
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
February 18, 2021
There is a famous scene from the movie “Goldfinger” in which James Bond is fastened to a table and a laser is headed for him inch by inch. Bond says, “Do you expect me to talk?” The villain says, “No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.” Lent is a time of contemplating our own mortality through the lens of Jesus’ death.

As I said yesterday in the service, “The Christian life is a paradox between life and death.” Jesus calls us to die to self so we may have new life. This forty day lead up to Easter we will explore the healing power of dying to self. Each Wednesday we will look at a spiritual discipline that kills our ego and gives life in Christ. Next Wednesday will be Repentance. Luther said that the whole life of faith is one of repentance. We ask our Lord to continue to kill our sin and give us forgiveness. The next week is the spiritual discipline of Service. We kill our need to serve ourselves and serve others instead. Then we move on to Fasting. Through a time of fasting we deny our need for food and replace it with something else. Then we learn about Prayer. We kill our need to focus on getting things done and receive time with our Savior. Finally we talk about the Laying on of Hands. We set aside our need to be in control and ask God to heal us.

Join us in person or online, Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Life comes through death. We aren’t being morbid. We are being honest.
Please wear a mask during worship services.
Daily Bible Reading
Birthday Bags and Meal Kits 2021
We have some changes this year that will make your participation in the Birthday Bags and Meal Kits a little easier!

  • No glass in contributions.

  • Many boxes of candles were contributed. No need to purchase. There is a bag with the candles available on the display table at the church entrance. You can transfer one of those to your Birthday Bag.

  • The Meal Kits are to be placed in a grocery bag and double tied. They need to be labeled with the name of the meal on the outside. They can be labeled at home or you can used the printed ones on the display table.

  • Free items for Birthday Bags are displayed on tables in the room under the gym. Steps go down from the lounge area outside the gym entrance. You will find paper products, games, party favors, etc. to help fill your bags. This area is always open.

A thought: it takes more work to fill the Birthday Bags. If you do grocery shopping, think of making a meal bag or two to contribute. That would be a great help. Thank you for your contributions!

Because of the extreme cold and hazardous road conditions which may have prevented people from going out to get supplies, we are extending the deadline for turning in contributions. The last day to turn in your bags is now Sunday, March 7.
Confirmation Banners
Anyone interested in a confirmation banner from 1982 - 2000?
Contact the office if you’d like yours (1st come) or a photo can be printed.
Photos of all the banners are stored in the Archives and the Confirmation Album in the Fellowship Room.

UPDATE--banners from the following years have already been spoken for: 1982, 1985, 1990, 1991, 1997.
Financial Update
Next Sunday's Bible Readings
Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Romans 5:1-11; Mark 8:27-38
Worship Leaders 2/21
Lector: Steve Phelps
Communion: Terry Buchholz
S/V: Mike Toney
Bible Class S/V: Jerry Nicolaus
Usher: Ken Clark
Worship Leaders 2/28
Lector: Cathie Albers
Communion: Steve Phelps
S/V: Andy Ortstadt
Bible Class S/V: Tony Petzoldt
Usher: Mike Toney
The Word Within the Word