good to regularly lie in a hammock, take naps, take a trip just for fun, and be with your loved ones with no agenda. That is what it means in Psalm 23, “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me besides still waters. He restores my soul.” Make sure you and you loved ones do not run yourself ragged but take time to rest in the Lord. Vacation is a good vocation.