
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
November 5, 2020
I have a love/hate relationship with Election Day. I hate it because people go out of their minds. This year I came back to church after the polls closed to help clean up. I helped the poll workers and then put chairs and tables away. The last three years, almost no candidate sent people to take back their signs. This is private property yet they never ask permission to put them up. So I figured I would get a head start in removing them from the property. Taking down the political signs is one of my favorite things to do. I collected them and put them in a neat pile to be picked up for recycling. In the morning, post-it notes were on the door from an angry candidate who lost. She was angry that someone disturbed her signs that she wanted back. I can’t win on Election Day. In previous years, the day was difficult because school was in session and I tried to protect both ends of the building from intrusion by strangers. The kids were basically in lock down.

This year, we requested that CCLS close on this date. They complied. I got to be a host instead of a hall monitor. I made coffee for everyone, starting at the end of the line and working my way up. One doctor in scrubs looked like he really needed it. People seemed genuinely shocked that a church went out of its way to make the day better for them. The poll workers also appreciated my coffee visits. It’s a great opportunity to give a good impression to thousands of our neighbors. I love this about Election Day.

Lutherans believe in two kingdoms, the left and the right hand kingdoms. The left hand is the kingdom of power which is the realm of government, society and culture. The right hand is the kingdom of grace which is the realm of the Church. As Christians, we want our neighbors to be blessed by a functioning, healthy left hand kingdom. This does make people’s day to day lives better. But it is only through the right hand of the Church that the world can know their Lord and Savior. Whoever wins the presidency has nothing to do with that. We can rest assured that there is no vote for the leader of God’s people. It is Christ and nothing can overtake it. Leave your Election Day stress behind. God is good and in charge.
Please wear a mask during worship services.
Daily Bible Reading
Samaritan's Purse Christmas Boxes
Samaritan's Purse information is now available. Mark your calendar now for the collection deadline date, November 15. Thank you for your generosity!
Thank You
Dear Glendale Lutheran Church,

Peace to you in Christ! I want to thank all of you for the wonderful hospitality and love that Bethany and I have received since we’ve been with you. This has come to a head recently with the generous gift that you have chosen to give Ryan and me. I know that you could have done any number of good things with the money, and so it is incredibly moving that you have chosen to grace my family with it. So that you know what kind of good you are doing, I’ll tell you some of what we’ve done with it: We’ve saved some, and because of that we’ve begun to keep a larger emergency fund. We have made an extra student loan payment, so that it won’t be hanging over our heads. We have made some repairs and preventative maintenance on our cars that we have been putting off. We have also gotten Christmas presents for our niece and nephews; we struggled with that last year, so we definitely appreciate that we can do that this year.

For this monetary gift, and for all the love that we have received, we thank you. Our little family is much more secure because of your generosity.

With much appreciation,
Oliver & Bethany LaMie
Men's Winter Clothing Needed
If anyone has any gently used men's winter clothing that they would like to donate to those in need, please bring the items to church or contact Cathie Albers (314-822-2033). Items needed include long sleeved shirts, sweatshirts with hoods, and coats. Thank you for your generosity!
Financial Update
Next Sunday's Bible Readings
Zephaniah 1:7-16; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30
Worship Leaders 11/8
Lector: Phyllis Phelps
Communion: John Steele
S/V: Andy Ortstadt
Bible Class S/V: Tony Petzoldt
Usher: Mike Toney
Worship Leaders 11/15
Lector: Steve Phelps
Communion: Mike Toney
S/V: Tony Petzoldt
Bible Class S/V: Mike Murphy
Usher: Ken Clark
The Word Within the Word