Glimpses of Glendale |
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
October 2, 2016
Sunday, October 2
9:15am -- Worship
10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education
Monday, October 3
6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
6:00pm -- Elders' Meeting
7:00pm-9:00pm -- Lightroom Fundamentals - FLC
Tuesday, October 4
6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
12:00pm-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
6:00pm-9:00pm -- Baker Basketball
Wednesday, October 5
6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
9:00am-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
7:30pm -- Choir
Thursday, October 6
6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
1:00pm -- Nifty Knitters/Clever Crocheters
7:00pm -- AA - Mixed - FLC
Friday, October 7
6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
6:15pm -- AA Women - FLC
8:00pm -- AA Men - FLC
Saturday, October 8
8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
10:30am - LWML Board Meeting - FLC
5:00pm -- Worship
Sunday, October 9
9:15am -- Worship
10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education
A Message from Dr. Biermann
For a pastor, there is no greater joy or blessing than being able to deliver God's gifts to his people. For the last two Sundays I have had the honor of being able to celebrate the Lord's Supper with all of you, and give you the very body of Christ to forgive, strengthen, and equip you for life. Now, this Sunday I have the further opportunity of being able to step into Glendale's pulpit and speak God's Word to you. It is a weighty responsibility and a tremendous privilege. I am looking forward to it with marked anticipation. I hope that you are as well. Each week God speaks his truth to you through his servant. Come ready to hear what God has to say to you.
Of course, the particular gifts that God has for you don't end with the benediction. God speaks to you through the sermon, and he continues to speak to you and teach you his truth in the study of his Word. I love to teach God's truth. I hope that you will join me for our time of Bible study at 10:30 on Sunday. If it hasn't been your habit to attend, this would be a great time to try a change in your routine and stay for the study. I believe that you'll soon realize spending that extra time can make a significant impact on your faith and on your life during the week ahead.
Your regular attendance in church and Bible class also has one other benefit: it will help me get to know you and put names with faces! On a side note, my wife will be in church
and Bible class this weekend. I am eager to introduce her to all of you and she is looking forward to meeting you as well.
Faith Formation Ministry
One Family Bible Class 
Dr. Biermann leads the Bible Class this morning in the Family Life Center. Grab a cup of coffee and join us.
Sunday School
Again this Sunday, preschool through 1st grade children will meet in the lower level of the Parish House (under the gym). Grades 2 through 6 will meet in the lower level of the new building across from the elevator, room 012. High School youth will gather in the Youth Room. Confirmation class for 7th and 8th grade youth will be in the conference room next to Pastor's office, room 113.
Stewardship Sentence
Matthew 9:2 'And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven."' All the gifts of God are promised to us in the forgiveness of our sins. With sin put away, we know that the Resurrection on the Last Day will yield for us true healing, everlasting life, and full communion with God. Since that is our destiny, how can we not live lives of thankfulness, love, and joy here on earth? What are you thankful for? How will you respond to the Lord in thankfulness this week?
Church Organ Update!
Stop by the fellowship center after service today to see our display of the work that was done on the organ this summer. The sliders have been cleaned and adjusted and new pipes were added in place of those that were broken. The organ is now fully functional. Thank you for your support!
Pastoral Care
If you need pastoral care for any reason, don't hesitate to contact the church office or one of the vacancy pastors directly. Pastor Biermann will be at the church on Monday and Thursday mornings most weeks, and Pastor Erkkinen is available on campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
 Back by popular demand - Saturday, October 22 at 6:00 p.m. will be an OktoberFest at the Barbercheck home (629 Bonita Avenue, Webster Groves) featuring the brews of Gefahrliches Ding (Tony Petzoldt and Dan Stauder's brewery), Schlafly Brewery and others. There will be babysitting available. It's a "Bring a Dish to Share" event. Tony plans to bring Petzoldt brats. And if you don't like beer, don't dismay, there will be plenty of wine and other beverages available. Bring a friend, bring a neighbor - just enjoy the fall weather and singing the Schnitzelbank Song, led by Tony!
Potluck Dinner
 October 19 is the date of the next Potluck! We have asked the CCLS families to join us again, this time to participate and bring a dish. We also encourage everyone to bring a contribution for the KirkCare Food Pantry. See you there at 6:00pm for fellowship and 6:30pm for dinner!
TLC Ministry
In an attempt to revitalize the TLC Ministry at GLC, Phyllis Phelps has partnered with Beth Nicholaus to get things rolling. The purpose of the committee is to provide meals, etc. for those in our congregation who may be going through times of illness, recovery, etc. The hope is that many of you already do this on your own, but in order not to inundate the recipient with more than they can use at any one time, it is nice for us to be able to spread the wealth, so to speak.
We are asking for a list of volunteers who would be willing to do this sort of thing on occasion if the needs arise. I will be posting a sign-up sheet on the kiosk and hopefully will have more names than we will ever need. Or you can call Phyllis at 314-822-2639, email at pdpsppphelps@att.net, or call Beth at 314-961-8075. Thank you all in advance.
Along this line of thinking, we currently have a need that will be on-going for a period of time. Pastor and Julie Wise I am sure would appreciate a little break now and then, and with that in mind would love to have some names to get things off to a good start. I am certain that many of you have already offered but think it would be rewarding to all of us if we can share in this ministry.
In Christ,
Calling All Thrivent Members!
 If you are a member of Thrivent Financial, and you so choose, you have the opportunity to share some of your Action Team Dollars with ministries and projects going on in our GLC congregation and community. Many Thrivent members are not aware that these funds are available so they go unused. The outreach committee has used some of these Action Team dollars to host outreach events in the past, but would like to get more Thrivent members involved. If you are interested in learning more about how to use you Action Team funds, please contact Sue Schultz.
