
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
February 20, 2020
On Sunday we are starting a very special series of presentations entitled “Mental Health and the Church.” David Eberle of Lutheran Family and Children’s Services will start us off with “Childhood Trauma.” His organization had their therapists and educators put together a presentation to help our congregation be aware of the effects of childhood trauma. We are going to hear the latest research and how we can help those in our families, church and neighborhoods.

As a pastor I’ve seen the devastation of childhood trauma. When I was a teacher at Lutheran High school San Diego, I had a student ask to talk to me. She revealed that he dad was sexually abusing her and her sister. Her father went to prison but the family was left to pick up the pieces. Their Lutheran church was supposed to support this family but they failed. Some sided with the dad refusing to believe that a church regular could be capable of such a thing. One woman even took my student aside and told her that her dad really did love her. Their congregation had no idea how to handle childhood trauma.

That’s not what I want for Glendale Lutheran church. Statistics tell us that we likely have trauma victims amongst us. Those scars never go away. But we need to be educated how to bless and comfort them. If you know a person who has suffered then you are called by God to reveal his healing love and presence. I know you can do it and this series will help you to do it. We are the first church to hear this presentation so it would be a blessing for us to support this effort. Next week I will help us to further process what we learned and add Bible wisdom to our understandings.
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, February 23
  • 9:15 am - Worship
  • 10:45 am - Sunday School/Bible Class
  • 12:30 pm - L'Arche Faith & Light
  • 4:00 pm - H2 Volleyball

Monday, February 24
  • 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
  • 7:30 am - Men's Bible Study
  • 3:00 pm - LFCS Counselor
  • 5:0o pm - CCLS Gr4 Boys Bball
  • 6:00 pm - CCLS Gr3 Girls Bball

Tuesday, February 25
  • 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
  • 9:15 am - Women's Bible Study
  • 6:00 pm - L'Arche Faith & Light

Wednesday, February 26
  • 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
  • 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
  • 6:30 pm - Ash Wednesday Worship
  • 7:00 pm - H2 Volleyball
  • 7:00 pm - Choir
Thursday, February 27
  • 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
  • 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
  • 7:00 pm - AA Mixed
  • 7:15 pm - Crossroads

Friday, February 28
  • 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
  • 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
  • 6:15 pm - AA Women
  • 7:00 pm - H2 Volleyball
  • 8:00 pm - AA Men

Saturday, February 29
  • 3:00 pm - TEC meeting
  • 5:00 pm - Worship

Sunday, March 1
  • 9:15 am - Worship
  • 10:45 am - Sunday School/Bible Class
  • 11:45 am - Girl Scout Event
  • 4:00 pm - H2 Volleyball
Daily Bible Reading
Staying In Touch: Cards & Notes for Shut-Ins
As many of you are aware, there are those in our Congregation who are unable to attend services on a regular basis due to illness, being “homebound” or residing in a retirement home or Nursing Home situation. In an effort to stay in touch, the shelves just to the right of the main entrance has a list of names, addresses, birthdays, etc. that Michelle updates often, and a supply of cards for all occasions..

We also have members who do not wish to be on the “shut-in” list, but who might appreciate a note now and again, or a card for a special holiday, Valentines Day, Easter, etc., or a quick note just to say Hello to let them know we are thinking of them. Sometimes we may notice that someone has not been around for a bit and might appreciate a quick note, or a phone call. 

So, when you have a minute, grab a card, drop a note, and let them know they are still a Valued Member of our Church Family.

Thank you for your thoughtfulness!
Phyllis Phelps
The quilts on the pews this weekend were lovingly made by members of Glendale and will be sent to Honduras by the Washington Overseas Mission, operating out of Washington, Missouri. Greg and Karen Frimel travel with this group where they perform dentistry in extremely poor villages. The quilts are taken by their team and given to families receiving medical and dental care.

I don't know how long my sewing machine or I will be able to keep putting them together. Please call me if you have any questions or can help.

Thank you!
Shirley Williams (968-0368)
Birthday Bags and Meal Kits
We have one week left! THANK YOU to all who have contributed! We have had a great turnout! Currently there are 65 each completed bags and meals. Be sure to bring your contribution to church--the deadline is March 1.

Thank you!
Marcia Hempel 
Offering Update
The Word Within the Word

Next Sunday's Bible Readings
Genesis 3:1-21; Romans 5:12-19; Matthew 4:1-11
Worship Leaders
This Sunday - 2/23

  • Preacher - Pastor Scott
  • Liturgist - Pastor Scott
  • Lector - Kelly Climer
  • Children's Message - Janet Leet
  • Chalice - Mike Toney
  • Lay Assistant - Tony Petzoldt
  • Greeters - John & Miriam Lee
  • Sound/Video - Paul Barbercheck
  • Ushers - Ken Clark, Jack Hurley, Jeff Wille, Rodger Lubben
  • Pianist (Saturday) - Jim Thielker
  • Organist (Sunday) - Jim Thielker
  • Bible Class Video Support - Mike Murphy
Next Sunday - 3/1

  • Preacher - Pastor Scott
  • Liturgist - Pastor Scott
  • Lector - Miriam Lee
  • Children's Message - Pastor Scott
  • Chalice - Jason DeBord
  • Lay Assistants - Greg & Karen Frimel
  • Greeters - Ken & Jeanne Clark
  • Sound/Video - Ken Clark
  • Ushers - Terry Buchholz, Rodger Lubben
  • Pianist (Saturday) - Carol Benninghoff
  • Organist (Sunday) - Jim Thielker
  • Bible Class Video Support - Tony Petzoldt