| Weekly Glimpses of Glendale
| Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter | March 5, 2017 | | | WEEKLY CALENDAR
Sunday, March 5 9:15am -- Worship 10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education | Monday, March 6 6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool 5:30pm-6:30pm -- CCLS Basketball 6:00pm -- Elders' Meeting
| Tuesday, March 7 6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool 9:15am -- Women's Bible Study 12:00pm-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 5:00pm-6:00pm -- CCLS Basketball | Wednesday, March 8 6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool 9:00am-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 5:30pm -- Potluck Dinner 6:30pm -- Midweek Lenten Worship 7:30pm -- Choir | Thursday, March 9 6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool 8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 1:00pm -- Knoble Knotters 7:00pm -- AA Mixed - FLC | Friday, March 10 6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool 6:15pm -- AA Women - FLC 8:00pm -- AA Men - FLC | Saturday, March 11 8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 5:00pm -- Worship | Sunday, March 12 9:15am -- Worship 10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education | | | Pastor Biermann's Message In like a lion, out like a lamb. That's one of the first things I learned about March. I remember grade school art projects that capitalized on the theme. But, of course, the wise people in my life would always caution that one cannot be too certain of the adage--it seemed that it was always a distinct possibility that there could be a late month blizzard. Those rarely materialized, but a gentle and pleasant end of the month was also pretty rare in the upper Midwest. Regardless the weather (and this year in St. Louis at least, it seems entirely likely that March will both enter and exit with a lamb-like degree of docility), March is a transition month. We move from winter to spring. So, the color green seems to capture the month perfectly: green grass, green leaves, green St. Patrick's Day, green new beginnings of life. No doubt, it's a green month. But, March is also purple. This year, all 31 days of the month fall solidly within the season of Lent. The whole month is colored purple. It comes in purple and goes out purple. We have to wait well into April to see things change to white then to black then back to white. For now, though, it's purple. Don't rush these purple days of Lent. And don't disguise the true purple of penitence and reflection behind a verdant green of newness and celebration. I know, it's tempting to yield to the pull of the season around and surrender to the Easter trappings without walking deliberately through all 40 purple days. But, when the days of Lent are short-changed and hurried, the festival that lies on the other side is also significantly diminished. For the sake of Easter, make the most of these purple days. Come to worship-make the commitment: come twice a week. Sing the hymns. Contemplate the readings. Reflect on sin...and on grace. Live through every one of these purple days of March. And, yes, it is OK to relish the green just a little bit--it is, after all, another of God's good gifts rightly to be enjoyed.
Faith Formation Ministry Bible Class and Sunday School
Join us as we grow in our faith and knowledge of God's word.
Stewardship Sentence Matthew 4:7 - Jesus said to him, "Again it is written. . ." Jesus defeats Satan in our place - not by using His power as God, but by His perfect obedience in His perfect humanity. Jesus defeats Satan not by miracles, but by quoting the Scriptures and living according to it. This should cause us great joy for two reasons. First, because we see Jesus win the victory for us. Second, because here Jesus shows us how to stand in that victory: on the Word of God alone.
