| Weekly Glimpses of Glendale
| Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter | November 19, 2017 | | | WEEKLY CALENDAR
Sunday, November 19 9:15am -- Worship 10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education 1:00pm-6:00pm -- L'Arche Faith & Light - FLC | Monday, November 20 6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool 3:00pm-6:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 5:30pm-6:30pm -- CCLS Basketball 6:30pm-7:30pm -- YIA Meeting - FLC
| Tuesday, November 21 6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool 9:15am -- Women's Bible Study | Wednesday, November 22 9:00am-7:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 6:00pm-9:00pm -- Baker Basketball 6:30pm -- Thanksgiving Eve Worship | Thursday, November 23 Happy Thanksgiving! 7:00pm -- AA - Mixed - FLC | Friday, November 24 9:00am-5:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 6:15pm -- AA Women - FLC 8:00pm -- AA Men - FLC | Saturday, November 25 5:00pm -- Worship | Sunday, November 26 9:15am -- Worship 10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education | | | Pastor Scott's Message  This week, I met with Glendale's city manager and gave him a tour of our facilities. He had never been inside. I showed him our historic sanctuary, our spacious youth room and our modern classrooms. He was impressed. We passed by the 3 year olds who were lining up to go to the playground. I pointed to the kids and said, "These are our great treasures." One little girl spoke back to me saying, "You are a great treasure." I said, "thank you." Our greatest treasure is Jesus. We share that treasure with our preschool kids, our church and the community. The Lord also has blessed us with so many things, salvation, our church family and a beautiful property. As good stewards, we need to review our space and see if it is serving its purpose. On Sunday, after worship, in the family life center there will be a short presentation on an improvement idea. We want to replace the windows in the family life center with doors that lead to the front of the church. We will also show you a vision for redoing the area in the courtyard. We want to beautify this space between the sanctuary, the family life center and the gym. The reason is so, on a gorgeous day, we can have more events out front. We could use it for coffee fellowship, wedding receptions, a worship service and all sorts of things. Wouldn't it be great for people driving by to actually see us being the church? We have treasure here and we don't want to hide it.
Lancer Singers at GLC The LHSS Lancer Singers, including Faith Jonas, enhance our Sunday worship this week with their musical gifts. The Lancer Singers are the premier vocal ensemble at LHSS under the direction of Greg Gastler.
LFCS Season of Sharing Glendale Lutheran Church will once again participate in Lutheran Family and Children's Services of Missouri's Season of Sharing mission, which provides area foster children with Christmas gifts. There will be a table set up near the Church entrance with a box for gift cards or cash donations. Gift cards in the $10 to $50 range for Walmart, Target, or Amazon.com are preferred. Donations need to be made by December 2, 2017, to provide LFCS staff time to shop and distribute gifts before Christmas. Additional information regarding the ministry and families being served can be found next to the gift card/cash donation box.
Gym Renovation Update Thanks to past funds given in memorial for Don Koenig and Art and Mitte Schmidt we were able to upgrade our outdated lighting fixtures with current LED technology. With many thanks to Tom Crabtree who donated the labor, these are now installed and provide a brighter light, instant on/off as well as dimming capability. Our expectation is that these fixtures should perform well for at least the next 15 years before they would need any attention. While we have funded this upgrade, CCLS is making a major investment to provide new basketball baskets and a state of the art floor. The baskets and floor have been ordered and we are working on a schedule for the installation.
Glendale Internet Broadcast Update and Appeal for Help As you know, we have been broadcasting our worship services on our website for quite a few years. Just in the last few years, however, we have eliminated any advertising that beforehand would interrupt these broadcasts. Since then, we are receiving significantly more "views" on a weekly basis. Quite often we will have 4 or 5 individuals logged on during the service and will receive from 6 to 15 more views during the following week. An exception: we had 47 individual views for Pastor Scott's installation service. To expand this outreach tool, we began this year to also broadcast our Sunday Bible classes using the same technology. A camera has been installed in the Family Life Center and we are receiving 20 to 30 views a week! What a blessing this has been to those not able to be physically present. Here is where the appeal for help comes in. As we have volunteers who help with our worship service broadcasts, we need volunteers willing to engage this technology during the Bible class hour. Volunteer activity mostly involves turning the computer and camera on before the class and turning them off after the class (a much simpler operation than managing multiple cameras in the sanctuary.) Please consider supporting this broadcast effort. You may indicate your willingness by contacting Michelle in the church office. A brief orientation to the technology on a Sunday morning will follow. |
Join Glendale's Publicity/Communications Team ???? Your Leadership Council is now forming a three-person team to plan and implement our internal and external publicity and communications. Team members will work with Pastor Scott to create and coordinate publicity, both internal to us and external to others such as local newspapers and media, for our special events, projects, and happenings. The team will also engage our already well-planned website so it becomes more active. Interested in being a part of this team? Let Pastor Scott or a Leadership Council member know.
