This weekend we are bringing back Saturday night service at 5pm. We are grateful to have Jim back. He will play the next two Saturday night services and Athena will play the next two Sunday services before she moves to Chicago. We are raising a thank you gift for Athena which you can contribute to through the church office or offering plate. Also this weekend, fieldworker Oliver will preach for the first time. He completed his first course in preaching which allows us to put him in the pulpit.
We will continue with our precautions in worship. In July, the maximum capacity for our sanctuary goes up from 75 to 150 but we will keep our current practices of social distancing, less singing and pew communion. For the next two Sundays we will keep our practice of only broadcasting the Adult Bible Class. Over the next two weeks I will be showing and commenting on a documentary from 1966 called “A Time for Burning.”
This movie was nominated for an academy award. It is the true story of a white Lutheran congregation in Omaha Nebraska who attempted to connect with a black Lutheran congregation a few blocks away. I heard about this moving documentary from a video I watched at Concordia seminary professor and Mt. Calvary member Leo Sanchez discussed racial issues with LCMS pastors Micah Glenn and Warren Lattimore. I went to seminary with both of them and Professor Sanchez was one of my teachers. It’s a great conversation about the Lutheran response to racism. Join me online during the next two weeks so we can do the same.