Pastor Scott's Message  Merry Christmas! We are beginning a journey through the Gospel of Matthew. Last year, we preached through John. Like last year, we start at the beginning on Christmas and go one chapter at a time until we get to the resurrection at Easter. It is a unique way to see the life of our Savior. I'm titling this sermon series "Jesus through the eyes of...." Matthew has unique characters that aren't emphasized in the other Gospels. For example, Christmas Eve we see Jesus through the eyes of Joseph. Luke emphasizes Mary, Mark has no birth narrative, and John has a creed instead. It is in Matthew that we get to know Joseph the father of Jesus. As we relate to him, our faith grows. We will get to know others along the way: a demon possessed man, pigs, Elijah, a farmer, Herod, a Canaanite woman and Matthew himself. We will try to see Jesus through their eyes. By doing so, maybe we will appreciate our Lord more and more. There is always more to discover. He reveals himself to us through his word again and again. It reminds me of my relationship with my daughters. Having kids allows you to see the world freshly through their eyes. You can read them a book that you know all too well. But when they experience it for the first time, you get something new out of it. They ask questions you hadn't thought about. They see details you didn't see. They make connections that you didn't know were there. The characters of Matthew have much to teach us. I pray that this Christmas season you can experience Jesus in a new way. |
Pastor Scott Uganda Opportunity Christ Community International has invited Pastor Scott to teach Pastoral Theology this spring at the Lutheran Seminary in Uganda. We are looking for donations to cover the $2,500 cost for travel, lodging, immunizations, and expenses for the trip and ask that you prayerfully consider contributing to this opportunity. Please contact Pastor Scott or any Leadership Council member if you are interested in sponsoring this wonderful ministry opportunity. |
Used Vehicle Needed A college-age GLC member is looking to purchase a used car or truck to use for long drives next year to Nebraska. Please contact Pastor Scott with any leads. Thank you! |
New Flower Chart The 2019 Flower Chart is up by the office! Please stop by and reserve a Sunday or two or three. Thank you! |
The Word Within the Word by John Wehmueller |
Worship Leaders
| This Sunday (12/23)
| Next Sunday (12/30)
| Preacher/Celebrant
| Pastor Scott | Pastor Ken Krueger | Liturgist
| Pastor Scott | Pastor Ken Krueger | Lector
| Cathie Albers | Andy Ortstadt | Children's Message
| Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott | Communion Assistant | Steve Albers | | Lay Assistants
| Tony Petzoldt | Frank & Charlotte Moret
| Greeters
| Ortstadt family | Shirley & Tori Williams | Sound/Video
| Paul Barbercheck | Jerry & Beth Nicolaus | Ushers | Judy George, Becci Sasser, Beverly Dixson, Theresa Canania | Terry Buchholz, Steve Phelps, Rodger Lubben, Mike Toney | Pianist (Saturday)
| Jim Thielker | Jim Thielker | Organist (Sunday)
| Jim Thielker | Jim Thielker | Bible Class Video Support
| Tony Petzoldt | Mike Murphy |