| In Our Calling For A Lead Pastor - GLC Members Can Submit Candidates to the Call Committee The Glendale Lutheran Church Call Committee is seeking names of pastors its members believe might be excellent candidates for the lead pastor position here. We are looking for a pastor who is experienced in (1) reaching out into the community, (2) fostering family life ministry, (3) connecting with people in genuinely hospitable ways, (4) forging mutual relationships with other church and human care organizations, and (5) doing well the expected work of pastoral care, preaching, and teaching. If you have a pastor or pastors you wish to submit, please provide that name to one of the Call Committee members by March 12, 2017. |
New Broadcast/Archive Capability We are now broadcasting our Sunday morning Bible classes in a similar manner as we have been broadcasting our worship services for many years. These Bible classes, once broadcast, are also archived and are available through our church website to be viewed at your convenience. The broadcast capability was funded with enthusiastic support with monies donated in memorial for Dee Lubben and the parents of Tim Cosby. We thank them for their designation of those funds given in memorial for their loved one(s) to this on-going ministry of our congregation. |
Birthday & Family Meal Kits  February is the month to gather for the kits. Saturday, March 4 is the date for assembling, completing and purchasing any missing pieces before the bags go to Operation Food Search. The boxes are in the entry hall to the church - set your bags next to the boxes if there is no room inside. There are extra flyers on the shelf by the mailboxes if you need one. All details are on the kiosk. Looking forward to being able to make many boys and girls happy on their birthdays. Thanks for your help. |
Community Mt. Calvary Trivia Night Mt. Calvary is hosting an International Travel Trivia Night on Saturday, April 1. Advance tickets are $20 per person or $160 for a table of 8; ticket prices go up $5 per person at the door. Join us for attendance prizes, silent auction, 50/50, prizes for first and last place teams, and best table décor. Doors open at 6:30pm and trivia begins at 7:00pm. To sign up, call 314-668-2360 or visit www.mtcalvarylcms.org/upcoming-events.
Immanuel St. Charles Trivia Night Immanuel, St Charles (115 S. Sixth Street) is hosting their annual Youth Ministries Trivia Night on Saturday, April 1. Doors open at 6:00pm with Trivia beginning at 7:00pm. The theme for this year is "Turn Back the Clock." Trivia goers are encouraged to dress up as their favorite decade; prizes will be awarded! The cost is $20 per person or $160 for a table of 8. Contact Jennifer Smith for a registration form at Jsmith@immanuelstcharles.org. The fundraiser will support the 2017 High school Servant Event to Idaho. |
The Word Within The Word |
Funnies (used with permission) |
Pastoral Care If you need pastoral care for any reason, don't hesitate to contact the church office or one of the vacancy pastors directly. Pastor Biermann will be at the church on Monday and Thursday mornings most weeks, and Pastor Erkkinen is available on campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. |
Worship Attendance Saturday 2/25, 10; Sunday 2/26, 124 = 134 Total |
Worship Leaders
Worship Leaders
| This Sunday (3/5)
| Next Sunday (3/12)
| Preacher/Celebrant
| Pastor Biermann | Pastor Biermann | Liturgist | Pastor Biermann | Pastor Biermann | Lector
| Greg Frimel | Cathie Albers | Pianist (Saturday) | Carol Benninghoff | Joy Elowsky | Organist (Sunday)
| Joy Elowsky
| Joy Elowsky
| Acolyte | Anna Rawlings | Spencer Moore | Communion Assistant
| Nate McCarty | Nate McCarty | Lay Assistants
| Terry Buchholz | Robert & Krissa Lubben | Greeters
| Ron & Carol Froesel | Terry & Jennifer Buchholz | Sound/Video
| Jerry & Beth Nicolaus | Mike Toney, Layton Wille | Ushers
| Ken Clark, Jack Hurley, Jeff Wille, Robert Lubben | Deb Toney, Judy George, Theresa Canania, Becci Sasser | Nursery
| Jill & Luke Schultz | Andy Ortstadt, Ben Lee | Children's Message
| Marcia Ladd | Nate McCarty | |
Next Sunday's Bible Readings PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day: Genesis 12:1-9; Romans 4:1-8,13-17; John 3:1-17 |
March Birthdays & Anniversaries 1 - Adam Lane Brett Naucke 2 - Sharon Gaal 3 - Jack Hurley 7 - Kathy Haskenhoff 8 - Sylvia Bach 12 - Ken Clark Jack Rutter Thomas Willmann 13 - Jean Das Zach Ortstadt Luke Schultz 14 - Michael Barbercheck 17 - Julia Martin 21 - Jenny Lane
| 24 - Jeri Crotzer Nathan Hempel Elizabeth Ryan Steven Schmidt 25 - Bill Bach 26 - Rick Faeth 27 - Gwendolyn Boehme 28 - Bill Naucke Krista Steele 29 - Christian Haskenhoff 30 - David Moore 31 - Jackson Bert Rebecca Wehmueller 3 -Jeff & Suk Wille | |
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