| Weekly Glimpses of Glendale
| Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter | September 20, 2018 |
Sunday, September 23 8:00am -- National Youth Gathering meeting 9:15am -- Worship 10:45am -- Sunday School/Bible Class | Monday, September 24 6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool 7:30am-8:30am -- Men's Bible Study 3:00pm-6:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 7:00pm-9:00pm -- Lightroom Fundamentals - FLC
| Tuesday, September 25 6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool 9:15am -- Women's Bible Study 6:00pm -- L'Arche Faith & Light
| Wednesday, September 26
6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool 9:00am-7:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 7:00pm -- Choir
| Thursday, September 27 6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool 9:00am-5:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 7:00pm -- AA - Mixed - FLC | Friday, September 28 6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool 9:00am-5:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 6:15pm -- AA Women - FLC 8:00pm -- AA Men - FLC | Saturday, September 29 10:00am-12:00pm -- Lightroom Fundamentals - FLC 5:00pm -- Worship | Sunday, September 30 9:15am -- Worship 10:45am -- Sunday School/Bible Class
| | | Pastor Scott's Message Sue Schultz and I invite all high school youth from our church to a meeting about the National Youth Gathering next July in Minneapolis, Minn. We'll meet this Sunday the 23rd at 8am in the Family Life Center to inspire youth to join the adventure. The National Youth Gathering is one of the best things we do as the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. No denomination puts on such a momentous event for teenagers. Since 1980, our gathering has grown to 30,000 people. Congregations from every state and dozens of countries pour into a city and transform it. Cities beg to host because of our impact. We leave a place glowing with God's favor. If you are not familiar, the NYG is at least 5 days packed with Mass events, Bible Studies, servant Events, breakouts, Convention center fun, and city attractions. In Minneapolis, the Mass events will take place in the dome that hosts the NFL's Vikings. There we will join thousands of other LCMS churches to experience a live band, dynamic speakers, riveting dramas, and lots of surprises. It has to be seen to believe. Check out www.lcmsgathering.org. Bible Studies are led by Lutheran teachers, pastors and DCEs. Servant events cover the city. The last one I went to in New Orleans, we painted a school. In Orlando we landscaped a trail (and saw alligators). Breakouts are smaller sessions that the youth get to choose. I led one on once on "Jesus in Movies." The convention center is a million square feet of sports, carnival games, rockwalls, human fooseball, blood donation, food booths, and a ton of other options. We walk everywhere and will get to know the best the city has to offer including Concordia St. Paul. Faith, Grace and I went last time and it created memories that we will always treasure. Ask any of us about our NYG story and we will be happy to share. If you know a youth in our congregation, encourage them to come to the meeting. We'll be glad to have them.
Daily Bible Readings  |
Fresh Look for GLC Website and Facebook Page The GLC website has a lively new look and new ways to find it. You can use any of these addresses to get to the new and improved site. We also have a new Facebook page. Check out Glendale Lutheran Church - LCMS on Facebook. Like us, follow us and share posts about our members and community. A newly formed Communications Committee has been working on these updates and other ways to spread the word about GLC ministry. If you have ideas for increasing the visibility of our ministry or interests in social media, photography, web technologies or communication in general, let Pastor Scott know. |
Upcoming Pancake Breakfast Glendale Lutheran will be hosting our annual pancake breakfast (normally held in the spring!) for our CCLS Preschool families on Wednesday, October 3 from 7:30am-9:00am. If you would like to help flip pancakes or even just enjoy meeting some of our preschool families, please contact Sue Schultz (314-304-0556). Thank you! |
Leadership Nominations The Leadership Council is accepting nominations for two members to serve on the Leadership Council to replace outgoing Council members Bruce Hartung and Andy Ryan and for nominations for two members to serve as Elders to replace outgoing Elders Robert Lubben and Ron Froesel. Each position on the Leadership Council and as an Elder carries a three-year term. Please let anyone on Leadership Council or the Elders know if you would like to nominate someone (including yourself) to fill one of these positions. We hope to have nominations no later than early-September so the Leadership Council can consider them and provide recommendations in advance of our October 2018 Voters' Meeting. |
Potluck! Thanks for joining us at Wednesday's Potluck Dinner! The next one is scheduled for October 17, with fellowship at 6:00pm and dinner at 6:30pm. |
Thursday Evening Women's Bible Study Autumn is nearly here, and so is the Thursday Evening Women's Bible Study. Beginning on September 20th, this group will again be meeting the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:00pm. If you're interesting in joining or have any questions, please contact Cathie Albers at 314-882-2033. |
