
Thursday, October 17, 2024

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter

October 17, 2024

Jesus Died For Me! So What? - article by Joel Hempel

If you are anything like me, you have heard and read countless times that Jesus died for you. Repeatedly, year after year, you have heard that our Lord suffered unspeakable rejection from Father God and suffered unfathomable pain on the cross bearing our sins and the death we deserved. We hear that Gospel message so often that if we are not in a life crisis, we can treat that amazing grace as if we’re hearing the weather report.


Well, Gospel News is not about the weather. But it is about whether or not we have a life worth living and a death not to be feared. The Gospel truth is that the what, why, and how of our salvation either changes our life for now and eternity, or it is another boring, ho-hum message to be forgotten. What is it for you?


By nature, God is entirely just and, simultaneously, altogether merciful. Scripture reveals that God demands complete obedience to the laws of love, demands justice when the laws of God are violated, and eagerly offers unconditional mercy for those who repent. (1)


Because sin and an oppositional mindset are built into humanity as a result of the original fall from grace, each of us humans was headed to hell for eternity. However, Scripture repeatedly states that God is Love (2) and that he had to find a way to satisfy his nature, which is both just and merciful.


Enter Jesus!


Unlike Abraham, who was ready to sacrifice his son but was spared the pain, (3) God sent his Son, (4) whose mission was to serve both his Father’s love and demand for justice. Jesus came to die – not just our kind of death, but a death that included hell’s punishment. Jesus died for you!


So what? You ask!   


Trees die to give us a house; wheatfields die to provide us with bakeries full of incredible aromas; flowers die in the fall to give us enlivening color in the spring. And Jesus died to grant us strength now and to remove suffering from eternity. He died to set us free from Satan’s controlling influence and to grant us abundant life – not free from pain, but free to be at peace and enjoy a life dedicated to God, who loves us and gives us opportunities to delight in loving others.


So what that Jesus died for you? Consider what life would be without Jesus:

  • Suffering without his strength and courage.
  • Never have that empty place inside us filled with God’s love and acceptance.
  • Be slaves to the desires of our flesh.
  • Not ever be confident we are forgiven and free from shame.
  • No sisters and brothers in Christ who care for us.
  • Not be a part of a vision and purpose that is more significant than us.
  • Not have Christian songs and hymns to sing that add warmth and hope to our day.
  • No potlucks!


So what?


If you are still asking, So what? You need to get the life God wants for you. Ask him!

1. Psalm 97:2; Colossians 3:5; Psalm 145:8-9; Romans 3:21-26

2. 1 John 4:8

3. Genesis 22:1-19

4. John 7:33; 1 John 4:10

Handbell Opportunity

Are you interested in ringing handbells? Plans are being made for music this Christmas and we want you to be involved! Contact Seth today at for more details.

Voters' Meeting

The Leadership Council has scheduled a Voters’ Meeting for Sunday, October 27, 2024, immediately following service where our primary agenda item will be to elect Leadership Council Members and Elders. Leadership Council candidates include Michael Barbercheck and Andy Ryan, both of whom have accepted nominations to serve their second three-year terms. Additionally, Mimi Schaefer has accepted a nomination to join the Council for her first three-year term. For Elders, Mike Toney has accepted a nomination to continue his service as one of the Congregation’s elders. In addition to Leadership Council and Elder elections, we will be providing our quarterly update regarding the congregation’s finances. We look forward to seeing everyone!

Lutheran World Relief - Hurricane Aid Donations

Lutheran World Relief is rushing bottled water and other urgently requested items to our partners in North Carolina and Florida. We are also sending a minimum of 10 truckloads of LWR Quilts & Kits to affected communities in North Carolina, Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana. More will be mobilized as needed.

Thanks to your support, we are providing cash grants to many of the same local organizations who will be distributing Quilts and Kits. The grants will be used to amplify their efforts, including providing food, water, essential supplies and temporary housing. Most of these organizations are smaller but deeply embedded in local communities, so your gifts are expanding critical front-line responses that really need extra support.

Finance Update

Next Sunday's Bible Readings

Revelation 14:6-7; Romans 3:19-28; John 8:31-36

Worship Leaders

This Sunday - 10/20

Lector: Stephanie Chapa

Children's Message: Janet Leet

Communion: Tony Petzoldt & Sem Student

Greeters: Terry & Marilyn Young

Sound/Video: Terry Young

Ushers: Rodger Lubben, Jack Hurley, Terry Buchholz, Gerry Lucas

Next Sunday - 10/27

Lector: Lisa Grossenheider

Children's Message: Jon Chapa

Communion: John Steele & Sem Student

Greeters: Terry & Jennifer Buchholz

Sound/Video: Mike Toney

Ushers: Steve Phelps, Ron Froesel, Jeanne Lipinski, Judy George

The Word Within the Word
Online Calendar

Glendale Lutheran Church

Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm

(314) 966-3220

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