
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
September 3, 2020
Does it surprise you to know that about 50 members regularly attend our four Glendale Lutheran Bible studies? Twenty different people attended the Sunday morning study which I lead. Ten men come together on Mondays 7:30am. Ten women have been regulars Tuesday morning 9:15am and the same number Thursday nights at 7pm. That is an amazing number considering we worship around 100 between Saturday night, Sunday morning and online. There are also other members in home Bible studies and Bible study Fellowship. This church values the word.

All Christians are called to read their Bible daily. This is why we publish an optional daily reading in the bulletin and online from that Sunday’s readings. But we are also called to be in study with fellow believers. Iron sharpens iron and communal study allows us to hear insights from others. I learn as much from you as you do from me. The Spirit enlightens all who believe. You have something to offer to us when you come to one of these studies. Of course, when you first come it’s ok to be quiet. But if you are moved to share a comment, we will be better off for it.

The Thursday night women are using CPH’s “Jesus: a study of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.” They meet on Zoom so contact Cathie Albers if you are interested. The Women on Tuesday morning meet in the Family Life center or in the courtyard. They are studying the book of Daniel with Beth Moore as a guide. The Men’s group meets in the courtyard while the weather is nice and we are following the sermon texts. In the Adult Bible class, we are grappling with “One Nation Under God: Healing Racial Divides” by an LCMS African-American pastor, Keith Haney. This study is also available to the other Bible study leaders if they choose to use it. Thank you to those who add to these Bible studies. To everyone else, this is your chance to join them.
Please wear a mask during worship services.
Daily Bible Reading
Deacons' Ministry
So you think you are not deacon material. Maybe you think you are not holy enough. Perhaps you are aware of too many sins with which you have struggled and feel you don’t qualify. Well, maybe you don’t. Then again, maybe you are only looking inward when God is inviting you to look upward. 

None of those in Scripture who are well-known servants of God would have told you they were up to the task. David, Mary Magdalene, Peter, the woman at the well, Paul! They were all great sinners and/or broken people before they became great servants with our Lord. 

Instead of looking at your limitations and any fear you may have that you will not “make” a good deacon; look to Jesus who will form you into the person he needs you to be. 

For more information, contact trainer and coordinator Joel Hempel, 314-591-1403; 
Next Sunday's Bible Readings
Genesis 50:15-21; Romans 14:1-12; Matthew 18:21-35
Worship Leaders 9/6
Lector: Marcia Hempel
Communion: Steve Phelps
S/V: Tony Petzoldt
Bible Class S/V: Tony Petzoldt
Usher: Ken Clark
Worship Leaders 9/13
Lector: Jerry Nicolaus
Communion: Terry Buchholz
S/V: Mike Toney
Bible Class S/V: Mike Murphy
Usher: Mike Toney
The Word Within the Word