Glimpses of Glendale Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter | | | Pastor Scott's Message
On Sunday August 25th at 6:30pm, Glendale Lutheran is hosting a concert by the African Children’s Choir. ( We’d love for you to invite your neighbors, friends and family for this electric display of the Gospel. The kids are from Uganda, the same country I visited in March. The African Children’s Choir program promotes the beauty, dignity and unlimited ability of the African child around the world, being a voice for the millions of suffering children who cannot speak for themselves. There will be a free will offering. The money collected goes towards paying for each choir member's schooling through high school which few have in Africa.
We will need you help in other ways as well. Sue Schmidt and Miriam Lee are organizing host families who will provide a place to sleep for an adult and 2-3 kids for Sunday and Monday night. Host families will bring the choir members home Sunday night after the concert. The next morning host families bring them back to Glendale where the kids rest up and play in the youth room during the day. Monday night host families return and pick up their members, bringing them back in the morning. The church will give them breakfast and a bag lunch and send them to the next church. If you would like to serve Christ by hosting sign up through the office or online.
Katie Killian of Christ Community International recommended this group and the fine work they do. African Children’s choir provides for the children’s well being and quality education, utilizing the transformative power of music. They install Christian principles through teaching and leading by example and bring relief and development to African nations in crisis. To date over a thousand vulnerable children have been through the Choir travel program and the funds they have generated have provided the opportunity of education and hope for many thousands like them in some of the most desperate and needy areas of Africa. The organization also brings music programs to schools in Africa.
I got to see God work through the kids of Uganda and I wished you were there. Now you will be able to the Spirit move with your own eyes Sunday August 25th at 6:30pm. | |  | Sunday, July 7 - 9:15 am - Worship
- 10:45 am - Sunday School/Bible Class
Monday, July 8
Tuesday, July 9 - 4:00 pm - Holy Yoga
- 6:30 pm - L'Arche Community Night
Wednesday, July 10 - 9:00 am - Holy Yoga
- 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
| |  |  | Thursday, July 11 - 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 7:00 pm - AA Mixed
- 7:15 pm - Crossroads
Friday, July 12 - 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 4:00 pm - Rummage Sale
- 6:15 pm - AA Women
- 8:00 pm - AA Men
Saturday, July 13 - 7:30 am - Rummage Sale
- 9:00 am - Holy Yoga
Sunday, July 14 - 9:15 am - Worship
- 10:45 am - Sunday School/Bible Class
| |  | | Worship is...a word that translates a number of different Hebrew and Greek words from the Old and New Testaments. The Hebrew word most often used means "to bow down." The Greek term conveys two ideas: "showing reverence" and "practicing service." | | Next Sunday's Bible Readings | | (Ex. 35:1-10, 20-29; 36: 2-7; 39:42; 40:20-21, 34-38), Col. 1:1-14; Luke 10:25-37 | |  | This Sunday - 7/7
- Preacher - Pastor Scott
- Liturgist - Pastor Scott
- Lector - Josh Boehme
- Children's Message - Pastor Scott
- Communion Assistant - Jerry Nicolaus
- Lay Assistant - Steve Phelps
- Greeters - Rodger Lubben
- Sound/Video - Tony Petzoldt
- Ushers - Carol Froesel, Jeanne Lipinski, Debbie Jacobson, Lisa Grossenheider
- Pianist (Saturday) - Carol Benninghoff
- Organist (Sunday) - Jim Thielker
- Bible Class Video Support - Tony Petzoldt
| |  |  | Next Sunday - 7/14
- Preacher - Joel Hempel
- Liturgist - Joel Hempel
- Lector - Miriam Lee
- Children's Message - Joel Hempel
- Communion Assistant - Jerry Nicolaus
- Lay Assistants - Steve Phelps
- Greeters - Ron & Carol Froesel
- Sound/Video - Mike Toney
- Ushers - Ken Clark, Jack Hurley, Jeff Wille, Rodger Lubben
- Organist (Sunday) - Jim Thielker
- Bible Class Video Support - Jerry Nicolaus
| |  | | Glendale Lutheran Church Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm (314) 966-3220 | | | | | | | |