
Thursday, October 4, 2018

News from Glendale Lutheran Church

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church NewsletterOctober 4, 2018
In This Issue
Sunday, October 7
  9:15am -- Worship
10:45am -- Sunday School/Bible Class
Monday, October 8
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  7:30am-8:30am -- Men's Bible Study
  3:00pm-6:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
Tuesday, October 9
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  9:15am -- Women's Bible Study
  6:30pm - L'Arche Community Night - FLC
  7:00pm - Dartball - Youth Rm
Wednesday, October 10
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  9:00am-7:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  7:00pm -- Choir
Thursday, October 11
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  9:00am-5:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  7:00pm -- AA - Mixed - FLC
  7:15pm-9:30pm -- Crossroads - Gym/Yth/Fellowship
Friday, October 12
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  9:00am-5:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  6:15pm -- AA Women - FLC
  8:00pm -- AA Men - FLC
Saturday, October 13
10:00am-12:00pm -- Lightroom Fundamentals - FLC
  5:00pm -- Worship
Sunday, October 14
  9:15am -- Worship
10:45am -- Sunday School/Bible Class
Pastor Scott's Message
   I love being the pastor of Glendale Lutheran and I love working with CCLS preschool. This week the two came together at the Preschool Pancake Breakfast, Wednesday. We had a banquet of kid-friendly foods, strawberries, whipped cream, blueberries, syrup and, of course, pancakes. Glendale members sat and chatted with preschool families while volunteers did some flipping in the kitchen. Smiles filled the room though I could see that some of the little ones were confused why we were eating where they normally play and ride bikes.
   Every week I have the joy of knowing these kids and families. I go into the classrooms and read books about dinosaurs. I walk next to them on the stairs and sing the "Put Your Right Hand on the Rail" song. I walk over to the playground and talk to the kids through the fence. I shake hands of dads and say how blessed we are to have them here. I tell moms that their kids love going to chapel.
   Days like the pancake breakfast are my favorite because others in our church get to experience my joy. These families are a gift from God. We get to share Jesus with them. We make church an exciting and fun place. I see and hear the gratitude from the parents. Their precious little ones love this place. A lot of that is the wonderful CCLS teachers. But Glendale's hospitality is also a big factor. Thank you to those servants who took the time to bless tiny strangers this week. Only God knows the impact you made.

Daily Bible Readings

Voters' Meeting
   A Special Voters' Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, October 28, 2018, in the Family Life Center immediately following service to elect Leadership Council members and Elders. Bob Jacobson and Rodger Lubben have been nominated to serve three-year terms on the Leadership Council.  Ron Froesel has been nominated to extend his term for another year as an Elder.
   Additionally, we will ask the congregation to approve a resolution that will allow us to obtain a line of credit from Lutheran Church Extension Fund to accompany our mortgage loan conversation. We will also have updates on the courtyard project and information on the pricing estimates we have obtained.
   Please plan on attending the Meeting to vote on our leadership candidates and the line of credit resolution and to listen to courtyard project developments.
Family Movie Night
Next Potluck!
The next potluck dinner is scheduled for October 17, with fellowship at 6:00pm and dinner at 6:30pm.
LWML Event
Lutheran Women in Mission present Sing Fest with Rev. Terry Dittmer. The event will take place at Mount Calvary Lutheran in Brentwood, 8:30am to 11:30am, during the LWML St. Louis West Zone Rally on Saturday, October 20. A freewill offering will be taken for LWML treasury and event expenses. Please RSVP by October 12 (for food count) to Annette at
Faith Support for Individuals with Loved Ones in Jail
Through his role as Chaplain for the St. Louis County Jail, Pastor Vince Stanley has recognized the emotional stress placed on individuals when a loved one is in jail. Pastor Stanley has formed a faith-based and confidential support group for individuals who have loved ones currently or formerly incarcerated. The group will meet monthly on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00pm at Concordia Lutheran Church in Kirkwood. If you are dealing with this stressful situation or have experiences to share, please join this group.
Notes from the Music Director
   Our choir has had an excellent beginning. The words of each anthem are printed in the bulletin. I have chosen some wonderful anthems and songs between now and January.   
   All new voices are needed, however...four to five new sopranos would surely complete a well-balanced choir. Please consider joining the choir as we sing to the glory of God in a beautiful sanctuary.
   Please read Psalm 150.

