
Thursday, February 10, 2022

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
February 10, 2022
Last Sunday, we were treated to a Valentines Servant Event. Stephanie Chapa led us in a time of making valentines for our Glendale CCLS teachers and kids. The family life center was decorated with heart balloons and red. Card fixings were strewn on the tables. Christian music filled the air.

We had 25 members volunteer their time. At my table, I had a 2nd grade teacher and an artist. If it was a competition I would have not measured up in craft creation. But together we made beautiful cards that told the receivers that Jesus loves them. Then Stephanie shared a devotion about the love of God in 1 Corinthians. Everyone left the room with a smile on their face and a feeling of connection with our church and school.

Yesterday, Stephanie and I delivered the cards to the classes after chapel. The kids couldn’t believe that strangers gave them letters. The teachers were touched that we care. Hopefully, the parents got to see that there is a whole church that loves them. Thank you to Stephanie for her leadership and thank you to everyone who shared a little love with CCLS. Happy Valentine's Day!

Daily Bible Reading
Birthday Bags Update!

It's wonderful to see the colorful bags that are starting to come in! If the recent snow kept you at home this week, you still have plenty of time (until the end of February) to turn your items in. A couple of reminders:

  1. We want to include a child's birthday card in each of the bags. If you have any extras you would like to donate, please put them in the Hempel mailbox.
  2. Blank labels and sharpies have been added to the table so you can easily label your bag for a boy or girl and the approximate age.
  3. Labels reading "Your Friends at Glendale Lutheran Church" have also been placed on the table for you to include on the birthday card in your bag.

If it is difficult for you to get out to shop but you want to contribute to the gifting to children, you can leave money in an envelope in my mailbox (Hempel) or Michelle's (church Secretary) or Pastor Scotts'. Be sure to mark for Birthday Bags and put your name on them if you want the amount listed on your contribution report.


On Sunday, Pastor Scott again pointed us in the direction of mature, Christian living: "Jesus loves all people." If we are graced to receive God's love, we are called to practice Jesus-modeled love. Therefore, "root out prejudice."

Every Sunday, I kneel at the communion table, and across the chancel from me I see Republicans and Democrats. Should I even be communing with those people? I’m an Independent.

Harmful prejudice – prejudice that judges others as good or bad before listening and learning about their circumstances – is destructive. Harmful prejudice destroys God's desire for Christians to live in a loving community and unconditionally welcome strangers into fellowship.

What exactly is a mature, Christian attitude? Pastor gave us one insight. It is an attitude with our harmful prejudices uprooted. To succeed at uprooting a bad attitude and replacing it with unconditional love, several steps are needed. The first step is: Do we want to change? Do we want to celebrate what we have in common rather than concentrate on what divides us?

But the most crucial step in rooting out prejudice and growing into the Christian God wants us to be is revealed in the first eleven verses of John chapter 8. It is the story of the woman caught in adultery.

After the men walk away, having been caught in their hypocrisy, Jesus turns to the woman and says, "I do not condemn you." I don't condemn you for your adulterous behavior or messed-up thinking that got you into this predicament or your out-of-control desires. From now on, though, I do want you to change
your life around.

Was the woman able to change her life? Probably! How do we know? Because she had just had a personal, life-changing encounter with Jesus and his all-encompassing love. How can we root out harmful prejudice, bigotry, and prideful arrogance? Because in baptism and the Lord's Supper, we have
ongoing close encounters with Jesus. In fact, we have a daily life-changing encounter with our Lord through the Holy Spirit within us.

Across the communion table from you and me are brothers and sisters in Christ. Different? Yes! Better looking? Maybe! People with personal problems? Most assuredly. Fellow sinners in need of forgiveness? Absolutely! Individuals in need of our love? You bet!

At Glendale Lutheran Church, we have our differences. But we have a lot more in common. We have Jesus!

article by Joel Hempel
Voters' Meeting

The Leadership Council will hold a Special Voters’ Meeting on Sunday, February 27, 2022, in the Family Life Center immediately following our Sunday service to provide an update on upgrades to our playground. At the Meeting, we will discuss the proposals we have received regarding the upgrades along with our process in reviewing those proposals. We will then provide our recommendation on the proposal we will ask the congregation to vote on. The playground upgrades if approved will be paid from Glendale Lutheran Church’s bequest funds and by funding from CCLS considering the upgrades will result in a major permanent improvement to our campus. We will discuss how those amounts are broken down at the Meeting and will be looking for voter approval to allocate monies from our bequest fund.
Altar Flowers FAQ

1. Where do I order from?
Walter Knoll (314-994-7304), Kirkwood Florist (314-965-8440), and GLC member Kevin Metzler (314-965-1248) have keycodes to get into the building to deliver the flowers. You are welcome to order from a different florist, but if so, you need to make sure you have a way to get the flowers at church by 4:00pm on Saturday.

2. How big should the arrangement be?
We have had a wide variety of sizes in our flower arrangements. Generally speaking, around 18 inches would be the maximum height.

3. How do I pay for the flowers?
If not paying the florist directly, please place a check (memo line “Altar Flowers”) for the total of your arrangement in the offering basket, or put it in Michelle’s mailbox.
4. How do I sign up?
You can sign up for dates to provide flowers by clicking here, or let Michelle know via phone or email (, 314-966-3220) what date(s) you want to sign up for, and what the dedication will be.

Still have questions? Please call or email Michelle! 💐
Offerings vs. Budget Update
Next Sunday's Bible Readings
Genesis 45:3-15; 1 Corinthians 15:21-26, 30-42; Luke 6:27-38
Worship Leaders
This Sunday - 2/13
Lector: Steve Phelps
Communion: Derek Don
Greeters: Janet Leet
S/V: Paul Barbercheck
Ushers: Ken Clark, Jack Hurley, Gerry Lucas
Children's Message: Janet Leet
Next Sunday - 2/20
Lector: Beth Nicolaus
Communion: Mike Toney
Greeters: Jerry & Beth Nicolaus
S/V: Tony Petzoldt
Ushers: Kelly Climer, Judy George, Lisa Grossenheider
Children's Message: Pastor Scott
The Word Within the Word