Faith Formation Ministry
One Family Bible Class
Today we are studying Jesus calling his first disciples in Philip and Nathanael. In Jesus, access to heaven is given to all who believe. You might discuss at home: "How did Philip and Nathanael know that Jesus was the Christ? How do we learn that Jesus is the Christ?"
Lenten Series - Places of the Passion
This year's Lenten series is drawn from Luke's account of our Lord's Passion. Each week, a different section of the Gospel is read; and each week, Luke will take us to a different place-the Places of the Passion. However, the focus will not be on those physical places. Instead, throughout the series, the hearer is invited to gaze in wonder on the spiritual work that our Lord does in those places. Jesus will share His strength in our times of weakness. When Jesus enters a place, He never leaves it as He found it. The most troubling places in our lives become the most amazing places of God's grace when Jesus visits them. Week after week, hearers will enter the places of the Passion, only to discover their Lord . . . waiting for them . . . willing to share with them a love that was set in place before the foundations of the world.
- Midweek of Lent 3 (Luke 22:47-53) "The Betrayal: A Place of Eternal Love"
- Midweek of Lent 4 (Luke 22:54-62) "The Courtyard: A Place of Renewal"
- Midweek of Lent 5 (Luke 22:63-23:25) "The Trial: A Place of God's Will"
- Holy Thursday (Luke 22:7-23) "The Last Supper: A Place of Forgiveness"
- Good Friday (Luke 23:44-49) "Golgotha: A Place of Simple Love"
- Easter (Luke 24:1-11) "The Empty Tomb: A Place of Remembering"
Stewardship Sentence

Luke 11:21-22 "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are safe; but when one stronger than he attacks him and overcomes him, he takes away his armor in which he trusted and divides his spoil." Jesus is stronger than Satan and He disarms him for us. But Jesus has disarmed Satan in a most unusual way: He has disarmed him by allowing Satan to cast all his weapons into Jesus. Satan has nothing left to attack us with: he spent it all on Jesus. And now Jesus is our Stronger Man. He guards and keeps us and ours - and we have none to fear.
Women's Evening Bible Study
The Thursday evening Bible study began a new study on February 18. The study guide is "God's Love Through You: A Guide to 1 John." All women are welcome; gathering together is a great opportunity to share prayer concerns and be strengthened by God's Work and by each other. Eighteen women currently are a part of this group; not all can attend every time and that is understood. We meet on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7:00pm. Please call or email Cathie Albers if you are interesting in joining or have questions (314-882-2033 or
Women's Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Beginning Tuesday, February 23 at 9:15am we started a new seven week Bible study. Please consider joining us as we explore "Discerning the Voice of God" presented by Priscilla Shirer. Through this study you will become more familiar with God's Holy Spirit, His character, language, and tone of voice. Call Carol Froesel or Jeanne Clark if you have any questions.
Pre-Lenten Service Meal
This Wednesday the youth will be serving the pre-service meal again. On the menu is a waffle bar and sausage. Free will donation goes to National Youth Gathering costs.
Palm Sunday Fair and Egg Hunt
Glendale Lutheran Church is having the Palm Sunday Fair and Egg Hunt on March 20after the service. There will be coffee, tea, lemonade, fruit and pastries in the gym. There will be several craft tables for the kids and Goliath waiting to be slain on the stage. Plan to join us.
In the meanwhile, the eggs are in a basket in the hallway waiting to be filled. Please take some home, fill them with wrapped candy and return them to the basket by March 16. Thanks for your help and look forward to a good time.
Easter Breakfast
Our annual Easter Breakfast will be held Easter Sunday, March 27, between the 8:15am and 10:45am worship services. This is a joyous occasion for our church and a wonderful meal together. Please see the sign-up poster on the kiosk to volunteer breakfast items. We appreciate your help! Lisa Grossenheider, 965-2667.
Birthday and Meal Kits
Want to help a child have a Happy Birthday Party this year?  Glendale Lutheran Church is participating in an outreach project of Operation Food Search (OFS). OFS is the largest privately run food bank in 28 counties in the St. Louis Metro area.
