
Thursday, June 7, 2018

News from Glendale Lutheran Church

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church NewsletterJune 7, 2018
In This Issue
Sunday, June 10
  9:15am -- Worship
10:45am -- Sunday School/Bible Class
Monday, June 11
  3:00pm-6:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
Tuesday, June 12
  6:30pm -- L'Arche Community Night
Wednesday, June 13
  9:00am-7:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
Thursday, June 14
  9:00am-5:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  7:00pm -- AA - Mixed - FLC
Friday, June 15
  9:00am-5:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  6:15pm -- AA Women - FLC
  8:00pm -- AA Men - FLC
Saturday, June 16
  5:00pm -- Worship
Sunday, June 17
  Fathers' Day
  9:15am -- Worship
10:45am -- Sunday School/Bible Class
Pastor Scott's Message
     One of the things I've learned about church is that there is a lot more going on than people realize. As members, we know our spheres of influence but we don't know everything else. Even as your Pastor, I don't know all that God is doing through Glendale.  This week, I attended a Lutheran Foundation training about managing volunteers. It got me wondering just how many volunteer positions we have here and how many members agree to help out. The answers may surprise you.
     By my count we have sixty-one volunteer positions and ninety-eight different people who help out. That is a lot of service for the Lord. There are probably more positions and more people volunteering than I know about. Did you know that we have fifteen volunteer opportunities connected to worship? From prep that needs to be done before the service, to those who lead during the service. Make that sixteen, I just thought of another one. Tracey Orstadt schedules the worship volunteers.
     We also have volunteer positions for music (3), property (9), finances (2), hospitality (5), education (5), communications (4), elected officers (5), outreach (5), inreach (3), Glendale representatives to other Lutheran organizations (4), and those who worked to find our wonderful organist. Sixty-one positions carried out by ninety-eight members.  For a church that worships one hundred and thirty on a weekend that is an amazing amount of volunteerism! Praise God that we have so many Serving Christ and Serving Others.  If you want to volunteer more, switch positions, or handle less for a time, contact me. We have a lot of flexibility. To God be the glory!

Daily Bible Readings

Restricted Access to Gym and Adjacent Rooms
Installation of the new gym floor is scheduled to begin this Friday, June 8, and continue through the weekend. Access to the gym and rooms across the gym will be prohibited for ten days to two weeks.
GLC Spring Potluck
Spring Potluck on Wednesday, June 20 beginning at 5:00pm. We've been invited to Karen & Greg Frimel's home at 19 Dunleith Drive, Huntleigh. Please bring a dish to share and come join us for a time of fellowship!
Voters' Meeting
A Voters' Meeting is scheduled for June 24, 2018, for a final reading of and vote on the Leadership Council's proposed 2018/2019 budget that was discussed on May 20, 2018.  The Meeting will take place in the Sanctuary immediately following the service and before Bible Class.
- The Leadership Council
Thursday Evening Bible Study
The Women's Thursday Evening Bible Study schedule for the summer is: June 21, July 19, and August 16.
Notes from the Music Director
Many thanks to our choir for another year of praising God through the ministry of music! These dedicated musicians are a vital part of the Sunday services. Well done, thou good and faithful singers!
Yard Work Volunteer Wanted
We are looking for a volunteer to maintain the boxwood bushes on our campus. Bushes should be trimmed as necessary (2 to 3 times per year). It is estimated to take two to three hours to trim. We will provide a cordless trimmer unless you prefer to use you own. Please let Michelle know if you are willing to take responsibility for this seasonal task.
Community Events
Lutheran Resale Shop Sale
The Lutheran Resale Shop will be holding a garage sale at the bus barn across from Salem Lutheran Church, 5180 Parker Road, Blackjack, MO. We will have the normal garage sale items plus a lot of jewelry, furniture, electronics and several items of vintage farm tools. The sale will be June 8th from 8am to noon and from 6-8pm and June 9th from 8am to noon. As always, the proceeds from this sale will be going to our two charities, Lutheran Family and Children's Services and to Lutheran Senior Services for the residents Breeze Park and the former Hidden Lake Retirement Communities. If you  have any questions, you can call the Shop at 314-389-9970, Monday through Saturday from 10am to 3pm.

Upcoming Christian Music Event
Christ Memorial Productions invites you to attend a free event featuring Remedy Drive on June 22, beginning at 5:00pm at Christ Memorial, 5252 S. Lindbergh Blvd., 63126. This event is sure to appeal to all ages, with performances by four different groups and free refreshments. Attend any of all of the evening's performances. Details and registration at

Acrostic - The Prayer of Jabez


Worship Leaders                    

This Sunday (6/10)
Next Sunday (6/17)
Pastor Scott
Pastor Scott
Pastor Scott
Pastor Scott
Beth NicolausMarcia Hempel
Children's Message
Pastor ScottPastor Scott
Communion AssistantJoel HempelJoel Hempel
Lay Assistants
Jerry & Beth NicolausTerry Buchholz
Rodger LubbenRon & Carol Froesel
Ken ClarkTony Petzoldt
UshersRon Froesel, Gary Riley, Gerry Lucas, Frank MoretMike Toney, Steve Phelps, Terry Buchholz, Rodger Lubben
Pianist (Saturday)
Carol BenninghoffJim Thielker
Organist (Sunday)
Jim ThielkerJim Thielker
Bible Class Video Support
Jerry NicolausTony Petzoldt
Next Sunday's Bible Readings
Prepare for next week's worship through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day:
Genesis 27:26-38; 2 Cor. 5:1-17; Mark 4:26-34
Glendale Lutheran Church, 1365 North Sappington Road, Glendale, MO 63122
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