
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter

November 23, 2022

Advent Potlucks are back!

November 30, December 7, and December 14. Bring a dish to share! Dinner at 5:30, worship at 6:30.

Angel Tree

Our Seminary Families Tree in the back of church is decorated with ornaments with the names of the children of seminarians, and the moms and dads, and the families. Please select an ornament, if you wish to participate, and purchase a gift for the child or family whose name is on the ornament. Wrap the gift and place it under the tree with their name and your name and your address on it by Sunday, December 4. The gifts will be delivered to the families that week. The Seminary families really appreciate our thoughtfulness and generosity in making this Christmas extra special for the families. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Skouby.

Altar Flowers 2023

The Altar Flowers 2023 dates are now available! You can sign up online via the link, or if you'd rather you can simply email or call Michelle. Altar Flower FAQ sheets are on the kiosk as well as over by the staff mailboxes (where the physical flower chart hung in years past).

Operation Christmas Child

Its time again to fill those shoe boxes that Samaritan Purse sends around the world to spread the Gospel and light up the eyes and hearts of underprivileged children. Please begin to gather goodies to pack in them. There are lists of suggestions available on the "Christmas Child" table in the Fellowship room.

Last year our boxes travelled to Rawanda, Africa. Isn't it always exciting to see how far a little love can reach! Any questions call Carol Froesel at 314-822-1365. Blessings on all our efforts!

Overdosing on Shrugs* - article by Joel Hempel

On a scale of one to ten, how much are you at risk of becoming indifferent to the Word of God?


Every preacher (myself included) who has ever filled the pulpit at GLC has delivered multiple messages about the Law of God and the Gospel. The Law (what God has instructed us to do as revealed in his Word) and the Gospel (what God has done for us through Jesus and what he continues to do for us through the Holy Spirit) are our spiritual lifeblood. The Word of God (the Law and Gospel combined) gives us meaning and direction in life. But, we, the church (individual Christians and GLC as a congregation), are constantly tempted by Satan to not take God’s Word seriously and not receive our Lord’s promises revealed to us in Scripture.


For example, we have repeatedly heard that we should be actively standing up for Jesus and sharing the Gospel wherever possible. Yea, we hear that all the time. Shrug number one. Everyone reading this article and everyone not reading this article is entangled with some sin(s) that is eating away at their soul. Repentance is needed. Get help. Yea, I know that’s true. But! Shrug number two.


“I am hungry; I'm sick; I am in prison; I have nothing to cover my naked body; I'm a stranger here and alone. I am Jesus, and I need you.” I feel your pain, but I'm busy. Shrug number three.


One more: God loves you. He loves you so much that he gave his Son to die for you. He forgives you. And now, you live by his grace which empowers and equips you for the rest of your life. Thanks. I appreciate it, but it's not all that helpful for what I am dealing with. Shrug number four.  


Shrugs are dangerous. They can lead to complacency and stagnation, doubt and worry, feelings of insignificance, and boredom. Christian faith does not grow well under these conditions.


Is there an antidote to a shrugs overdose? Like any other kind of addiction, the corrective or remedy for spiritual overdosing on apathy starts with:


1.    Recognizing and then wanting to stop the shrugging.


2.    Next, ask the Holy Spirit to help you realize when you are shrugging off the Word of God and Gospel promises.  


3.    Ask God to reveal to you what he needs you to see or hear at this time in your life that is most important for your well-being. 


4.    Daily – and especially when you are in worship and hearing or reading the Word of God – intentionally ask God to help you stay open to his wisdom and direction for you. Yes, God cares so much for you that he will give you direction for your life and the means to accomplish it.


5.    Finally, you are worth this effort, and you are also worth the pastor's or a deacon's time to talk this over. 


* The title comes from an online article by Jessica Hagy, We’re Overdosing on Shrugs: 11 Strategies to Survive an Apathy Epidemic”.

Finance Update

Next Sunday's Bible Readings

Isaiah 11:1-10; Romans 15:4-13; Matthew 3:1-12

Worship Leaders

This Sunday - 11/27

Lector: Steve Phelps

Communion: Derek Don

Greeters: Judy George, Janet Leet

S/V: Paul Barbercheck

Ushers: Terry Buchholz, Ken Clark, Jack Hurley

Children's Message:

Next Sunday - 12/4

Lector: Lisa Grossenheider

Communion: Terry Buchholz

Greeters: Paul & Sandy Barbercheck

S/V: Ken Clark

Ushers: Derek Don, Ron Froesel, Jack Hurley

Children's Message: Stephanie Chapa

The Word Within the Word
Online Calendar

Glendale Lutheran Church

Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm

(314) 966-3220

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