
Thursday, February 9, 2017

News from Glendale Lutheran Church

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
February 12, 2017
In This Issue
Sunday, February 12
  9:15am -- Worship
  10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education
  3:00pm-8:00pm -- Cub Scout Banquet - Gym
Monday, February 13
  5:30pm-6:30pm -- CCLS Basketball
  6:00pm-7:00pm -- Lightroom Fundamentals - FLC
  6:30pm-8:00pm -- Crush Basketball
Tuesday, February 14
  9:15am -- Women's Bible Study
12:00pm-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  5:00pm-6:00pm -- CCLS Basketball
  6:00pm-9:00pm -- Baker Basketball
  6:30pm-9:00pm -- L'Arche Community Night - FLC
Wednesday, February 15
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  9:00am-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor   
  9:30am-11:30am -- PEO Chapter FX - FLC
  7:30pm -- Choir
Thursday, February 16
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  1:00pm -- Nifty Knitters/Clever Crocheters
  5:00pm-6:00pm - Bristol Basketball
  7:00pm -- AA Mixed - FLC
  7:00pm -- Women's Bible Study
Friday, February 17
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  6:15pm -- AA Women - FLC
  8:00pm -- AA Men - FLC
Saturday, February 18
  8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  4:30pm-11:00pm -- Crossroads - Gym
  5:00pm -- Worship
Sunday, February 19
  9:15am -- Worship
10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education
Pastor Biermann's Message
Holidays are called holidays for a good reason: most of them have roots in holy days celebrated by the church. For some holidays, like Christmas and Easter, the roots are obvious, while for others, like Halloween or Groundhog Day, the connections are less apparent but still certainly there. And then there's St. Valentine's Day. Any holiday starting with "saint" seems destined for a solid grounding in some ancient church celebration. But, the annual observances each February 14th, are surprisingly lacking in any sort of ecclesiastical foundation. Sometime in the third century after Christ's resurrection, it seems that two different men both named Valentinus died as martyrs and were buried just north of Rome along the same road. And that's just about everything that we know about "Saint Valentine." In fact, the origins of the saint are so obscure that the Roman Catholic church now leaves the observance of this feast day only to local custom, with no official endorsement. But, with or without any foundation in fact, the date has grown into a thriving festival of love and romance now all around the globe.
While the more cynical might attribute the continued "success" of Valentine's Day to great marketing by confectioners, florists, and greeting card manufacturers; the more likely reality is that people enjoy expressing their love to those they love, and it's nice (or for most men, pragmatically helpful!) to have a scheduled date to prompt such expressions of love and affection. I'm on board with this view. With or without any solid liturgical, historical, or ecclesiastical reasons, Valentine's Day is a good idea. And, I can offer a theological rationale: Christ told us to love one another, and to show that love. And Paul certainly offers a remarkable vision of that love in action between husband and wife. So, there is plenty of good reason to express the love that binds us together within God's plan. In other words, yes, you should put forth the effort: get the card, speak your love, do something special for those that you love--but maybe wait a week or two to buy the flowers...there is something to be said for good, hard-nosed stewardship, after all.
Faith Formation Ministry                   
Bible Class and Sunday School  
Join us as we grow in our faith and knowledge of God's word.
Stewardship Sentence
1 Corinthians 3:7 "So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth." Isn't that the truth! And it's not just true about preachers like Paul, but about all of us in all of the Christian life. God can do such wonderful things with our feeble efforts. This is so very true of our gifts to the Lord's work in the Church. From His generous giving to us, we learn to give generously; and then the Lord blesses this response to His grace in turn and uses our very giving to continue to bless us in the Church where we hear of His gracious generosity to us. And the cycle repeats, and the Lord gives growth!
Making the Case for Character
Saturday, February 18
Plan to attend, and bring a friend!
Contact the office to register.
Call Committee Special Voters' Meeting - February 26, 2017
The Leadership Council and Elders will convene a Special Voters' Meeting on Sunday, February 26, 2017, in the Sanctuary immediately after service to present the Call Committee's recommendation on whether to extend a call to one or more of the seminary candidates interviewed on February 8, 2017.  Our Church Bylaws provide you must be in attendance to vote.
We look forward to everyone's participation.
The Leadership Council, Elders, and Call Committee
Altar Flowers
There are several openings available to place altar flowers in the upcoming weeks: the rest of February and half of March are still blank. Sign up on the chart by the church office, or call Michelle if you'd like to add your name. Thank you!
River Roads Lutheran School Emergency Fundraiser
River Roads Lutheran School in North St. Louis was given notification January 16th that they would need to raise $175,000 within 45 days or face closure.  While some funds have been raised, more is needed.  This is one of the last LCMS affiliated schools in the city of St. Louis and has been open for nearly 150 years.  Unlike the model we are used to, these families do not have any association churches they can be members of to help reduce the cost of tuition.  They have set up a site to donate online (, but I will take any non-electronic donations to the school if you can get them to me or my church mailbox by February 27th.
Potluck Dinner
The potluck dinner is still scheduled for Wednesday, February 15! Fellowship begins at 6:00pm, and dinner starts at 6:30pm. Bring a dish to share and a healthy appetite. See you there!
Birthday & Family Meal Kits
February is the month to gather for the kits. Saturday, March 4 is the date for assembling, completing and purchasing any missing pieces before the bags go to Operation Food Search. The boxes are in the entry hall to the church - set your bags next to the boxes if there is no room inside. There are extra flyers on the shelf by the mailboxes if you need one. All details are on the kiosk. Looking forward to being able to make many boys and girls happy on their birthdays. Thanks for your help.
Please Return
We are missing one of our large, clear plastic water servers. If you borrowed it or know of someone who might have, would you please help us to see that it is returned as we will need it for several upcoming events. Please leave it in the office/volunteer room so we know when it has been returned. Thank you!
CCLS Dinner Auction
The 2017 Hearts on Fire CCLS Dinner Auction will be held Saturday, February 18, 2017 at Orlando Gardens Banquet Center in south St. Louis county. Please mark your calendar and make plans to attend or support this special fundraising event for the CCLS community. Tickets are $70 per person or $650 for a table of 10. Sponsorship, advertising, and donation opportunities are available. For more information, please visit  Contact Joel and Kerrie Karsten, Dinner Auction Co-Chairs, at or 314-749-8333 with any questions.
Erin Bode Concert
Christ Memorial Productions invites you to attend a free concert featuring Erin Bode on Friday, March 10 at 5252 S. Lindbergh, St. Louis, 63126. In addition to Ms. Bode's presentation of secular and sacred music, there will be free refreshments, an opening act performance by GEN52 Band and live music beginning at 7:00pm. Advance tickets for this free event are available online at and at Christ Memorial church, Monday through Friday, 9:00am-4:00pm, Saturdays from 4:30pm-5:00pm and Sundays from 9:00am-11:00am.
Mt. Calvary Trivia Night
Mt. Calvary is hosting an International Travel Trivia Night on Saturday, April 1. Advance tickets are $20 per person or $160 for a table of 8; ticket prices go up $5 per person at the door. Join us for attendance prizes, silent auction, 50/50, prizes for first and last place teams, and best table décor. Doors open at 6:30pm and trivia begins at 7:00pm. To sign up, call 314-668-2360 or visit

