| Weekly Glimpses of Glendale
| Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter | June 26, 2016 | | | WEEKLY CALENDAR
Sunday, June 26 9:15am -- Worship 10:30am -- Voters' Meeting 11:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education | Monday, June 27 7:00pm-9:00pm -- Lightroom Fundamentals - FLC | Tuesday, June 28 9:15am -- Bible Study 12:00pm-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 6:00pm-7:00pm -- L'arche Faith & Light | Wednesday, June 29 9:00am-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor | Thursday, June 30 8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 1:00pm -- Nifty Knitters/Clever Crocheters 7:00pm -- AA - Mixed - FLC | Friday, July 1 6:15pm -- AA Women - FLC 8:00pm -- AA Men - FLC | Saturday, July 2 8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor 5:00pm -- Worship | Sunday, July 3 9:15am -- Worship 10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education | | | Faith Formation Ministry
One Family Bible Class This week's Bible Class lesson is Luke 17:11-19 where Jesus heals the 10 lepers. Sin brought sickness and death into the world. Just as Jesus healed the 10 lepers, He heals us from the sickness of sin and overcomes death for us. Stewardship Sentence  1 Kings 19:18 "Yet I will leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him." Elijah was so sure that he was right: that he was the only one left who had not gone after Baal. But he was too pessimistic; his faith in God was off-center. We can't go by our own wisdom. We must trust the Lord and what He has revealed to us in His Word. Think about how this applies to our support of God's work in the Church with our offering (take at look in the Small Catechism's Table of Duties to see what the Bible has to say about our giving....). | Outreach
Kirkcare Needs Our Help Kirk Care Food Pantry is the only food pantry in the area that delivers and right now they are in need of specific items. Summertime is challenging for some families with kids home from school. Please brings donations and place in our shopping cart by the Family Life Center. Suggested items are: protein (canned chicken, tuna, peanut butter, etc.), pasta and sauces (Chef Boyardee, etc.), or canned fruit.
Upcoming Voters' Meeting The second reading of the budget and approval will be on Sunday, June 26 at 10:30am, immediately following the worship service. Bible class will meet after the meeting. All members are strongly encouraged to attend this important meeting. Thanks, The Leadership Council |
After the Vision Survey...Glendale Visions and Plans Your response to our Vision Survey told us WHERE YOU WANT GLC to be in 2021. Where you want us to be includes having more young families and young adults in our fellowship and at worship, having enough worshippers to have at least three services on a weekend with services of more variety, and keeping GLC strong as a place of hospitality and care. How do we do this? Your Leadership Council and Elders have some ideas. But we believe you have some as well. Your Leadership Council will be gathering at church for half-day retreat to develop plans to move forward. We would like you to join us on July 16, 2016, beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending no later than noon. There will be coffee and tea and a few other goodies to munch, but the most important person to have present is YOU! Please join us. |
Our CCLS Assistance Fund Needs Extra Help For many years our congregation has provided tuition assistance to families with children enrolled at CCLS. As a member congregation of the CCLS association we have made a commitment that no child be denied a Christian education because of financial need. Funds are given by GLC members specifically for CCLS tuition assistance and are not part of our general operating funds or our CCLS assessment. Each year we work with CCLS to identify families with special financial needs using a standardized financial application process. Approximately $14,000 is needed to support this part of our ministry through the next school year. Please consider making a gift to the CCLS Assistance Fund. Gifts can be placed in the offering with the designation "CCLS Tuition Assistance". The GLC commitments to Lutheran education and CCLS have always been tremendous. A little extra giving to this fund helps make sure that this Christian learning experience is available to all of our congregation's children. Questions about this program can be directed to Pastor Wise or Andy Ortstadt (aortstadt@gmail.com). Thank you for your continued support. |
Rummage Sale Rewind! New Date - Saturday, July 9 Due to circumstances beyond our control, publication for the date and time of our sale was not as widespread as we had planned. As a result, participation from bargain seekers was less than half what we have come to expect over past years. Revenue was just under $1,000. While this is $1,000 we did not have before, the consensus from the volunteers was that we should set another date soon and try again. We WILL have another sale on Saturday, July 9, from 7:30am to Noon. If you missed the opportunity to clean out/ pare down you have yet another chance. Items can be brought to the gym stage beginning NEXT WEEK June 26 through July 6. Let's work together to achieve the $2500 to $3000 results that we have experienced in the past. |
Life Together Church Family Potlucks Join us July 13 at 5:30pm for another potlock! Bring a dish to share and a healthy appetite. See you there!