Voters' Meeting
We will have a Voters' Meeting on Sunday, October 16, 2016, in the sanctuary following  service. The only item on our agenda will be the election of two Leadership Council members and one Elder. The Leadership Council candidates are Lisa Grossenheider and Phyllis Phelps to serve three-year terms. Outgoing Leadership Council members are Marcia Hempel and David Reed. The Elder candidate is Greg Frimel to serve a three-year term. Our outgoing Elder is Andy Ortstadt. We will accept additional nominations at the Voters' Meeting and look forward to everyone's participation.
Attention All Crafters!
Remember that the craft fair will be on October 15, 2016.  We will be accepting donations of craft items of all types. It will be helpful if items are priced by the donor and in the hands of the crafter committee, i.e. the Nifty Knitters and Clever Crocheters, by October 13. That will enable us to work out the display arrangements. If you have questions, contact Sally Dobrunz. Thank you for supporting the organ fund!
Name Tags
You may have noticed that our name tags have once again been  placed in the entrance hall. In light of the fact that we have a new pastor, we hope that you will wear yours to help him get to know us and feel part of the congregation. It would also be helpful for those attending the potluck, to help our guests from CCLS feel at home here. Thanks so much!
CCLS Carnival
 Come one, come all! Join us for the CCLS Carnival Friday, October 7 from 6:00-11:00pm and Saturday, October 8 from 11:00am-9:00pm at the CCLS Middle School campus, 110 W. Woodbine Road in Kirkwood. Ride the Ferris wheel, indulge on a funnel cake, or take part in a pig race that is sure to make the kids squeal. Back by popular demand, the Tamale Man will sell his south-of-the-border delicacies Friday night, and Jason's Deli will sell yummy sandwiches all weekend long. The Lutheran South Lancerettes are performing Saturday at noon, and band 5 Star Roscoe will take the stage Saturday from 4:00-7:00pm. The carnival is a great time to catch up with old friends, or meet some new ones! To buy discounted tickets, visit CCLS-stlouis.org before October 5. Questions? Email carnival@ccls-stlouis.org.
Trivia Night at Lutheran South
The Lutheran South bands are hosting their annual Trivia Night on Saturday, October 22 at 7:00pm (doors open at 6:15). Proceeds will help students pay for this year's band tour to the Midwest. The Grand Prize is four free Field Box Cardinals tickets for each player at the winning table. Tickets are $15 each or a table of six for $90; includes light snacks and prizes for the top scorers. Space is limited so make your reservation early! See any band member or contact Mrs. Laurie Senkbeil at 314-308-9271.
Golf Tournament
Room at the Inn Golf Tournament to Benefit Area Homeless Room at the Inn's Third Annual Golf Tournament is on Monday, October 10, 2016, at Westborough Country Club. Player cost is $150 per person or $500 per foursome. Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, contact Mary Kaminski at 314-209-9181 or MaryK@roomstl.org. For the event website and online registration, visit www.roomstl.org/events. With the involvement of nearly 60 interfaith congregations, Room at the Inn offers temporary, emergency shelter for homeless women and families, up to 20 people each night. All proceeds from the golf tournament will benefit the shelter's clients. Thank you for giving our homeless clients a purpose and a future!
The Word Within The Word
Worship Attendance
Saturday 9/24, 12; Sunday 9/25, 96 = 108 Total
Funnies (used with permission)
Worship Leaders | This Sunday (10/2) | Next Sunday (10/9 |
Preacher/Celebrant | Dr. Joel Biermann | Dr. Joel Biermann |
Liturgist | Dr. Joel Biermann | Dr. Joel Biermann |
Pianist (Saturday) | Bill Lubben | Joy Elowsky |
Organist (Sunday) | Joy Elowsky | Joy Elowsky |
Lector | Steve Phelps | Andy Ortstadt |
Acolyte | Krista Steele | Spencer Moore |
Children's Message | Seminarian Nate McCarty | Marcia Ladd |
Communion Assistant | Seminarian Nate McCarty | Seminarian Nate McCarty |
Lay Communions Assistants
| Jack & Norma Bentzinger | Terry & Jennifer Buchholz |
Greeters | Sally Dobrunz, Janet Leet | Steve & Phyllis Phelps |
Nursery | Jill & Luke Schultz | Nora & Krista Steele |
Sound/Video | Jerry & Beth Nicolaus | Tony Petzoldt |
Ushers | Ken Clark, Jack Hurley, Jeff Wille | Deb Toney, Judy George, Becci Sasser, Theresa Canania |
PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day:
Ruth 1:1-19a; 2 Timothy 2:1-13; Luke 17:11-19
October Birthdays & Anniversaries
5 - Bettie Welch
6 - Gloria Nobis
7 - LaVerne Eifert
8 - Steve Brugere
Lisa Grossenheider
Bill Lubben
9 - Ben Haskenhoff
11 - Janet Hurley
14 - Howard Finley
15 - Bruce Hartung
Grant Lee
19 - Josh Schultz
20 - Maggie McClanahan
21 - Jeanne Clark
22 - Janet Leet
23 - Phyllis Phelps
24 - Magnus Hempel
25 - Karen Raterman
26 - Kelly Climer
27 - Sally Dobrunz
28 - Molly Ryan
2 - Devin & Marilee Sauer
4 - Justin & Candace Lane
11 - Klaus & Vivian Kattentidt
14 - Jules & Mary Bush
17 - Sue & Doug Schmidt
22 - Rick & Sandy Faeth