In Christ,
Jim Thielker (314-487-6942 or 314-537-7691)
Glimpses from the Homefront
5 May, 1945

Ahoy Mates, you can't conceive how surprised I was when I received the second issue of InkLinks, I was sitting in the Radio Shack of the good ship Panamint--the fastest, fightenest...who am I trying to kid...ship in this man's navy. A buddy of mine taps me on the shoulder and says I had a couple dozen letters up in the comm office...ran up the stairs...knocked down two admirals, captains, five lieutenants, finally reached that pile of mail...First letter I opened was from you. Twin brother in the Medical Corps in France at the present time...told him to get this thing over in his side of the world but if I know Harvey he'll want to get back home when the Germans are cooked in their own kraut! Join the Navy and see the World!...Sure am seeing the world, touring the Pacific, all expenses paid...seen Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, crossed the equator and drop anchor off Guadalcanal...Hawaii just would not be Hawaii without Waikiki, and Waikiki would not be Waikiki without hula girls, and hula girls would not be hula girls without grass skirts, and there I was without a lawn mower...Just an InkLink booster! How about air mailing InkLinks?
Jerry Schneider
Tracking Our Building Mortgage
   We have posted the result of the funds that continue to be specified weekly for principal reduction. We will continue to accumulate these funds until each month end and then send to LCEF in addition to our regular contracted monthly principal and interest payment.
   $19,000 of additional principal was sent in August. This reduced our 20 year term by 8 months and will save us over $29,000 in interest.
   This information will be updated monthly and posted on the LCEF bulletin board in the hallway toward the Parish House.
   If we can sign up 8 more accounts with LCEF, we will qualify for a mortgage interest reduction for the next FIVE years. If you have not already done so, please consider this win win activity. Accounts can be opened for as little as 25 dollars. Youth accounts are paying a nice rate of interest and are a good way to introduce this worthwhile organization and saving activity to your grandchild.
Yard Work Volunteer Wanted
We are looking for a volunteer to maintain the boxwood bushes on our campus. Bushes should be trimmed as necessary (2 to 3 times per year). It is estimated to take two to three hours to trim. We will provide a cordless trimmer unless you prefer to use you own. Please let Michelle know if you are willing to take responsibility for this seasonal task.

The Word Within the Word   by John Wehmueller

Worship Leaders                    

This Sunday (10/7)
Next Sunday (10/14)
Pastor ScottKen Krieger
Pastor ScottJoel Hempel
Tracey OrtstadtJonathan Schultz
Children's Message
Janet LeetMarcia Ladd
Communion AssistantNate McCartyNate McCarty
Lay Assistants
Greg & Karen FrimelFrank & Charlotte Moret
Bill & Judy GeorgeJules & Mary Bush
Ken ClarkPaul Barbercheck
UshersTony Petzoldt, Frank Moret, Gary Riley, Gerry LucasCarol Froesel, Beverly Dixson, Jeanne Lipinski, Lisa Grossenheider
Pianist (Saturday)
Carol BenninghoffJim Thielker
Organist (Sunday)
Jim ThielkerJim Thielker
Bible Class Video Support
Tony PetzoldtMike Murphy

Next Sunday's Bible Readings
Prepare for next week's worship through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day:
Amos 5:6-7, 10-15; Hebrews 3:12-19; Mark 10:17-22
October Birthdays & Anniversaries                    
5 -  Bettie Welch
6 - Gloria Nobis
        Grace Jonas
7 - LaVerne Eifert
8 - Steve Brugere
        Lisa Grossenheider
9 -  Ben Haskenhoff
11 -  Janet Hurley
14 - Howard Finley
15 - Bruce Hartung
         Grant Lee
19 - Josh Schultz
20 - Maggie McClanahan
21 - Jeanne Clark
22 - Janet Leet

23 - Phyllis Phelps
24 - Magnus Hempel
25 - Karen Raterman           
26 - Kelly Climer
27 - Sally Dobrunz
28 - Molly Ryan

2 - Devin & Marilee Sauer
4 - Justin & Candace Lane
14 - Jules & Mary Bush
17 - Sue & Doug Schmidt
22 - Rick & Sandy Faeth

Glendale Lutheran Church, 1365 North Sappington Road, Glendale, MO 63122
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