Glimpses of Glendale Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter | | | Pastor Scott's Message
I’m back from Uganda and I can’t wait to share it with you. This Sunday, March 31st, Faith and I will share our journey through pictures. Come to the Family Life Center during the Adult Bible Class. Here are some highlights.
We traveled with Christ Community International, headed by Dr. Kent and Katie Killian. The group of 19 also included the Bergantz’s (Eric, Tanya and Sara) from Concordia, the Gordon’s (Rob, Beth, Megan and Jacob) from Pathfinder, the Spangler’s (John, Erica and Ellie) from Webster, the McGue’s (Lisa and Abby) from Concordia, and Sarah Bradfield. It is the biggest group they’ve brought in the last eight years. We truly were a little congregation set on helping the Lord’s mission.
It took about 30 hours from St. Louis to our hotel in Jinga, Uganda. The country is green and beautiful. I truly felt more connected to God’s creation. On that Saturday, we traveled by rented bus an hour and a half to the village of Kawate to Christ Community Lutheran School. Though it was not a school day, over one hundred kids bombarded us with smiles and hugs. We were treated like royalty. The school has almost 200 students, preschool through 7th grade. One little two year old, Sunyo Innocent, grabbed my hand and wouldn’t let go. The same thing happened every day I came back. I later found out that he didn’t have a father. The next day was special. We worshipped under the trees with the Kawete congregation. The Lutheran Bishop over Uganda led services in the local language but I got to baptize 6 children and 1 adult convert from Islam. I also preached and the Bishop translated. We could feel God moving. Afterwards, we witnessed the graduation ceremony for the 7th graders. We presented them with Bibles in the local language and a female goat. They sang and danced in celebration.
So much happened the rest of the week. I got to teach Pastoral Theology at the Lutheran Seminary. The seminary is only three years old with 45 students. A church in Texas is funding the construction which is on going, but they have almost no money. It only costs $2,000 per student per year to cover expenses. I was grateful to help with the teaching load. It enabled the two full-time professors to do responsibilities like run the school. Our group completed many projects at the elementary school. We made chalk board dividers for the preschool, a gorgeous mural of Eagles wings in one of the classrooms, a 9 square game for the kids, nesting boxes for chickens, and hand washing stations. We also presented care packages from sponsors and interviewed 30 new students for sponsorship. Dr. Killian and nurse Beth spent every day in the clinic seeing locals. Leaving Uganda my heart was filled. I received so much more than I gave. I’d love for you to experience the same. God is moving in Africa and we get to be a part of it. See you Sunday! | |  | Sunday, March 31 - 9:15 am - Worship
- 10:45 am - Sunday School/Bible Class
Monday, April 1 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 7:30 am - Men's Bible Study
- 3:00 pm - LFCS Counselor
Tuesday, April 2 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 9:15 am - Women's Bible Study
- 4:00 pm - Holy Yoga
- 7:00 pm - Men's Dartball
Wednesday, April 3 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 5:00 pm - Potluck Fellowship & Dinner
- 6:30 pm - Midweek Lenten Worship
- 7:00 pm - Choir
| |  |  | Thursday, April 4 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 1:00 pm - Nifty Knitters/Clever Crocheters
- 7:00 pm - Women's Evening Bible Study
- 7:00 pm - AA Mixed
- 7:15 pm - Crossroads
Friday, April 5 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 6:15 pm - AA Women
- 8:00 pm - AA Men
Saturday, April 6 - 9:00 am - Holy Yoga
- 5:00 pm - Worship
Sunday, April 7 - 9:15 am - Worship
- 10:45 am - Sunday School/Bible Class
| |  | | Easter Lily order forms have been put in member mailboxes. The price per lily is $7.50 as in past years. Please turn your completed form in to Michelle's mailbox or call the church office. Thank you! | | Our 4th annual Palm Sunday Fair will be held in the gym on April 14, 2019, following the celebration church service. Bring your families, your grandchildren, for the palm march in the service and the egg hunt on the front lawn after church. CCLS families are invited. A continental breakfast (sign up sheet on the kiosk) will be served after church. In case of inclement weather, the egg hunt will be held inside. PLEASE TAKE HOME the bags of empty eggs to be filled and returned by April 10. Baskets are in the hall outside the office. | | Worship Is...
In Worship, God ACTS. He - Absolves the believer of sins,
- Confirms the believer's faith in His promises,
- Teaches the believer the way of life, and
- Sends the believer His Spirit through the Word and Sacrament.
| | We are trying to locate the DVD & Study Guide for Volume 11: The Path to the Cross by “That the World May Know”. Also the DVD - Same Kind of Different as Me. Please contact Jeanne Clark (821-0522). | | Don't forget to join us for our Wednesday Lenten potluck dinners! Fellowship begins at 5 with dinner starting at 5:30. | | Next Sunday's Bible Readings | | Isaiah 43:16-21; Philippians 3:4-14; Matthew 24:3-8 | |  | This Sunday - 3/31
- Preacher - Pastor Scott
- Liturgist - Pastor Scott
- Lector - Andy Ortstadt
- Children's Message - Tim Cosby
- Communion Assistant - Nate McCarty
- Lay Assistant - Steve Phelps
- Greeters - Sally Dobrunz, Janet Leet
- Sound/Video - Tony Petzoldt
- Ushers - Carol Froesel, Lisa Grossenheider, Jeanne Lipinski, Debbie Jacobson
- Pianist (Saturday) - Carol Benninghoff
- Organist (Sunday) - Jim Thielker
- Bible Class Video Support - Mike Murphy
| |  |  | Next Sunday - 4/7
- Preacher - Pastor Scott
- Liturgist - Pastor Scott
- Lector - Miriam Lee
- Children's Message - Janet Leet
- Communion Assistant - Nate McCarty
- Lay Assistants - Terry Buchholz
- Greeters - Mike & Lisa Grossenheider
- Sound/Video - Mike Toney
- Ushers - Ken Clark, Ron Froesel, Frank Moret, Gary Riley
- Pianist (Saturday) - Jim Thielker
- Organist (Sunday) - Jim Thielker
- Bible Class Video Support - Jerry Nicolaus
| |  | | 1 – Justin Eads
4 – Abbie Schultz
6 – Carol Dowell Ellie Steele
8 – Gail Metzler Ryan Lane
9 – Cathie Albers
11 – John Brugere Marcia Hempel
12 – Dan Eads 13 – Carol Fisher Sarah Skouby Brian Skouby 14 – Judy Thielker
15 – Jeanne Lipinski
16 – Vicki Devenport
17 – Lucille Massie
19 – David Bentzinger | |
22 – Andrea Anderson
24 – Zach Filkins
25 – Faith Jonas
26 – Al Grimm Laura Murphy
28 – Steve Albers
29 – Kelly Schultz
30 – Cindy Sittmann | 10 – Ken & Rosemary Orloff
11 – Ken & Jeanne Clark
23 – Jeanne & David Lipinski
24 – John & Valerie Wehmueller
25 – Paul & Sandy Barbercheck
30 – Paul & Glee Schultz | | Glendale Lutheran Church Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm (314) 966-3220 | | | | | | | |