Glimpses of Glendale Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter | | | Last Sunday I announced in church that there were two big things happening and one was much more important than the other. We baptized Lucy Eberle and the Super was played. For all the Hoopla of Super bowl Sunday, Lucy’s baptism was more important. She received the words of Jesus and became a child of God.
It put things into perspective for me. As you know, I am from the Bay Area and I’m a huge 49ers fan. My parents had season tickets in the 1970s. My first game was the year they won their first Super Bowl. I have watched almost every game ever since, feeling the pain of defeat and the thrill of victory. This weekend reminded me that fandom is fickle and temporary but salvation is forever.
I try to be a good fan. I believe in sports monogamy. I root for one team per sport. I’ve never booed my team. I’m more Gospel than Law in that realm. Jimmy G is my quarterback and I want to root for him the rest of his career. I actually feel bad for coach Shanahan and the players. They worked so hard only to come up just short. I’m also an optimist. There’s always next year.
Being a 49er fam is part of my identity but it’s not part of my core identity. My identity is in Christ. Thankfully, you don’t have to be good enough to make his team. He picks his team not because of our potential or accomplishments but out of the goodness of his heart. He will never cut us because we haven’t produced. He wants to train us to be the best teammates possible and recruit others. Lucy Eberle joined the team last week and nothing that happened afterwards can shake my smile. | |  | Sunday, February 9 - 9:15 am - Worship
- 10:45 am - Sunday School/Bible Class
- 4:00 pm - H2 Volleyball
Monday, February 10 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 7:30 am - Men's Bible Study
- 3:00 pm - LFCS Counselor
- 5:0o pm - CCLS Gr4 Boys Bball
- 6:00 pm - CCLS Gr3 Girls Bball
Tuesday, February 11 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 9:00 am - CCLS Open Gym
- 9:15 am - Women's Bible Study
- 6:00 pm - L'Arche Community Night
- 7:00 pm - Men's Dartball
Wednesday, February 12 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 7:00 pm - H2 Volleyball
- 7:00 pm - Choir
| |  |  | Thursday, February 13 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 7:00 pm - AA Mixed
- 7:15 pm - Crossroads
Friday, February 14 - 6:30 am - CCLS Preschool
- 9:00 am - LFCS Counselor
- 6:15 pm - AA Women
- 7:00 pm - H2 Volleyball
- 8:00 pm - AA Men
Saturday, February 15 - 9:00 am - Holy Yoga
- 5:00 pm - Worship
Sunday, February 16 - 9:15 am - Worship
- 10:45 am - Sunday School/Bible Class
- 4:00 pm - H2 Volleyball
| |  | | Birthday Bags and Meal Kits | Birthday Bags and Meal Kits are starting for the 5th time at Glendale. Our CCLS families are being invited to join us. This is a great way to help a child who comes from a family with little resources to have a birthday party. We have until the First of March to complete our bags and place them by the table near the front entrance to church. If you did not receive a flier, there are extras on the table or ask Michelle to put one in your box. If you would like to participate in the gifting and gathering of all the pieces, but it is too much, you can 1.) donate money by giving it to Marcia Hempel or 2) choose some ingredients on the flier and place them in the box or on the table near the entrance. We will complete the bags after March 1.
The bags will be delivered to Operation Food Search (OFS) for distribution to agencies who work daily with families and know the ones in need. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you. Marcia Hempel | | There are 10 openings in the church choir. We have an outstanding anthem repertoire planned between now and Easter. Please prayerfully consider joining this important part of the worship service. Contact Jim at church or call him at 314-537-7691. Sing Praise to God! | | TLC - Caring For and Serving Others | In an attempt to bring new life to some “old” programs, I am attempting to revive the TLC program, which in the past prepared and delivered meals to folks in the Congregation who had some issues to deal with, illness, etc. in order to ease their days. My current list is so out of date that I felt we needed to update and perhaps rethink how this is done. I have placed a sign up sheet on the kiosk in the entry way with the hope that some of you will feel called to place your name boldly on this list, along with your preferred means of contact (email, text, phone call, etc).
I am not able to identify all of the individuals/families who may have needs, so will rely on you to be my eyes and ears and keep me informed. Should there be someone who feels called to assist in this effort or has a better idea, I would be more than happy to listen. This is a small way we can revive this opportunity to care for one another.
Thank you! Phyllis Phelps | | All contribution statements for tax year 2019 have been mailed to the Members address on file. | | Immanuel Lutheran Trivia Night | Immanuel Lutheran Church, St. Charles, is holding their annual trivia night on Saturday, April 4, with doors opening at 6:00pm and trivia starting at 6:30. From now until March 29, the cost is $20 per person, or $160 per table (8 people per table); after that, the cost increases to $25 per person/$200 per table. Proceeds go to support the Senior Youth 2020 Mission Trip to Richmond, Virginia. For more information, see the flyer on the Fellowship Room bulletin board, or contact the Immanuel church office at 636-946-2656. | | Next Sunday's Bible Readings | | Deuteronomy 30:15-20; 1 Corinthians 3:1-9; Matthew 5:21-37 | |  | This Sunday - 2/9
- Preacher - Pastor Scott
- Liturgist - Pastor Scott
- Lector - Josh Boehme
- Children's Message - Tim Cosby
- Chalice - John Steele
- Lay Assistant - Frank & Charlotte Moret
- Greeters - Dan & Susan DeFosset
- Sound/Video - Ken Clark
- Ushers - Carol Froesel, Jeanne Lipinski, Debbie Jacobson, Lisa Grossenheider
- Pianist (Saturday) - Jim Thielker
- Organist (Sunday) - Jim Thielker
- Bible Class Video Support - Tony Petzoldt
| |  |  | Next Sunday - 2/16
- Preacher - Pastor Scott
- Liturgist - Pastor Scott
- Lector - Cathie Albers
- Children's Message - Oliver LaMie
- Chalice - Jason DeBord
- Lay Assistants - Mike Toney
- Greeters - Greg & Karen Frimel
- Sound/Video - Mike Toney
- Ushers - Tony Petzoldt, Frank Moret, Gerry Lucas, Gary Riley
- Pianist (Saturday) - Carol Benninghoff
- Organist (Sunday) - Jim Thielker
- Bible Class Video Support - Jerry Nicolaus
| |  | | Glendale Lutheran Church Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm (314) 966-3220 | | | | | | | |