
Thursday, September 21, 2017

News from Glendale Lutheran Church

I’m excited to bring something new to Glendale Lutheran, Daily Bible Readings.  Sunday morning worship is meant to be training that permeates the rest of your week.  We read together the Gospel, the Epistle and the Old Testament as part of the service.  Coming to our church guarantees that you will be in the word.  But  if Sunday morning is the only time you are fed scripture then you are starving to death.  God calls us to read the Bible at church and at home.  It is the only way your faith can grow.

I’ve created a daily reading plan that starts in church and continues in your home.  We will hear the word from the lecturn, from the pulpit, from the Bible class.  Then we can continue that same word with our loved ones over coffee, around the dinner table or at bedtime.  If you look at your worship bulletin, you will see a Daily Bible reading plan.  Sunday lists the Bible chapter that is the subject of the sermon and Bible class.  Then Monday you go through that Bible reading as a household or on your own.  Tuesday is another reading that touches on last Sunday and so on and so forth.

I’ve listed three reading possibilities for you each day, one that takes 15 minutes, one that takes 10 minutes and one that takes only a few minutes.  For example, this Sunday I am preaching on Phillipipians 1.  On Monday, read the whole chapter if you have 15 minutes.  If you have only 10 minutes read, Phil. 1:1-2.  If you are racing around on that day, stop and read just Phil. 1:2.  “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”  Let it sink into you.  Allow Christ to speak to you and your family.  Another way of looking at it is by household.  If you are empty nesters, read the whole chapter together.  If you have teens, read the middle option.  If you have little ones, read the one verse and talk about it.

When we proclaim Christ Sunday through Saturday, who knows what amazing things God will do through it?  This is how we grow and how the church grows.

Daily Bible          15 minutes                         10 minutes                         5 minutes
9/24       Sun        Philippians 1      Rejoice in Christ Proclaimed
9/25       Mon       Philippians 1                    Phil. 1:1-2                            Phil. 1:2
9/26       Tue        Isaiah 55                           Phil. 1:3-10                         Phil. 1:6
9/27       Wed       Matt 20                             Phil. 1:12-14                       Phil. 1:14
9/28       Thu        Psalm 57                           Phil. 1:15-18                       Phil. 1:18
9/29       Fri         Acts 16                              Phil. 1:19-26                       Phil. 1:21
9/30       Sat         Jude 3                                Phil. 1:27-30                       Phil. 1:27

10/1       Sun        Philippians 2      Rejoice Together