Are you thinking you might want to enter deacons’ training? Is God nudging you to consider this opportunity to serve? If you decide to sign up (at the kiosk), here’s what you can expect:
1. Gather with fellow members who love Jesus and care about other people.
2. Learn or more deeply learn spiritual and emotional caring skills.
3. Develop spiritually intimate relationships with sisters and brothers in the training group.
4. Visit with identified care-receivers no less than biweekly. Care-receivers may include shut-ins, visitors, unseen members, those who request a visit, anyone who comes to our attention as one in need of diaconal care, and those who may be disconnected from the church fellowship due to COVID.
5. Receive respectful supervision from the program coordinator and support from peers.
For more information, contact trainer and coordinator Joel Hempel, 314-591-1403;