Your Leadership Council and Elders want the congregation to know that we have been in constant communication with Pastor Wise regarding his condition and necessary treatment. The reason for this update is that Pastor is about to begin a treatment schedule that will be very challenging over the next 4 to 6 months - and we want him to devote all his energy to getting well. Therefore, he will begin a leave of absence from our ministry as quickly as possible.
Our Circuit Counselor, Pastor Darrell Zimmerman, has also been talking with Pastor Wise and the Elders to put a plan in place for immediate back-up ministry. This includes both the weekend worship activities and day-to-day ministry needs. Pastor Zimmerman is also working with the Elders to identify and meet with candidates who can lead our ministry over the next several months. Details continue to be worked out and will be communicated over the next several weeks.
Pastor Zimmerman will preach this Saturday and Sunday. Seminarian Tony Fields will preach the following weekend, September 10 and 11. For the next two Sundays, Seminarian Nate McCarty will continue to facilitate the Adult Study series that Pastor Wise has been leading. Beginning in late September, Seminary Field Workers will take a lead role in confirmation education. Needs for pastoral care should be directed to Pastor Zimmerman at 314.580.4608.
Questions about ministry programs or day-to-day activities can be directed to the Church Office. Michelle will coordinate communication with the Elders, Pastor Zimmerman and others as appropriate.
Please keep Pastor Wise, his family and his caregivers in your prayers.
Yours in Christ,
GLC Leadership Council and Elders