Between now and March 5, we are asking you to help put together a Birthday Bag that has the pieces needed for a party with a cake mix, icing, candles, favors, etc. and a meal for the birthday child's family to share to make a celebration for someone who otherwise could not afford it. OFS distributes these to agencies and food banks like Kirk Care to give to families wanting to do something special for their child. If you need a flier listing the information about the bags some will be on the ledge by the mailboxes or you can contact Michelle in the church office.
You can help in a number of ways:
- Contribute any of the ingredients for the birthday bag or the meal. On March 5, we will gather to complete the kits.
- Contribute cash to help complete the unfinished bags. You can give the money to Marcia Hempel, Tracey Orstadt, Beth Nicolas or leave it in the office marked birthday kit.
- Put together the complete Birthday Bag and/or the Meal Kit.
Have some fun - join us on March 5, Saturday, 9:30-11:30 a.m., you can stop in at the gym and drop off your contribution. We will have coffee, tea and refreshments. You can help make the bags, make a birthday card or just visit OR you can place your contributions in the box wrapped in blue birthday paper in the hallway starting this Sunday. Thank you for any help given. 
New AA Group to Begin Meeting Here
We have had two Alcoholics Anonymous groups using our Family Life Center on Friday nights for the past few years -one men's group and one woman's group. A new group will begin meeting here every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM beginning at the end of March. Unlike the groups that meet here on Friday, this new group with be a Mixed and Open group. What that means is that both men and women will be in attendance and they are open to welcome not only anyone who has a desire to stop drinking, but also anyone who may want to learn more about AA, alcoholism, and addiction. At these meetings, members tell what it is like to be addicted, how they came to AA, and how its program has helped in their lives. Again, anyone interested in AA, addicted or not, is welcome to attend. No reservation or prior notice is necessary. Just come a little early, and you will be welcome.
Survey Coming
What is your vision of Glendale Lutheran Church currently and five years from now? You will have an opportunity to help paint the picture we have of GLC now and in 2021. Watch for an e-mail from GLC on February 29 that will tell you how to take the Glendale Vision Survey. Paper copies will also be available. Taking the survey should take only a few (likely under 10) minutes.
Altar Flowers Needed
There are several upcoming Sundays available on the Altar Flower chart. Please sign up if you're interested!

Youth News
Thank you so much for your support for the Sub Sandwich sale! We raised close to $650. More opportunities to help support our youth are coming in the near future. We are hosting another Lenten meal on March 2, as well as the Easter Breakfast. Funds raised help fund youth activities, which includes helping support 11 GLC youth who will attend the National Youth Gathering in July.

Worship Leaders for Holy Week through April
We are continuing our trial usage of Volunteer Spot. All services from Maundy Thursday through April are now available as sign-up spots. The Worship Committee will still fill in any open spots from the lists of volunteers, so if you have a known conflict, selecting a spot well in advance might prevent some last-minute switching needs.
Please sign up here. If you prefer, you can call Michelle in the office to get your name on the schedule. Thank you!
A Note from the Kraegers
Dear friends of Glendale Lutheran Congregation,
Greetings to all fellow members and friends. It has been our pleasure and blessings to worship with you for the last 5 plus years. Sue and I are about to move to Arkansas to be close to our daughter and son-in-law. We have sold our home here and purchased a home in Fayetteville.
It has been a blessing to be here and we look forward to what God has planned for our future. May God bless us all and keep us, all the days of our lives.
Chuck and Sue Kraeger
Children's Worship Materials
We are looking for someone to take charge of the children's worship materials at the back of the church. This would entail periodically checking the bags to ensure each is stocked with paper, crayons, etc. If you are interesting in serving this way, please contact the church office.
Community Events
Keep Walking...By Faith
Interested in seeking some faith, fun, and fellowship? The 16th Lutheran Older Adults Retreat, Growing in Christ, is being held April 20-21, 2016, at Pere Marquette Lodge in Grafton, IL. The retreat is $100 per person, and includes meals, sectionals for growth opportunities in a variety of aspects of faith and family life, as well as crafts, sing-a-longs, and a servant event. The event pamphlet is on the kiosk, and registration forms are available by the mailboxes, or you can email for more information.
