Glimpses of Glendale Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter | | | Advent Season is upon us! This year I’m extra excited, because Lisa Grossenheider and Carol Froesel made me a new Blue stole! This is one of the traditions that sets us apart as Lutherans. We divide up the year into liturgical seasons. Advent is the first season of the church year. We anticipate the birth of the Savior. This can cause conflict. To the rest of the world, this isn’t advent season, it’s Christmas season. All of December becomes Santa, Frosty and the birth of Jesus. All Christmas songs are fair game. But for a liturgical church, we hold off on Silent Night, Joy to the World and Hark the Herald Angels Sing. During Advent Services on Wednesdays I’m preaching on the books of Zephaniah, Hosea and Habakkuk. They all prophecy the coming of the King. They prepared God’s faithful before Jesus and they prepare us for Christmas.
But if you can’t help yourself with the Christmas Carols, we have a solution. Come to the Christmas Concert this Sunday at 3pm. Our beloved organist, Jim Thielker, will lead us in Advent and Christmas pieces. Gwen Peiper, piano Rabbi to many, will present a piano/organ duet with Jim. There will be a flutist as well. The choir lend their voices. And you get to sing also. Bring your family and friends. | |  | Sunday, December 8 - 9:15 am - Worship
- 10:45 am - Sunday School/Bible Class
- 2:00 pm - Rawlings Event
- 3:00 pm - Christmas Concert
- 4:00 pm - H2 Volleyball
- 6:00 pm - Kirkwood Flash Bball
Monday, December 9 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 7:30 am - Men's Bible Study
- 3:00 pm - LFCS Counselor
- 5:00 pm - CCLS 4th gr. Boys BBall
- 6:00 pm - CCLS 3rd gr. Girls Bball
- 6:30 pm - YIA Meeting/Party
Tuesday, December 10 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 9:15 am - Women's Bible Study
- 6:00 pm - L'Arche Community Night
- 6:00 pm - Kirkwood Clippers
Wednesday, December 11 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 5:30 pm - Potluck Dinner
- 6:30 pm - Advent Worship
- 7:00 pm - Choir
- 7:00 pm - H2 Volleyball
| |  |  | Thursday, December 12 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 7:00 pm - AA Mixed
- 7:15 pm - Crossroads
Friday, December 13 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 6:15 pm - AA Women
- 7:00 pm - H2 Volleyball
- 8:00 pm - AA Men
Saturday, December 14 - 9:30 am - MGA Group meeting
- 5:00 pm - Worship
Sunday, December 15 - 9:15 am - Worship - CCLS Sunday
- 10:45 am - Sunday School/Bible Class
- 2:00 pm - TEC Meeting
- 2:00 pm - Climer Event
- 3:00 pm - H2 Volleyball
- 6:00 pm - Kirkwood Flash Bball
| |  | | Seminary Families Christmas Tree | Our Seminary Families Tree in the back of church is decorated with ornaments with the names of children of seminarians. Please select an ornament, if you wish to participate, and purchase a gift for the child whose name is on the ornament. Wrap the gift and place it under the tree with the child’s name and your name and address on it by Sunday, December 8. The gifts will be delivered to the children on Wednesday, December 11. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Skouby. | | Potlucks will run throughout Advent on Wednesdays, December 4, 11 and 18. Dinners will begin at 5:30, followed by Midweek Advent service at 6:30. | | The Flower Chart for 2020 is posted in the hallway near the church office. Please sign up as you are able! | | Offering Update from the Treasurer | | Next Sunday's Bible Readings | | Isaiah 35:1-10; James 5:7-11; Matthew 11:2-15 | |  | This Sunday - 12/8
- Preacher - Pastor Scott
- Liturgist - Pastor Scott
- Lector - Jon Schultz
- Children's Message - Pastor Scott
- Chalice - Jason DeBord
- Lay Assistants - Tony Petzoldt
- Greeters - Mike & Lisa Grossenheider
- Sound/Video - Ken Clark
- Ushers - Judy George, Becci Sasser, Tori Williams, Beverly Dixson
- Pianist (Saturday) - Jim Thielker
- Organist (Sunday) - Jim Thielker
- Bible Class Video Support - Mike Murphy
| |  |  | Next Sunday - 12/15
- Preacher - Pastor Scott
- Liturgist - Pastor Scott
- Lector - Tracey Ortstadt
- Children's Message - Janet Leet
- Chalice - Mike Toney
- Lay Assistant - Steve Phelps
- Greeters - Steve & Phyllis Phelps
- Sound/Video - Tony Petzoldt
- Ushers - Ken Clark, Ron Froesel, Gary Riley
- Pianist (Saturday) - Carol Benninghoff
- Organist (Sunday) - Jim Thielker
- Bible Class Video Support - Jerry Nicolaus
| |  | | Glendale Lutheran Church Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm (314) 966-3220 | | | | | | | |