Glimpses of Glendale Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter | | |  | Sunday, July 21 - 9:15 am - Worship
- 10:45 am - Sunday School/Bible Class
- 5:30 pm - Potluck
Monday, July 22
Tuesday, July 23 - 4:00 pm - Holy Yoga
- 6:00 am - L'Arche Faith & Light
Wednesday, July 24 - 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 9:00 am - Holy Yoga
- 5:00 pm - 60 Fit Class
- 6:00 pm - YIA Meeting
| |  |  | Thursday, July 25 - 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 7:00 pm - AA Mixed
- 7:15 pm - Crossroads
Friday, July 26 - 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 6:15 pm - AA Women
- 8:00 pm - AA Men
Saturday, July 27
Sunday, July 28 - 9:15 am - Worship
- 10:45 am - Sunday School/Bible Class
| |  | | Rummage Sale Volunteers Did Great Work | | Thank you for your energy and the encouragement given to our customers. We moved a lot of stuff and still had a good amount set aside after the sale to support the Seminary Store and the International Student Giveaway in August. We were hosts to over 200 shoppers and collected $1862.00 to be used to support enhancements to our newly completed courtyard hardscape. | | Next Sunday's Bible Readings | | Genesis 18:1-14; Colossians 1:21-29; Luke 10:38-42 | |  | This Sunday - 7/21
- Preacher - Steve Albers
- Liturgist - Steve Albers
- Lector - Theresa Canania
- Children's Message - Tim Cosby
- Communion Assistant - Bruce Hartung
- Lay Assistant - Andy & Tracey Ortstadt
- Greeters - Steve & Phyllis Phelps
- Sound/Video - Paul Barbercheck
- Ushers - Judy George, Becci Sasser, Beverly Dixson, Tori Williams
- Pianist (Saturday) - Jim Thielker
- Organist (Sunday) - Jim Thielker
- Bible Class Video Support - Mike Murphy
| |  |  | Next Sunday - 7/28
- Preacher - Pastor Scott
- Liturgist - Pastor Scott
- Lector - Tim Cosby
- Children's Message - Pastor Scott
- Communion Assistant - Bruce Hartung
- Lay Assistants - Tony Petzoldt
- Greeters - Sally Dobrunz, Janet Leet
- Sound/Video - Ken Clark
- Ushers - Mike Toney, Steve Phelps, Terry Buchholz, Rodger Lubben
- Pianist (Saturday) - Carol Benninghoff
- Organist (Sunday) - Jim Thielker
- Bible Class Video Support - Tony Petzoldt
| |  | | Glendale Lutheran Church Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm (314) 966-3220 | | | | | | | |