Pastor Scott's Message  It is a huge blessing that Glendale Lutheran is only 6 miles from Concordia Seminary. One of the benefits is that we get seminary students assigned to our congregation. This year we received two excellent young men, Michael Hansen and Christian Pieper. Michael Hansen is a fourth year student which means he is graduating in the spring. His responsibilities with us end this week. We are very grateful to be involved in his fieldwork education. Michael gave us a glimpse at the kind of pastor he will be when he preached last weekend. He led us through John Chapter 2, the Wedding of Cana from the point of view of the groom. Jesus surprised him by filling his cup in more ways than one. Jesus filled us up through Michael's preaching. As a thank you for his time with us we gifted him a copy of "The Dictionary of Luther and Lutheran Traditions." We wish Michael well and know God will bless a congregation with his love of people and the Gospel. Christian Pieper is a first year student from Minnesota. He is a great addition to Sunday Morning Bible class with his insights. He is wonderful with people as we've seen when he attended a Table of 8. The women love him as evidenced when he went to the Tuesday morning Women's study. He has led liturgy on a Saturday night and will begin assisting in communion in January. Next fall he will have completed the Homiletics course needed to preach with us. I pray that Glendale Lutheran can be as big a blessing to him as he is to us. Pray for Michael and Christian and let them know that God is with them.
Advent Potlucks  Join us when you can for food and fellowship before Advent Worship Services on Wednesdays, December 6, 13, and 20! 5:30pm-5:45pm -- Fellowship 5:45pm-6:30pm -- Dinner 6:30pm -- Worship service |
Altar Flowers The 2018 Altar Flower Chart is hanging by the office. Please take a moment after church to sign up. An arrangement is a great way to honor or remember a loved one, birthday, anniversary, graduation, new  baby, or whatever the occasion. We are using Kirkwood Florist and Walter Knoll Florist. Arrangements cost $40-$45 depending on flowers chosen. Thank you do everyone who signed up last year. If you have any questions, please call Beverly Dixson at 314-822-2899. |
New Pictorial Directory Coming! Remember to stop by the Fellowship Hall this Sunday and have your picture taken for the new directory! |
Year-End Contributions Please remember to keep Glendale in your thoughts with end of year tax planning. Contributions through the end of December may be included as deductions for this current tax year. Treasurer Jeff Wille |
Women's Tuesday Bible Study Women's Tuesday Bible Study is beginning again on Tuesday, January 9 at 9:15am. You are welcome to join us as we begin the study "Jesus the One and Only" by Beth Moore. This is a great group of women and we would love to have you join us! |
Notes from the Music Director - Rather than printing the words of the choir and soloist numbers each Sunday, a copy of actual music will be placed where the bulletins are found in the rear of the church. Please return the music following the service.
- Thanks to Jerry Nicolaus for purchasing and installing a much needed shelving arrangement for choir folders.
Shut-in Christmas Bags - Thank You! Thanks to everyone who "Shopped Local" this year for our shut-in Christmas bags. It's always fun to try something new and we appreciate your support. Also thanks to those who delivered bags--that too is much appreciated! |
$$$ for Doors Update To date we have received a bit over $7,100 specified for this exciting project. Thank you to all those members who have provided the extra help to get this project completed Since the lead time is extensive for these custom sized doors, an order has been placed this week. (We will also avoid a 10% price increase to go into effect in January.) Doors are expected to be delivered sometime in March of next year. Doors will be in three panels that , when desired, will open outwardly and completely to leave an open area. We look forward with some optimism as we continue to consider the possibilities for the "Rose Garden" that result from replacing the failed and cloudy windows that have been a barrier to this area. |
Calendar Corrections The Christmas Day service will be at the normal Sunday morning worship time of 9:15am, NOT 9:30am as previously published. Additionally, there will be no Saturday service on Saturday, December 23. |
CCLS Kindergarten Round-Up |
Community Events
LHSS Christmas Concerts The choirs of Lutheran High School South invite all to enjoy their Christmas Concert on Sunday evening, December 17 at 7:00pm. The concert will be held in the historic sanctuary at Concordia Lutheran Church on Kirkwood Road in Kirkwood. The high school Lancer Singers, Concert Choir, and Mixed Chorus will perform along with the middle school Junior Singers. The concert will include audience carols as well as selections combining all the choirs. A free-will offering will be received, and a cookie reception will follow the concert. Follow the Star to Ascension Lutheran Church's Live Nativity Ascension Lutheran Church will have the true meaning of Christmas on display Saturday, December 16 from 5:00pm-9:00pm. The nativity will feature live cattle, sheep, and a camel, as well as shepherds, wise men, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. The evening will include an angel choir, Christmas cookies and hot chocolate, and the Christmas message being broadcast over the radio. Ascension is located in the St. Louis Hills neighborhood at 5347 Donovan Ave. For more information, call 314-832-5600 or visit |
Worship Leaders
| This Sunday (12/17) | Next Sunday (12/24)
| Preacher/Celebrant
| Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott | Liturgist | Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott | Lector
| Tracey Ortstadt | Tim Cosby | Pianist (Saturday) | Jim Thielker | (no Saturday service 12/23) | Organist (Sunday)
| Jim Thielker | Jim Thielker | Communion Assistant
| --- | | Lay Assistants
| Robert & Krissa Lubben | Jack & Norma Bentzinger | Greeters
| Bill & Judy George | Ken & Jeanne Clark | Sound/Video
| Ken Clark, Grace Ortstadt | Paul Barbercheck | Ushers
| Mike Toney, Steve Phelps, Terry Buchholz, Rodger Lubben | Ron Froesel, Frank Moret, Gary Riley | Nursery | Sandy Barbercheck | Andy & Grace Ortstadt | Children's Message
| Janet Leet | Pastor Scott | |
Christmas Eve & Day Worship Leaders
| Christmas Eve 5:30pm | Christmas Eve 11:00pm
| Christmas Day 9:15am
| Preacher/Celebrant
| Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott
| Liturgist | Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott
| Lector
| Jon Schultz | Jerry Nicolaus | Marcia Hempel
| Organist | Jim Thielker | Jim Thielker | Jim Thielker
| Communion Assistant
| Jerry Nicolaus | STILL NEEDED | Joel Hempel
| Lay Assistants
| Sound/Video
| Ushers | Mike Toney, Judy George | STILL NEEDED | Ron Froesel, Carol Froesel
| Children's Message
| Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott
| |
Next Sunday's Bible Readings PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day: 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16; Romans 16:25-27; Luke 1:26-38 |