Save the Date Saturday, December 2, we will be decorating our sanctuary for the coming Christmas celebration. We will gather at 8:30am. If the past is any predictor, we should be done before noon. Many hands make the task go quickly and with an increase in joy. Plan to come and help. |
Kirkcare Food Pantry As the Thanksgiving holiday rapidly approaches, we would like once again to support the Food Pantry of Kirkcare. Kirkcare is a non-profit organization formed by the Kirkwood Ministerial Alliance and serves families in need within the Kirkwood school district (the communities of Kirkwood, Glendale, Warson Woods, Oakland, and Des Peres). When you are out grocery shopping in the next few weeks, please try to pick up an extra non-perishable food item (or two or three) and bring it to church to place on the table at the back of the sanctuary or in the marked shopping cart. Thank you for your support as it will help numerous families in this time and show that Glendale Lutheran cares and supports them in Christian love. |
Notes from the Music Director  Organ Lesson Two There are 5 types of sounds in a pipe organ. - Principals or Diapasons, which are unique sounds that do not imitate any instruments.
- Flutes, that sounds like a flute at different pitches.
- Strings that imitate various string instruments.
- Reeds or Brass that imitate clarinets, oboes, trumpets, horns, trombones, etc.
- Mixtures that are 3 or more sets of pipes, all very high pitches that add brilliant sounds to the entire organ.
Christmas Organ Concert Our new organist, Jim Thielker, will present a Christmas organ concert on Sunday, December 3 at 3:00pm. Plan now to attend! |
Community Events Black Friday at Lutheran Resale Shop The Lutheran Resale Shop will be having their Third Annual Black Friday Sale on November 24th. Sale starts at 10:00am and ends at 3:00pm. Everything but the school uniforms will be half price. This includes furniture, jewelry, housewares, clothing for the whole family, tools, crafts, books, Christmas decorations and vintage. No layaways, cash and carry. Large items such as furniture will be allowed a week to pick up. If you have any questions, you can call the Shop at 314-389-9970. We hope to see you. Boar's Head Christmas Festival Four choirs, period instrumentalists, and an elegantly costumed cast of over 150 invite you to the Boar's Head Christmas Festival, a 1300s medieval Christmas pageant celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, at Peace Lutheran Church in South County. Performances will be held Thursday, November 30 through Saturday, December 2, at 7:30pm, and on Sunday, December 3 at 2:30pm and 6:00pm. Free tickets (limit 6 per person) are available at 8:00am on Wednesday, November 1 on a first come first serve basis by calling the church office at 314-892-5610 or going to Peace Lutheran Church at 737 Barracksview Rd. Additional information can be found on our website, www.peaceboarshead.org. LHSS Christmas Concerts The Advent Band Concert, December 8 at 7:00pm at Concordia Kirkwood, will feature the Lutheran South Jazz Band, Concert Band, and Wind Symphony under the direction of Mr. Matthew C. Janssen and Mr. Evan Sanft. The concert will include selections from the wind band repertoire including Rough Riders March by Karl King and Chorale and Shaker Dance by John Zdechlik, as well as Christmas favorites such as Sleigh Ride and an audience participation Christmas Sing-a-long. Please join us for a festive evening of music to kick off your Christmas celebrations! The choirs of Lutheran High School South invite all to enjoy their Christmas Concert on Sunday evening, December 17 at 7:00pm. The concert will be held in the historic sanctuary at Concordia Lutheran Church on Kirkwood Road in Kirkwood. The high school Lancer Singers, Concert Choir, and Mixed Chorus will perform along with the middle school Junior Singers. The concert will include audience carols as well as selections combining all the choirs. A free-will offering will be received, and a cookie reception will follow the concert. |
Worship Attendance Saturday 11/11, 13; Sunday 11/12, 109 = 122 Total |
Worship Leaders
| This Sunday (11/19) | Next Sunday (11/26)
| Preacher/Celebrant
| Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott | Liturgist | Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott | Lector
| Josh Boehme | Sue Schultz | Pianist (Saturday) | Carol Benninghoff | Jim Thielker | Organist (Sunday)
| Jim Thielker | Jim Thielker | Communion Assistant
| Seminarian Michael Hansen | Seminarian Michael Hansen | Lay Assistants
| Steve Phelps | Jerry & Beth Nicolaus | Greeters
| Frank & Charlotte Moret | Dan & Susan DeFosset | Sound/Video
| Paul Barbercheck | Ken Clark, Layton Wille | Ushers
| Carol Froesel, Lisa Grossenheider, Beverly Dixson, Jeanne Lipinski | Mike Toney, Steve Phelps, Rodger Lubben, Terry Buchholz | Nursery | Andy & Grace Ortstadt | Kathy Brugere | Children's Message
| Janet Leet
| Pastor Scott | |
Next Sunday's Bible Readings PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day: Deuteronomy 8:1-10; Philippians 4:6-20; Luke 17:11-19 |
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