Immanuel St. Charles Trivia Night
Immanuel, St Charles (115 S. Sixth Street) is hosting their annual Youth Ministries Trivia Night on Saturday, April 1.  Doors open at 6:00pm with Trivia beginning at 7:00pm. The theme for this year is "Turn Back the Clock." Trivia goers are encouraged to dress up as their favorite decade; prizes will be awarded! The cost is $20 per person or $160 for a table of 8. Contact Jennifer Smith for a registration form at The fundraiser will support the 2017 High school Servant Event to Idaho.

The Word Within The Word   


Funnies (used with permission) 


Pastoral Care
If you need pastoral care for any reason, don't hesitate to contact the church office or one of the vacancy pastors directly. Pastor Biermann will be at the church on Monday and Thursday mornings most weeks, and Pastor Erkkinen is available on campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Worship Attendance

Saturday 2/4, 14; Sunday 2/5, 108 = 122 Total

Worship Leaders

Worship Leaders
 This Sunday (2/12)
Next Sunday (2/19)
Rev. Joel ElowskyPastor Biermann
LiturgistSeminarian Nate McCarty
Pastor Biermann
Lisa GrossenheiderSteve Phelps
Pianist (Saturday)Joy ElowskyCarol Benninghoff
Organist (Sunday)
Joy Elowsky
Joy Elowsky
AcolyteSpencer MooreDavid Moore
Communion Assistant
Nate McCartyNate McCarty
Lay Assistants
Steve PhelpsTony Petzoldt
Jules & Mary BushRuth Wussler & Jean Peterson
Ken Clark, Layton WilleDavid Williams
Tony Petzoldt, Frank Moret, Gary Riley, Gerry LucasMike Toney, Grant Lee, Layton Wille, Anna Rawlings
Mary Skouby, Anna RawlingsSandy Barbercheck, Grace Ortstadt
Children's Message
Sue SchultzNate McCarty
Next Sunday's Bible Readings
PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day:
Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18; 1 Corinthians 3:10-23; Matthew 5:38-48
Glendale Lutheran Church, 1365 North Sappington Road, Glendale, MO 63122
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