Sausage Supper and Spring Bazaar
Immanuel Lutheran Church Olivette invites you to attend their 28th Annual Sausage Supper and Spring Bazaar on Sunday, March 6, from noon-4:00pm. (Carry-outs until5:00pm.) All you can eat sausage, real mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, green beans, applesauce, bread and dessert will be served. Adults, $11; children 6-12, $5, 6 and under, free. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors and enjoy a great home cooked meal. You can also shop at the Spring Bazaar, featuring many hand-made, unique items. for more information.
Reformation Tour
The "On the Trail of Martin Luther" Reformation tour (September 14-24) being led by Pastor and Stephani Meyer of Zion Lutheran Church in Bethalto, Illinois on September 14-24 still has openings. In order to qualify for a $200.00 per person discount, the registration fee needs to be turned in by March 15. For a brochure or information, please contact them by phone (618-377-9815) or by e-mail (
The Word Within The Word |
Worship Attendance
Saturday 2/20, 20; Sunday 2/21, 111 = 131 Total
From the Catechisms
Certain Passages of Scripture for Various Holy Orders and Positions, by Which These People Are to Be Admonished, as a Special Lesson, about Their Office and Service
For Bishops, Pastors, and Preachers
Therefore, an overseer [pastor] must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive. He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil. He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. (1 Timothy 3:2-4, 6; Titus 1:9)
What the Hearers Owe to Their Pastors
In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel. (1 Corinthians 9:14)
One who is taught the word must share all good things with the one who teaches. (Galatians 6:6)
Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, "You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain," and, "The laborer deserves his wages." (1 Timothy 5:17-18)
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you. (Hebrews 13:17)
McCain, P. T. (Ed.). (2005). Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions (p. 346). St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.
Joy Amid Terror
I recently came across this article at National Review Online about the faith of Iraqi and Syrian Christians in the face of genocide. I want to share it with you because I was inspired and awed (as well as a little bit shamed) by the faith of these people who literally have nothing but their faith in Jesus Christ; but that is enough for them.
Pastor Wise
To view the article, go to:
Funnies (used with permission)
Worship Leaders for Next Sunday, March 6 (9:15am Worship)
Preacher/Celebrant | Pastor Wise |
Liturgist | Seminarian Matthew Albright |
Pianist (Saturday) | Carol Benninghoff |
Organist (Sunday) | Joy Elowsky |
Lector | Jerry Nicolaus |
Acolyte | Abbie Schultz |
Children's Message | Seminarian Matthew Albright |
Communion Assistant | Seminarian Matthew Albright |
Lay Communion Assistants
Mike & Debbie Toney
Greeters | Jules & Mary Bush |
Nursery | Sandy Barbercheck, Brian Skouby |
Sound/Video | Tony Petzoldt |
Ushers | Ken Clark, Jack Hurley, Jeff Wille, Robert Lubben |
PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day:
Isaiah 12:1-6; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11-32
March Birthdays and Anniversaries
1 - Adam Lane
Brett Naucke
2 - Sharon Gaal
3 - Jack Hurley
7 - Kathy Haskenhoff
8 - Sylvia Bach
11 - Katie Mullersman
12 - Ken Clark
Jack Rutter
Thomas Willmann
13 - Jean Das
John Delling
Zach Ortstadt
Luke Schultz
14 - Michael Barbercheck
15 - Stacey Ensor
Alena Schramm/Trachtova
Katerina Schramm/Trachtova
17 - Julia Schumacher
20 - Dagnija Comado
21 - Jenny Lane
24 - Jeri Crotzer
Helen Gillespie
Nathan Hempel
Elizabeth Ryan
Steven Schmidt
25 - Bill Bach
26 - Rick Faeth
27 - Gwendolyn Boehme
28 - Bill Naucke
Krista Steele
29 - Christian Haskenhoff
30 - Kyle Martinez
David Moore
31 - Jackson Bert
Rebecca Wehmueller

3 - Jeff & Suk Wille
30 - Bob & Jenny Lane