
Thursday, March 31, 2022

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
March 31, 2022
Let me give you an update on our refugee family. We just sent the resumes of the father and two adult sons to a company in Washington, Mo that is looking for Afghan workers. This seems like a perfect opportunity. The company will pick up employees near Tower Grove and drive them to and from work. They will also teach English for 1 hour a day. The family was very excited. The men are attending job preparedness training at the institute starting tomorrow. As we wait to hear back, pray for them.

Greg Frimel did dental work on one daughter as well as our interpreter. Andrea Anderson drove the wife to sewing lessons at Christian Friends of New Americans. Pray for friends for the wife. Cathie Albers took the family to a medical clinic. They helped one daughter with an ear infection. We’ve helped them understand their financial situation and budgeting. We’ve also aided them to get state IDs and a bank account.

We studied with Dawood so he could pass his driving permit test. They are in need of a cheap car. If you have a car you no longer use, you can donate it to the church and get the tax relief. The institute has provided them with donated furniture. John Steele brought over donated dishes. They are enrolled in food stamps so they have the food they need. They can’t use food stamps to buy toiletries so if you want to donate items like toothpaste, toilet paper, cleaning supplies and hygiene products, we will take them. Thank you to our volunteers who have loved this refugee family.
Daily Bible Reading
Last Lenten Potluck of the Season!

     Please bring a dish to share

Fellowship 5:00  ~ Dinner 5:30 ~ Worship 6:30

April 6
Easter Lilies

Easter Lilies are now available for order! The cost is $8 per plant. Order forms are by the mailboxes and on the kiosk, or you can just email your order to me at and drop a check in my mailbox.
Prayer Posture - article by Joel Hempel

Following Pastor Scott’s sermon on the many postures of prayer, we began Dr. Eckrich’s Bible class with the song, “I Am Trusting Thee Lord, Jesus, Trusting only Thee.” This hymn seemed like the perfect transition from considering the postures of prayer to trusting God for resilience as we age and lose abilities. 

Like you, I have many prayer postures depending on the circumstance. I may be sitting on the side of the bed in the morning, holding Marcia's hand during devotions, or sitting with my feet on my desk before I start writing one of these articles. I also remember praying fervently with my hands white-knuckling the stirring wheel as my car did a 180 on the ice. These and many other postures work just fine for communicating our thoughts, feelings, and requests to God. 

But the posture that is least helpful and most disappointing to God is a posture of distrust. The second definition for posture in the online Oxford Dictionary is “an approach or attitude.” Of course, none of us are in God's "shoes." But many of us are or have been parents and know the feeling of our kids approaching us with unrealistic or unreasonable requests and sometimes demands. It’s not that our children were or are intending to be unreasonable. It's not that we didn't care or didn't want to grant their request. Rather, we knew it would have been unwise to give them what they wanted. We knew things they didn’t know and could not have known. 

As adults, you and I now need to remember what we would have liked our children to know when they were (or are currently) small: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding…Be not wise in your own eyes” (Proverbs 3:5, 7). 

Pastor Scott ended his sermon with great wisdom: “Whatever your prayer posture, Jesus is ready to listen. You are a friend of Jesus. If the request is within his will, he will give it to you." 

The ability to trust in our friendship with Jesus is crucial to being at peace as we wait upon the Lord. Here’s a prayer request we know God wants to grant: 

Dear Jesus, increase my trust in you. Forgive me when I doubt your love. Amen. 
Offerings vs. Budget Update
Next Sunday's Bible Readings
Deuteronomy 32:36-39; Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 23:1-56
Worship Leaders
This Sunday - 4/3
Lector: Jonathan Chapa
Communion: Mike Toney
Greeters: Steve & Phyllis Phelps
S/V: Tony Petzoldt
Ushers: Terry Buchholz, Jonathan Chapa, Ken Clark
Children's Message: Steph Chapa
Next Sunday - 4/10
Lector: Miriam Lee
Communion: Terry Buchholz
Greeters: Jack & Norma Bentzinger
S/V: Paul Barbercheck
Ushers: Kelly Climer, Laurel Don, Derek Don
Children's Message: Pastor Scott
The Word Within the Word