
Thursday, November 29, 2018

News from Glendale Lutheran Church

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church NewsletterNovember 29, 2018
In This Issue
Sunday, December 2
  9:15am -- Worship
10:45am -- Voter's Meeting
Monday, December 3
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  7:30am-8:30am -- Men's Bible Study
  8:00am-2:00pm -- 25 Gardeners - Gym
12:00pm-1:00pm -- CCLS Lunch Meeting - FLC
  3:00pm-6:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  5:30pm-6:30pm -- CCLS Bball - Gym
Tuesday, December 4
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  9:15am -- Women's Bible Study
12:00pm-1:00pm -- CCLS Lunch Meeting - FLC
  6:00pm-9:00pm -- STL Rockstars Bball
  7:00pm -- Dartball - Youth Rm
Wednesday, December 5
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  9:00am-7:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  5:30pm -- Advent Potluck
  6:00pm-9:00pm -- StL Rockstars Bball - Gym
  6:30pm -- Advent Worship
  7:30pm -- Choir
Thursday, December 6
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  9:00am-5:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  1:00pm -- Nifty Knitters/Clever Crocheters
  7:00pm -- AA - Mixed - FLC
  7:00pm -- Women's Evening Bible Study
  7:15pm-9:30pm -- Crossroads - Gym/Yth/Fellowship
Friday, December 7
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  9:00am-5:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  6:15pm -- AA Women - FLC
  8:00pm -- AA Men - FLC
Saturday, December 8
  11:00am -- Moll event - Gym
  1:00pm -- Rawlings event - Youth Rm
  5:00pm -- Worship
Sunday, December 9
  9:15am -- Worship
10:45am -- Sunday School/Bible Class
  3:00pm -- Christmas Organ Concert
Pastor Scott's Message 
   This Sunday, after the worship service, we will have a voters meeting in the Family Life Center. The main topic is the approval of the courtyard project. The proposal is to build a courtyard between the sanctuary, the Family Life Center and the Gymnasium. The main flooring will be the same aggregated concrete that we have outside the entrance to the main building. It will be surrounded by walls with built-in seating, a memorial garden with fountain, a cascading rock wall, steps to the sanctuary and landscaping. It includes lighting, shade, and audio capability. It will be used for Sunday mornings spring through fall, CCLS kids, weddings, Saturday night services, concerts and yet undiscovered festivities. The cost is $160,000.
   The project predates my call here but I'd like to share a few thoughts. Beautifying God's house is always a good goal. We know that in a fallen world, things degrade; that includes buildings and property. Wanting this place to look as pleasant and attractive as possible is a good thing. God is beautiful and beautiful things can draw us to heavenly things. The current courtyard is an unused eyesore but the plans for the new courtyard transform the space.
   At the same time, the church can't be frivolous with her resources. In the men's group, we studied Martin Luther, the moment where Pope Leo spent crazy amounts of money on lavish building projects. Though many of his pursuits were created by the greatest artisans of the time, it was obvious that the building projects were unbelievably expensive to the detriment of the church. Building projects should never be the end goal. They are a means to draw people to the Lord.
   It is my estimation that this church has been very frugal with its money, especially concerning property. Glendale Lutheran does not have a history of misspending money.  We try to make do with what we have for as long as possible. That is why we held onto metal chairs for 75 years. That is why we still have an old boiler. That is why the sanctuary hasn't been updated. There is a strong sense of good stewardship in the leadership and with the voters.
   But when this congregation sees an opportunity to fund a new project that will draw people to God, we seize it. The new wing was built ten years ago with the hope that God would fill it and he did. We are at capacity with CCLS. We just baptized a CCLS child, Walter. God is drawing people to him through the faithful planning of the voters. The new courtyard is another such opportunity. If we are beautifying the property to draw people to the Lord and give him glory, then it is a great thing.

Daily Bible Readings 

Special Voters' Meeting
A Special Voters' Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December 2, 2018, in the Family Life Center immediately following service.  During the meeting, Leadership Council will present for voter approval plans for the Courtyard along with a discussing on financing the Project. Please plan on attending to discuss this exciting undertaking for our congregation.
The Leadership Council
Advent & Christmas Schedule
Seminary Families Tree
Our Seminary Families Tree in the back of church is decorated with ornaments with the names of children of seminarians. Please select an ornament if you wish to participate, and purchase a gift for the child whose name is on the ornament. Wrap the gift and place it under the tree by Sunday, December 9. The gifts will be delivered to the children on Monday, December 10. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Skouby.
Christmas Music Concert
You are cordially invited to attend the 2nd annual Christmas Music Concert at Glendale Lutheran Church on  Sunday, December 9 at 3:00pm. Featured at this concert will be Glendale Organist and Music Director Jim Thielker. Other featured instruments include Piano and Dulcimers. Plan now to attend this exciting program and the reception to follow!
Food Donation Cart
As the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays rapidly approach, please remember those less fortunate than you when you're out grocery shopping and help us fill up our food donation cart to Kirkcare each week. Thank you!
Pastor Scott Uganda Opportunity
Christ Community International has invited Pastor Scott to teach Pastoral Theology this spring at the Lutheran Seminary in Uganda. We are looking for donations to cover the $2,500 cost for travel, lodging, immunizations, and expenses for the trip and ask that you prayerfully consider contributing to this opportunity. Please contact Pastor Scott or any Leadership Council member if you are interested in sponsoring this wonderful ministry opportunity.
Notes from the Music Director
If you are in the market for a new or used piano, also a fabulous Roland Digital Keyboard, I have the instruments and store for the best instruments and price! Please call or email me ASAP - Jim Thielker (314-537-7691,

The Word Within the Word   by John Wehmueller

Worship Leaders                    

This Sunday (12/2)
Next Sunday (12/9)
Pastor ScottPastor Scott
Pastor ScottPastor Scott
Greg FrimelPhyllis Phelps
Children's Message
Janet LeetMarcia Ladd
Communion AssistantNate McCartyNate McCarty
Lay Assistants
Andy & Tracey OrtstadtTerry Buchholz
Mike & Lisa Grossenheider
Frank & Charlotte Moret
Ken ClarkMike Toney
UshersTony Petzoldt, Frank Moret, Gerry Lucas, Gary RileyCarol Froesel, Jeanne Lipinski, Beverly Dixson, Lisa Grossenheider
Pianist (Saturday)
Jim ThielkerJim Thielker
Organist (Sunday)
Jim ThielkerJim Thielker
Bible Class Video Support
Tony PetzoldtMike Murphy

December Birthdays & Anniversaries                    

2 -  Andrew Buchholz
5 - Kathy Brugere
        Sue Schultz
7 - Jerry Keathley
        Hunter Lane
9 - Ruth Moll
        Jon Schultz
        Glee Schultz
10 -  Andrew Schultz
12 - Pastor Scott
14 - Gene Smith
         Matt Grossenheider
15 - Vivian Kattentidt
         Ashley Lane       

21 - Dale Griffin
          Sherman Moore
22 - Aaron Hempel
24 - Jean Peterson
25 - Mary Skouby
         John Willmann
30 - Karen Frimel
31 - Andrew Grossenheider

16 -Mathew & Kelly Schultz
29 -Jonathan & Sue Schultz

Glendale Lutheran Church, 1365 North Sappington Road, Glendale, MO 63122
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