Pastor Biermann's Message It's here. After months of planning and hundreds of hours of work preparing, VBS week has arrived. This is a big week at Glendale, and the hours of intense effort now begin in earnest. With so much time and so many resources invested in a week of VBS, it's worth asking about the impact of such an event. This question is all the more relevant considering that most of the children attending our VBS at Glendale will have no connection to our congregation. It could be argued that our week of VBS has become more a service to busy neighborhood parents than part of the formation of our own children into a life of discipleship. So, is it all worthwhile? The question, I think, matters because it can be similarly asked of many activities carried out in the life of the church. Much time and great resources are committed to worship, Christian formation, fellowship, and service and it's appropriate to wonder about the value and impact of all that investment. So, back to VBS, is it worth it? Ultimately that's a question that must be answered by the congregation each year that it plans its activities and sets its budget. But, it is vital when thinking about the life of the church that we not forget about the innumerable invisible and delayed impacts that any given event or activity might make. The church is not a business. The church can rarely measure success with "concrete, specific, observable, and measurable" goals. Success in the church can only be considered from the standpoint of changed lives with a vantage point of eternity. How are we to know what impact a single VBS lesson might have on a child who one day changes a decision that in turn changes his thinking, and his family, and his community; and that decision changed, at least in part, because of a week spent in the court of a VBS castle? Who can measure the significance of a life that ends in eternity with Christ because the remembered kindness of "church people" once encountered during VBS week years later redirects a struggling adult back to the church for answers to life's pain? Is it possible to calculate the impact made on a follower of Christ whose own life of discipleship deepens and strengthens through a week of selfless giving during VBS? Like so many things we do in the church, the significance of VBS is not subject to easy metrics. Like so many things we do in the church, our week of VBS needs our prayers, encouragement, and appreciation for all that is invested. Like so many things that we do in the church, VBS is also a tool in the arsenal of the Holy Spirit. |
Voters' Meeting A Voters' Meeting is scheduled for June 18, 2017, for a final reading of and vote on the Leadership Council's proposed 2017/2018 budget that was discussed on May 21, 2017. The Meeting will take place in the Sanctuary immediately following the service and before Bible Class. - The Leadership Council |
Funnies (used with permission) |
Pastoral Care If you need pastoral care for any reason, don't hesitate to contact the church office or one of the vacancy pastors directly. Pastor Biermann will be at the church on Monday and Thursday mornings most weeks, and Pastor Erkkinen is available on campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. |
Worship Attendance Saturday 5/27, 10; Sunday 5/28, 126 = 136 Total |
Worship Leaders
Worship Leaders
| This Sunday (6/4)
| Next Sunday (6/11)
| Preacher/Celebrant
| Pastor Biermann | Pastor Biermann | Liturgist | Pastor Biermann | Pastor Biermann | Lector
| Lisa Grossenheider | Julie Atwood-Wise | Pianist (Saturday) | Bill Lubben | Joy Elowsky | Organist (Sunday)
| Joan Bergt
| Joy Elowsky | Acolyte | Spencer Moore | David Moore | Communion Assistant
| Mike Toney | Jerry Nicolaus | Lay Assistants
| Jerry & Beth Nicolaus | Andy & Tracey Ortstadt | Greeters
| Williams family | Chris & Mimi Schaefer | Sound/Video
| Mike Toney, Grace Ortstadt | Ken Clark, Layton Wille | Ushers
| Tony Petzoldt, Frank Moret, Gary Riley, Gerry Lucas | Ken Clark, Jack Hurley, Jeff Wille, Rodger Lubben | Nursery
| Mary Skouby, Anna Rawlings | Vicki Devenport, Sarah Skouby | Children's Message
| Janet Leet | --- | |
Next Sunday's Bible Readings PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day: Genesis 1:1-2:4a; Acts 2:14a, 22-36; Matthew 28:16-20 |
June Birthdays & Anniversaries 1 - Jules Bush Brent Steele Corinne Gutzler 3 - Doug Grimm Hannah Grimm 4 - Amanda Bach Ron Froesel Paul Lucas 7 - Nickie Boehme 8 - Robert Lubben John Wehmueller Kim Boyles 13 - Chris Kattentidt 14 - Dan DeFosset Savannah Lane 15 - Candace Lane 16 - Becky Medlock 17 - Layton Wille 18 - Shannon Gordon 21 - Mark Schultz Jill Schultz
| 25 - Daniel Grossenheider 26 - Rebecca Hertwig 27 - Mary Ann Crabtree 2 - Terry & Jennifer Buchholz David & Gale Reed 3 - Steve & Cathie Albers 6 - Tim & Jan Cosby 7 - Will & Tamara Schumacher Mike & Debbie Toney 10 -Tom & Mary Ann Crabtree Al & Joan Winkler 11 -Keith & Lisa Rawlings 18 -Greg & Tara Bryant 20 -Hank & Joan Schlichter 21 -Ken & Pat Lichtenheld Gene & Cindy Smith 24 -Mark & Jill Schultz
| |