
Thursday, October 20, 2022

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter

October 20,  2022

Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible

 -10/23 – Sunday - Nehemiah 11 - Leaders in Jerusalem

10/24– Monday - Nehemiah 12 - Service at the Temple

10/25 – Tuesday - Nehemiah 13 - Final Reforms

10/26 –Wednesday - Luke 18 - Parables

10/27 – Thursday - 2 Timothy 4 - Preach the Word

10/28 – Friday - Psalm 5 - Lead Me in your Righteousness

10/29 – Saturday - Genesis 4 - Cain and Able

10/30 – Sunday1 Thessalonian 1

Thanks for Work of Faith

From: Pastor Scott

Thank you to everyone who filled out a survey. Sunday, through our vision event, we will get closer to discovering God’s will for our congregation. After worship we will gather in the Gym. Everyone will get a name tag and sit at round tables which are perfect for discussion. At 10:45, we meet Rev Dan Gilbert of Lutheran Church Extension Fund. He has been working with our vision team and he’ll lead us that morning. Dan was a district president and has guided many churches. Over the next thirty minutes he’ll introduce vision planning and give a devotion.

Lunch will be served between 11:15 and 12pm. Laura Murphy is picking up Psghetti’s which includes pasta, sandwiches and salad. After lunch, you’ll be assigned to a table where a member of the vision team resides. Pastor Gilbert will then lead us through the discovery process as we learn the results of our survey. We will be done between 1 and 1:30pm.

As I said from the pulpit last Sunday, God wants all of his people at Glendale to be involved. You have a unique perspective which is valuable. Come and share a time of input, conversation and listening to God’s will. This event will give us the next step towards new ministry at our church.

Vision Event:

Please join us for some food and fellowship as Lutheran Church Extension Fund pastors lead us to discuss the surveys.

Today, after service. Lunch provided for all.

Voter's Meeting:

A Voters’ Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, October 30, 2022, immediately following service. Our primary agenda item will be to elect Leadership Council Members and Elders. Derek Don and Mike Murphy have been nominated to serve three-year terms on the Leadership Council. Mike Toney and John Steele have been nominated to serve three-year terms as Elders. We will also provide an update on playground construction and may have other agenda items we will include in future announcements.


Priestly Humility by Joel Hemple

Recently, I came across a wonderful story about the great medical missionary, Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965). Dr. Schweitzer was renowned for many accomplishments, one of which was the hospital in Africa he founded and where he served the underprivileged.

On one occasion when Schweitzer returned home to raise money for his hospital, reporters waited for him at the train station. But they almost missed him because they were waiting for him to exit the train from the first-class car. When they finally caught up with him, they asked why he was traveling third-class. He replied, “Because there was no fourth class.”

My guess is that many times during his childhood, he heard his father – a Lutheran pastor– preach on the text, Philippians 2:5-7, and apparently he took the message to heart: “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of

a servant being born in the likeness of men.”

This past Sunday, Pastor Scott preached about the “priesthood of all believers” and the importance of the unique vocation to which each of us has been called. One way to describe true humility is when a person identifies and lives into the vocation or calling to which God needs them and doesn’t try to be something they’re not. True humility includes owning our strengths as well as recognizing our limitations and dependency on God and each other. None of us have it all. And none of us are the complete package.

As St. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12, “There are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone” (verses 4-6). Our church needs every one of us because every one of us brings something different to the table. Even the littlest ones among us bring what the rest of us cannot bring: The joy of innocence and spontaneity as they run down the aisle for the children’s message and from the chancel steps wave back at their family proudly looking on. The church cannot thrive without each of us. And the church cannot survive unless we humbly recognize and embrace our own calling and the necessary vocations of others.

Arrogance, harmful pride, and know it all attitudes are best left at the entrance to Christian community.

This coming Sunday when we meet for the Vision Event, each of us will bring the value of our unique perspective AND our desire to hear the voice of our Lord in his Word and from the community of believers.

Operation Christmas Child... by Carol Froesel

Its time again to fill those shoe boxes that Samaritan Purse sends around the world to spread the Gospel and light up the eyes and hearts of underprivileged children. 

Please begin to gather goodies to pack in them. There are lists of suggestions available on the "Christmas Child" table in the Fellowship room.

Last year our boxes travelled to Rawanda, Africa. Isn't it always exciting to see how far a little love can reach!

Any questions call: Carol Froesel 314-822-1365

Blessings on all our efforts.

Finance Update

Next Sunday's Bible Readings

Genesis 4:1-15 **2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18**Luke 18:9-17

Worship Leaders

This Sunday - 10/23

Lector: Jerry Nicolaus

Communion: Derek Don

Greeters: Ron & Carol Froesel

S/V: Paul Barbercheck

Ushers: Terry Buchholz, Ken Clark, Jon Chapa

Children's Message: Steph Chapa

Next Sunday - 10/30

Lector: Jon Chapa

Communion: Tony Petzoldt

Greeters:Mike Toney, Rodger Lubben, Steve Phelps


Ushers: Mike Toney, Rodger Lubben, Steve Phelps

Children's Message:Pastor Scott

The Word Within the Word
Online Calendar
Glendale Lutheran Church
Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm
(314) 966-3220
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