Pastor Scott's Message

Save the Date, Feb 15-17 is a Congregational Wellness Weekend at Glendale. It’s for Council, elders, and any members who want to make this the best church we can be. Pastor Darrell Zimmerman from Grace Place Wellness will lead us Friday night 6-9pm, Saturday 8am-2pm and Sunday during Bible class. A wellness weekend is a conversation among church leaders asking, “What is a healthy congregation?” It’s an opportunity to discover God’s plan for the wellness of congregations and all who serve in their ministries. It’s the beginning of a journey toward creating the healthiest environment for people in ministry to thrive and experience joy in their callings.
A Congregational Wellness Weekend focuses on the central truths of the gospel, the forgiveness, love and peace that produce unity and oneness in the Church. Grace Place would like to help us and our congregation discover how other churches in The LCMS are learning to apply those truths in their daily life together as the people of God in mission.
Our congregation’s leaders are continually striving to fulfill the Lord’s Great Commission, asking, “What would the Lord have us DO to reach out with His love to our community?” Grace Place Wellness would like to help us answer the Great Commandment question, “How will we learn to love one another as we pursue the Lord’s mission?” That’s the purpose of a Congregational Wellness Weekend: to build unity and harmony in our church.
The mission at Grace Place Wellness can be summarized, “Healthy Leaders for Healthy Congregations.” A Wellness Weekend at our church helps us in our journey toward becoming as healthy as the Lord intends us to be.