New Exciting News Regarding Our Worship Service Internet Broadcast Thanks to the generous financial underwriting of one of our members all of our worship service broadcasts going forward can now be viewed COMMERCIAL FREE!! These sometimes frequent, sometimes inappropriate, always intrusive commercial ads had been a part of our broadcasts since we began this effort some years ago and was the "price" we paid for a "free" service. Want to hear that sermon again, did you really like that choir music, click on the church website - glendalelutheranchurch.org, then find the "button" for web broadcast and select the appropriate service from the archives that appear. Worship services are there for at least two months back. Commercial free broadcasts cost $99.00 a month. If anyone has a heart to help support this effort, funds can be designated for "Internet Broadcast." |
Community Benefit Dinner Concert On the evening of August 5, beginning at 6:30pm, there will be a benefit dinner concert at Timothy Lutheran Church, 6704 Fyler, 63139. The beneficiaries will be Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Julie E. Taitt Lutheran School, both located in the greater Monrovia, Liberia area and both led by Pastor Simon Dapaye, now on a brief visit to the St. Louis area. Tickets are $6.00 per person or $40.00 for a table of 8 and can be purchased through Timothy Lutheran Church Office (314-781-8673). Questions or donations? Contact Simon Dapaye at 314-550-4359 or dapayesimon@yanoo.com
Lutheran Reformation Series 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. You can listen to a weekly series on Martin Luther and the Reformation with Reformation historian Dr. Ken Schurb. Topics include: Luther the Monk & Priest, The 95 Theses, The Doctrine of Justification, The Diet of Worms, The Small & Large Catechisms, Luther's Death & Legacy and more. You can tune in live weekdays from 3:00pm-5:00pm on KFUO, 850 AM in St. Louis. You can also listen at your convenience at www.issuesetc.org and on the Lutheran Public Radio mobile app.
HIS Time - on your Lutheran Radio Station Worldwide KFUO.org Start your day by sanctifying it with the Word of God and prayer. Based on God's time in the Church Year, we feast on God's Word in daily Scripture readings and interview guests on various topics vital to your daily life. Here's what's in store for this week: - Mon, July 4 - "Christian Bioethics" with Dr. Bob Weise
- Tues, July 5 - "2017 LCMS Life Conference" with Tracy Quaethem, Life and Health Ministries
- Wed, July 6 - "14th Annual T-3 Men's Retreat " with Rev. Jeremy Klaustermeier and "Witness Wednesday" with Rev. Mark Wood
- Thurs, July 7 - "Lutheran Senior Services" with Jane Wilke/Annmarie Utech" and "Historically Speaking" with Concordia Historical Institute
- Fri, July 8 - "International Student Ministry Furniture Give-Away" with Sharon Riordan and "Creation Club" with Rev. Warren Woerth
Old Theology, New Technology Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week's topics include: Receptive Spirituality, The Liturgy of Holy Matrimony, Professor Martin Luther, 5th Century Archbishop Cyril of Alexandria, 2nd Century Bishop Irenaeus of Lyons and more. You can tune in live weekdays from 3-5pm on KFUO, 850 AM in St. Louis. You can also listen to what you want when you want at www.issuesetc.org and on the Lutheran Public Radio mobile app.
Shepherd's Center The Shepherd's Center is a community outreach and help center for older adults that is supported by many area churches. Their motto: "Inspiring dynamic living among older adults through volunteerism, enrichment and community action." They provide fellowship activities, enrichment classes, and services for area seniors. Some are listed below. Shepherd's Center is located at 1333 W. Lockwood Ave., Glendale, MO. (314.395.0988; www.shepherdscenter-wk.org) For a complete listing of their summer programs see the new Life Together bulletin board.
Shepherd's Center: Handy Hands Simple Home Repair Are you a senior with an out of reach light bulb that needs to be changed, leaky faucet, a grab bar to install, batteries to change in a smoke detector, or other simple home repair? Shepherd's Center Handy Hands volunteers can help. No charge for service call. Homeowner is responsible for hardware or other material fees. Available to older adults responsible for home maintenance in eligible service area. For more information and to register for service, or to volunteer to help, call Lucy McCalpin at 314.395.0988.
