Yesterday was Veteran’s Day. I want to thank all of the people from our congregation who have served in the military. Here are the people I know who have served (If you know others, let me know):
- Army - Layton Wille, Fred Aufderheide, John Brugere, Ken Clark, Bob Jacobson, Gerald Lucas, Jim Thielker
- Airforce - Hank Schlichter
- Navy - Ron Froesel, Ed Nelson, Jack Rutter, Mike Toney
Military service is one of a multitude of vocations. These men either volunteered or were drafted into this vocation. The world needs all of us to serve in whatever vocation suits us. Military personnel help keep us safe and we are grateful. In our congregation we have teachers who have helped the young to develop. There are lawyers who defend people’s rights. We have business owners who provided a product and employed others. There are accountants and bankers who keep finances in order, artists who create beauty, medical personnel who heal, fundraisers who bring in money for good causes, realtors who connect people to their homes, builders and fixers who make those homes better, pastors who lead the church, business men who make companies work, receptionists who are the face of a business, social workers who help those who can’t help themselves, advertisers who bring in business, musicians who fill the air with song, and landscapers who enhance our property. And those are just the paid vocations.
Thank you to our veterans who enable the rest of us to do our vocations. It takes all of us to make the world a better place. God has used all of you to do his will. Glendale has the skill and talent to accomplish all that he calls us to do.