
Thursday, June 22, 2017

News from Glendale Lutheran Church

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
June 25, 2017
In This Issue
Sunday, June 25
  Youth Servant Event
  9:15am -- Worship
10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education
Monday, June 26
  Youth Servant Event
  8:00am-4:30pm -- Day Camp (Moser)
Tuesday, June 27
  Youth Servant Event
  8:00am-4:30pm -- Day Camp (Moser)
12:00pm-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
6:00pm-7:00pm -- L'arche Faith & Light
Wednesday, June 28
  Youth Servant Event
  8:00am-4:30pm -- Day Camp (Moser)
  9:00am-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor   
  5:30pm -- Potluck/Youth Servant Event Wrap-up - FLC
Thursday, June 29
  8:00am-4:30pm -- Day Camp (Moser)
  8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  1:00pm -- Nifty Knitters/Clever Crocheters
  7:00pm -- AA - Mixed - FLC
Friday, June 30
  8:00am-4:30pm -- Day Camp (Moser)  
  6:15pm -- AA Women - FLC
  8:00pm -- AA Men - FLC
Saturday, July 1
  8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  5:00pm -- Worship
Sunday, July 2
  9:15am -- Worship
10:45am -- Sunday School/Adult Education
Pastor Biermann's Message
Living in anticipation of some event or occasion carries its own peculiar benefits and blessings. It's that way during December when children anticipate the arrival of Christmas. It's that way in the summer when parents anticipate the arrival of a new school year. It's that way when a vacation or a birthday or a game or festival or a reunion or an adventure is on the calendar and drawing near. The days leading up to the event are filled with a sense of expectation which is its own benefit quite aside from the event itself. Indeed, it is not unusual for the pleasure of anticipating an event even to exceed the enjoyment of the actual fulfillment of the longed-for occasion.
While there's nothing wrong with having something on the calendar to add a bit of excitement and anticipation to the present, the need for the "next special thing" can become a problem. It becomes a decidedly negative thing when whatever it is that lies over the horizon or on the "next day" begins to make today seem less important and less appealing. If you are making it through the present day only because a promised better day lies around the corner, it's likely that your perspective on life has been twisted and needs to be realigned. Jesus taught us to live fully engaged in the present and its realities. Yes, we await a coming day of restoration--we live as people who hope for our Lord's second coming. But, as we wait we are taught to live in the present that is today.
This is more than a passing piece of advice on how to be a bit happier in life. What is at stake is the great virtue of contentment--a virtue which, like all the other great virtues that define great character, can be learned. Contentment is a virtue because it allows a freedom from anxiety about tomorrow. Contentment allows a person to live with a focus not on self, but on others. Contentment cultivates an attitude of appreciation and thankfulness for what God provides today. Contentment helps spare a person from the insatiable monster of acquisitive consumerism. Contentment takes practice, but is gained and strengthened by receiving the gifts of today, no matter how meager or ordinary, as quite sufficient, and as wonderful blessings from God. So, check your calendar and note the red-letter days that are scheduled with a smile of anticipation, but then get back to living in the gift of today.
Youth Servant Event & GLC Work Day
The Youth Servant Event is scheduled for Sunday, June 25 through Wednesday, June 28. On Tuesday, June 27, join us Youth and Adult work day at Glendale. Youth are at the core of this work day but we cannot do it without adult help! Please join us beginning at 9:00am. All are needed and welcome!
Then join us at 5:30pm on Wednesday, June 28 for a potluck. Come for the Wrap-Up of our Youth Servant Event and hear of our experiences!
Thank you for supporting GLC Youth!

Help Needed with St. Paul's College Hill VBS
St. Paul's Lutheran Church in College Hill will be hosting an EVENING VBS again this year, and we are asking for groups who might VOLUNTEER for ONE EVENING of the 5 we have planned. We are planning on July 24-27, and August 1 in the evenings (5:30-7:30, with a meal provided).
An online form has been set for Volunteers at:
I hope we can count on a group from your church to help out one evening with this important outreach to our community.
Pastors  Jim Kirschenmann and Dave Andrus

Need firewood for next winter? With the upcoming removal of the dead tree from the GLC property, we might be able to help with that. Contact Jerry Nicolaus or the church office if you're interested.
New Portals of Prayer
The new devotional books are out by the mailboxes, and in case you weren't aware, the author for the month of July is our own Pastor Albers. Pick up your copy today...get 'em while they're hot!
July Rummage Sale
We are scheduling this annual event for Friday July 21 and Saturday July 22. Items can be dropped off at the gym the week of July 16. A sign-up sheet and sale hours will be posted soon. Check the kiosk.
The Word Within the Word

Funnies (used with permission) 


Pastoral Care
If you need pastoral care for any reason, don't hesitate to contact the church office or one of the vacancy pastors directly. Pastor Biermann will be at the church on Monday and Thursday mornings most weeks, and Pastor Erkkinen is available on campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Worship Attendance

Saturday 6/17, 16; Sunday 6/18, 121 = 137 Total

Worship Leaders

Worship Leaders
 This Sunday (6/25)
Next Sunday (7/2)
Pastor BiermannPastor Biermann
LiturgistPastor BiermannPastor Biermann
Steve PhelpsGreg Frimel
Pianist (Saturday)Carol Benninghoff
Organist (Sunday)
Bill LubbenJoy Elowsky
Acolyte---Spencer Moore
Communion Assistant
Mike ToneyMike Toney
Lay Assistants
Jack & Norma BentzingerTerry Buchholz
Dan & Susan DeFossettKathy & John Brugere
Jerry & Beth NicolausTony Petzoldt
Deb Toney, Judy George, Becci Sasser, Theresa Canania
Ron Froesel, Joel Bergt, Frank Moret, Gary Riley
Kathy Brugere, Spencer MooreSandy Barbercheck, Brian Skouby
Children's Message
Next Sunday's Bible Readings
PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day:
Jeremiah 28:5-9; Romans 7:1-13; Matthew 10:34-42
July Birthdays & Anniversaries                    
1 -  Beverly Dixson
        Molly McClanahan
4 - Steve Jagels
5 - Ruth Wussler
6 - Debbie Bert
        Gale Reed
7 - Jessica Nelson  
15 - Marilyn McDermott
16 - Doug Bert
         Gayle Sappington
17 - Julie McClanahan-Gubser
20 - Kiyah Hempel
21 - Landon Climer
         William DeBord
         Harold Oberle
23 - Tom Crabtree
24 - Clayton Toney
         Julie Atwood-Wise
27 - Doug Allen
29 - Kristen Eads
         Jerry Nicolaus
31 -    Ken Orloff

6 -   Jack & Janet Hurley
9 - Gil & Theresa Canania
10 -Annemarie & Mike Schloeman
         Ashley & Jake Philips
11 -Frank & Sharon Gaal
14 -Greg & Karen Frimel
         Douglas & Kathy Grimm
15 -    Jason & Lisa DeBord
17 -Fred & Mary Aufderheide
18 -Bill & Patricia Richter
25 -    John & Pat Steele
27 -    Mike & Lisa Grossenheider
Glendale Lutheran Church, 1365 North Sappington Road, Glendale, MO 63122
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