LWML Event Lutheran Women in Mission present Sing Fest with Rev. Terry Dittmer. The event will take place at Mount Calvary Lutheran in Brentwood, 8:30am to 11:30am, during the LWML St. Louis West Zone Rally. A freewill offering will be taken for LWML treasury and event expenses. Please RSVP by October 12 (for food count) to Annette at amt14405@gmail.com. |
Faith Support for Individuals with Loved Ones in Jail Through his role as Chaplain for the St. Louis County Jail, Pastor Vince Stanley has recognized the emotional stress placed on individuals when a loved one is in jail. Pastor Stanley has formed a faith-based and confidential support group for individuals who have loved ones currently or formerly incarcerated. The group will meet monthly on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00pm at Concordia Lutheran Church in Kirkwood. If you are dealing with this stressful situation or have experiences to share, please join this group. |
Notes from the Music Director Our choir has had an excellent beginning. The words of each anthem are printed in the bulletin. I have chosen some wonderful anthems and songs between now and January. All new voices are needed, however...four to five new sopranos would surely complete a well-balanced choir. Please consider joining the choir as we sing to the glory of God in a beautiful sanctuary. Please read Psalm 150. In Christ, Jim Thielker (314-487-6942 or 314-537-7691) |
Glimpses from the Homefront 3 May 1945
Very pleased to get a few lines from the good old town of Glendale (home)...trying to keep on flying and bring the war closer to an end...See by InkLinks the boys are doing as good as can be expected...even had my name included...a surprise to me...What happened to Duddie Hoeker?? Thought I would inquire, hope he is alright. Keep up the good work. Sgt Miller J Cooper, Liberal Kansas |
Tracking Our Building Mortgage We have posted the result of the funds that continue to be specified weekly for principal reduction. We will continue to accumulate these funds until each month end and then send to LCEF in addition to our regular contracted monthly principal and interest payment. $19,000 of additional principal was sent in August. This reduced our 20 year term by 8 months and will save us over $29,000 in interest. This information will be updated monthly and posted on the LCEF bulletin board in the hallway toward the Parish House. If we can sign up 8 more accounts with LCEF, we will qualify for a mortgage interest reduction for the next FIVE years. If you have not already done so, please consider this win win activity. Accounts can be opened for as little as 25 dollars. Youth accounts are paying a nice rate of interest and are a good way to introduce this worthwhile organization and saving activity to your grandchild. |
Yard Work Volunteer Wanted We are looking for a volunteer to maintain the boxwood bushes on our campus. Bushes should be trimmed as necessary (2 to 3 times per year). It is estimated to take two to three hours to trim. We will provide a cordless trimmer unless you prefer to use you own. Please let Michelle know if you are willing to take responsibility for this seasonal task. |
Community Events LHSS Carnival Come one, Come all! Lutheran South is hosting a Homecoming Carnival on Friday, September 28 from 5:00-10:00pm and Saturday, September 29 from 11:00am-9:00pm. This community event will include rides, games, funnel cakes and more! Enjoy the football game Friday night and live music Saturday while your kids are entertained riding the scrambler or racing the pigs. Bring the entire family for a weekend of fun! Wristbands for unlimited rides are available for Saturday only from 11:00am-6:00pm. These can be purchased at lhssstl.org/carnival. Regular ride tickets, as well as tickets for food and games, can be purchased at the event. St. Johns Lutheran Trivia Night The Women of the Word of St. Johns Lutheran Church invite you and the members of your congregation to join us for our annual Trivia Night, which will be held on Saturday, September 22, at the St. Louis Police Officers' Association Hall (3710 Hampton Ave., between Mardel and Tholozan). Doors open at 6:00pm and trivia starts at 6:45pm. The cost is $20 per person or $144 for a table of eight, which includes trivia, soda, cookies, and light snacks. Beer and wine will be available for purchase (alcohol and coolers are not permitted). Tickets may be purchased by contacting the church office at 314-773-0126 or calling Maureen at 314-200-6296. |
The Word Within the Word by John Wehmueller |
Worship Leaders
| This Sunday (9/23)
| Next Sunday (9/30)
| Preacher/Celebrant
| Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott | Liturgist
| Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott | Lector
| Miriam Lee | Tim Cosby | Children's Message
| Tim Cosby | Pastor Scott | Communion Assistant | Nate McCarty | Nate McCarty | Lay Assistants
| Terry Buchholz | Steve Phelps | Greeters
| Joan Schlichter & Jean Das | Ken & Jeanne Clark
| Sound/Video
| Mike Toney | Jerry & Beth Nicolaus | Ushers | Judy George, Becci Sasser, Theresa Canania
| Ron Froesel, Frank Moret, Gary Riley, Ken Clark | Pianist (Saturday)
| Carol Benninghoff | Jim Thielker | Organist (Sunday)
| Jim Thielker | Jim Thielker | Bible Class Video Support
| Jerry Nicolaus | Tony Petzoldt | |
Next Sunday's Bible Readings Prepare for next week's worship through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day: Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29; Hebrews 9:1-22; Mark 9:38-50 |
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