
Thursday, September 15, 2016

News from Glendale Lutheran Church

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
September 18, 2016
In This Issue
Sunday, September 18
  9:15am -- Worship
10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education
Monday, September 19
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
Tuesday, September 20
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
12:00pm-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
Wednesday, September 21
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  9:00am-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor   
  9:30am-11:30am -- PEO - Chapter FX
  6:00pm -- Potluck Dinner
  7:30pm -- Choir
Thursday, September 22
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  7:00pm -- AA - Mixed FLC
Friday, September 23
  6:15pm -- AA Women - FLC
  8:00pm -- AA Men - FLC
Saturday, September 24
  8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  5:00pm -- Worship
Sunday, September 25
  9:15am -- Worship
10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education
Faith Formation Ministry                   
One Family Bible Class  
There will be no Bible Class this Sunday as GLC's youth will share their experiences from the recent National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Grab a cup of coffee and come see what you can learn from our youths' perspectives. Finally, Dr. Todd Jones will begin a multi-part conversation on September 25 about the issues and challenges facing congregations as they seek to grow the impact of their ministries in their communities. Dr. Jones will bring interesting perspective to the way we look at growing our ministry.
Sunday School
Sunday School for ages 3 years through High School Seniors will resume September 25.  Preschool through 1st grade children will meet in the lower level of the Parish House (under the gym).  Grades 2 through 6 will meet in the lower level of the new building across from the elevator, room 012.  High School youth will gather in the Youth Room.   Confirmation class for 7th and 8th grade youth will be in the conference room next to Pastor's office, room 113.
Stewardship Sentence
Luke 14:11 "For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: that's called humility. The Lord is God and we are not. With that in mind, how could we not seek to follow His Word in all aspects of life? Once we see His love for us in the cross of Christ, how could we not trust Him? He knows what he is talking about and we don't - and He loves us and wants to bless us! If you believe that, then striking out on a path of faithfulness in the realm of stewardship is a lot easier: it just makes sense.

Thursday Evening Women's Bible Study
The Thursday evening women's Bible study began again on September 8 at 7:00pm. Usually we have met on the first and third Thursdays of the month; because of the Labor Day weekend, we will have our study for this month on September 8 and 22. We will finish our study of I John during the next few months. If you are interested in joining in this Bible study, please let us know--a book will be ordered for you! All are warmly welcome. Please contact Cathie Albers (314-882-2033). Join us at the church!
A Message from Dr. Biermann
Yahweh Yireh. The Lord will provide. This designation for God makes a memorable appearance in the scriptural record as Abraham climbs Mr. Moriah with his son to carry out a sad sacrifice. Of course, the agony turns to celebration when God intervenes and shows the patriarch a ram caught in the thicket. In place of Isaac, the ram became the sacrifice. The Lord certainly did provide.

When he was climbing the mountain, Abraham had no idea how things were going to turn out. What he did know, though, was a lesson he had learned well through a lifetime of following and trusting God: the Lord will provide. It is worth noting that the verb is future tense. It doesn't look back; it looks forward. God's provision is a promise. It is by definition an event yet to happen. Yes, the Lord has provided much, and the list of past gifts from God is staggeringly long for each of us. Yet, the name of God, Yahweh Yireh, always drives us ahead and turns our eyes to the horizon. What God has done is wonderful. But God is not done. He has even more still to provide. And he will.

As I begin my time of service at Glendale, it seems right to focus on God's promise to provide. Our Lord will always care for his church. He has all that his people need, and he will provide it. Of course, what he knows we need may not always align with what we believe we need. And, what, when, and how he provides for our needs may not always be quite the way or the timing that we had in mind. God rarely sees fit to yield and conform to our feeble imaginations or our shortsighted desires. But he will provide. And his provision will be perfect-exactly what we needed all along, even if we didn't know it. So, we step into the days ahead reassured of God's love, confident of his promise to provide, and eager (and maybe also somewhat apprehensive) to see just how he is going to go about providing for his people. Much is unknown, of course; but what we do know is that he certainly will provide. He always does.

Dr. Joel Biermann

Make a joyful noise to the Lord! Choir rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm. If you can carry a tune, please consider joining us. We will have new music, as well as old favorites.

Attention All Crafters!
Remember that the craft fair will be on October 15, 2016. We will be accepting donations of craft items of all types. It will be helpful if items are priced by the donor and in the hands of the crafter committee, i.e. the Nifty Knitters and Clever Crocheters, by October 13. That will enable us to work out the display arrangements. If you have questions, contact Sally Dobrunz at 314-821-5256. Thank you for supporting the organ fund!
Name Tags
You may have noticed that our name tags have once again been placed in the entrance hall. In light of the fact that we have a new pastor, we hope that you will wear yours to help him get to know us and feel part of the congregation. It would also be helpful for those attending the potluck, to help our guests from CCLS feel at home here. Thanks so much! 
September Potluck Dinner
Wednesday September 21 will be our next potluck dinner and as advertised, the CCLS preschool families will be our guests. They are to RSVP so we can plan extra "goodies," but meanwhile as you think about your next gourmet dish, please plan to put an "extra potato in the pot." We are looking forward to our family time together an greeting guests and new friends.  See you on the 21st at 6:00pm for fellowship and 6:30pm for dinner!


Seussical the Musical
Christ Memorial Lutheran Church invites you to attend Seussical. Performances will be held on September 16, 17, 23, and 24 at 7:30pm, and on September 18 and 25 at 2:30pm. Tickets range from $10 to $20 for adults and $5 to $15 for pre-teens, and may be purchased online at, or at the church office. Please call 314-631-0304 or email for additional information.
Winter Clothing Drive for Hands On Kirkwood
Hands on Kirkwood is looking for our help. This is the 6th annual "Free Winter Clothing Store" opportunity for us to donate coats, hats, gloves, sweaters, boot, and jeans for children, women and men.  Toys, bicycles, and children's books are also being collected. There will be a box available at Glendale Lutheran Church for gathered donations through September 18th. The free "shopping" for those in need will be held on Saturday, October 1, at Kirkwood Baptist Church, 211 North Woodlawn.If you are interested in helping to sort and set up the free store on September 23rd at 9 AM, please visit the website at to sign up. Many thanks!

The Word Within The Word  

Worship Attendance

Saturday 9/10, 16; Sunday 9/11, 101 = 117 Total 

Funnies (used with permission) 


Worship Leaders
This Sunday (9/18)
Next Sunday (9/25)
Rev. Bruce Hartung
Rev. Todd Jones
Dr. Joel BiermannSeminarian Nate McCarty
Pianist (Saturday)
Joy Elowsky
Carol Benninghoff
Organist (Sunday)
Joy ElowskyJoy Elowsky
Steve PhelpsDoug Allen
Spencer MooreMax Sauer
Children's Message
Seminarian Nate McCarty
Janet Leet
Communion Assistant
Seminarian Nate McCartySeminarian Nate McCarty
Lay Communions Assistants
Steve PhelpsTony Petzoldt, Carol Froesel
Ron & Carol FroselTheresa Canania, Sue Schmidt
Kathy Brugere, Anna RawlingsVicki Devenport, Miles Sauer
Ken Clark
David Williams
Tony Petzoldt, Frank Moret, Gary Riley, Gerry LucasMike Toney, Steve Phelps, Terry Buchholz, Rodger Lubben
PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day:
Amos 6:1-7; 1 Timothy 3:1-13 or 6:6-19; Luke 16:19-31
Glendale Lutheran Church, 1365 North Sappington Road, Glendale, MO 63122
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