Shepherd's Center Adventures in Learning To register for the following guest speakers, call 314.395.0988. Registration cost is $8/week or $24/four weeks, coffee and refreshments included. - July 8, 9:30am-10:20am -- Author Visit: David Baugher, Secret St. Louis: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure
- July 8, 10:30am-11:20am -- How to Read Your MSN (Medicare Summary Notice), Dexter Hall, Senior Medical Patrol
- July 15, 9:30am-10:20am -- Book Review: The Wright Brothers by David McCullough, reviewed by Tom Cooper, Director, Webster Groves Public Library
- July 15, 10:30am-11:20am -- 15 National Parks in 50 Days, Corky and Harry Bahr
- July 22, 9:30am-10:20am -- A Trip to London and Paris, Presented by Pam Kaizer, Senior Services Plus Travel Program Coordinator
- July 22, 10:30am-11:20am -- Missouri Botanical Garden: An Armchair Tour, Presented by Joe Dunne, Docent
- July 29, 9:30am-10:20am -- The Blues is Living History: St. Louis Blues Museum, Dion Brown, Executive Director
- July 29, 10:30am-11:20am -- Magnificent Alaska, Presented by Susan Eaton
Make a Difference by Hosting an International Student! Would you like to provide a supportive, encouraging environment for an international student attending Lutheran South? Would you like to see your family be enriched by helping an international student experience American culture? As the Lutheran High School Association focuses on expanding its home stay program for international students, we are partnering with LPI Learning to identify host families. LPI Learning provides unique global educational opportunities which encourage participants to learn about the world around them, inspiring them to make it a better place through life-changing experiences.
Hosting an international student is a wonderful experience with many benefits: - Experience a new culture and customs
- Bring international understanding to your home, school and community
- Receive a generous monthly stipend for hosting
- Change the life of an international student by allowing them to experience American education and culture
- Share the love of Christ
- Become friends for life with a student from another country!
LPI Learning manages the entire host family enrollment process, including the interview, screening and payments of monthly stipends. They provide 24/7 support through their national office and have local representatives in our community. Additionally, international students benefit from Lutheran South's learning environment, where they are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities and athletics to enhance their college readiness. Our experienced faculty members give personalized attention to each student, helping them to learn, communicate and develop the critical thinking and problem solving skills they need for future success in an American university. Learn more about the host family experience, the stipend and the application process or contact Jessica Pignataro at (203) 680-9982.
The Word Within The Word |
Worship Attendance Saturday 6/18, 20; Sunday 6/19, 97 = 117 Total |
Funnies (used with permission)  |
Worship Leaders
| This Sunday (6/26)
| Next Sunday (7/3)
| Preacher/Celebrant
| Pastor Wise
| Pastor Wise
| Liturgist
| Seminarian Nate McCarty | Seminarian Nate McCarty | Pianist (Saturday)
| Joy Elowsky | Joy Elowsky
| Organist (Sunday)
| Joy Elowsky | Joy Elowsky | Lector
| Jonathan Schultz | Tim Cosby | Acolyte
| Luke Schultz | Lillian Conger | Children's Message
| Sue Schultz | Seminarian Nate McCarty | Communion Assistant
| Seminarian Nate McCarty | Seminarian Nate McCarty | Lay Communions Assistants
| Steve Phelps | Andy & Tracey Ortstadt | Greeters
| Frank & Charlotte Moret | Hank & Joan Schlichter | Nursery
| Cyndi & Spencer Moore | Sandy Barbercheck, Brian Skouby | Sound/Video
| David Williams | Jerry & Beth Nicolaus | Ushers
| Ken Clark, Jack Hurley, Jeff Wille | Deb Toney, Judy George, Becci Sasser, Theresa Canania | PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day: Isaiah 66:10-14; Galatians 6:1-10, 14-18; Luke 10:1-20 |
July Birthdays and Anniversaries 1 - Beverly Dixson Molly McClanahan 4 - Steve Jagels 5 - Ruth Wussler 6 - Debbie Bert Gale Reed 7 - Jessica Nelson 15 - Marilyn McDermott Luke Redick 16 - Doug Bert Gayle Sappington 17 - Julie McClanahan-Gubser 20 - Kiyah Hempel 21 - Landon Climer William DeBord Harold Oberle 23 - Tom Crabtree Matt Mullersman 24 - Clayton Toney Julie Atwood-Wise | 27 - Doug Allen 29 - Kristen Eads Jerry Nicolaus 31 - Ken Orloff
6 - Jack & Janet Hurley 9 - Gil & Theresa Canania 10 - Annemarie & Mike Schloeman 11 - Frank & Sharon Gaal 14 - Pastor Wise & Julie Atwood-Wise Greg & Karen Frimel Douglas & Kathy Grimm 15 - Jason & Lisa DeBord 17 - Fred & Mary Aufderheide 18 - Bill & Patricia Richter 25 - John & Pat Steele 27 - Mike & Lisa Grossenheider | |
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