
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
April 22, 2021
Last Sunday was CCLS Sunday and we were blessed by the preaching of Rev. Matthew Hoehner, executive director of the school. We also had teachers, students and parents from our ministry partner. It was a great day and a wonderful celebration.

Whenever a church affirms a Lutheran school there is a common rebuttal. What about those who go to public schools? I’d like to address that concern. Educationally, I am more of a product of public schools than Lutheran ones. First grade through high school, I attended different public schools. After that I went two years at community college, followed by three at the University of California at Davis where I got a degree in Political Science and a minor in Education. It was only then that God diverted me to Lutheran schools. I went one year to Concordia Irvine to get a degree in Religious Studies and to be certified as a Director of Education. A few years later I took public teaching credential classes. I eventually got a Masters in Family Life at Concordia Seward and completed Concordia Seminary. I loved my experiences in both types of education. My intellect and faith thrived in both places.

Where you send your kids to school is a matter of vocation. God calls some people to Lutheran schools, some to public, some to homeschool and some to other types. I have seen great kids come from all types. There is no mandate from God where your child should go to school. The only command is to teach your child the faith in your home and through church. Schools are meant to be a compliment and support, not the primary planter of faith. CCLS has all kinds of families. Some have already planted faith at home and another church. 
Some are only here because CCLS has a reputation for quality education and loving teachers.

Glendale Lutheran partners with Christ Community Lutheran school because it is a good way to share blessings. We are thankful for the kids, teachers and parents God sends our way through CCLS. We are also thankful for the kids, teachers and parents God sends our way through other schools. We share the Gospel with everyone.
Please wear a mask during worship services.
Daily Bible Reading
Mortgage Update

By the end of this fiscal year we will have reduced our original mortgage principal balance by over $160,597! This is reduction from an original balance of $900,000 to the current balance $739,403 with three more months to go. This significant reduction in our principal liability was accomplished in only three years thanks to a steady stream of member gifts specified for additional principal payments. Again, due to the additional principal payments, the actual term of our loan has been reduced by at least two years – from 20 years to only 18 years. We remind you also that the reduction in the term of our loan allowed us to avoid over $100,000 in interest payments to date. Our current interest rate, again thanks to many members opening accounts with LCEF, is a very advantageous 4.75 percent. This rate is guaranteed for us until June of 2023. After 2023 it will raise only slightly to 5%.

We acknowledge with thankfulness those who week by week slowly keep chipping away to reduce our indebtedness.
Several long-time congregation members who were recently called home to our Heavenly Father have blessed our Church with very generous bequests. The Leadership Council is currently exploring how to best use these blessings to honor our brothers’ and sisters’ memories and to serve the Lord. In doing so, we are asking the congregation to please provide any ideas members might also have as to how we can use these blessings. For any ideas you have, we ask that you please provide with as many specifics as possible in terms of things such as how the idea supports our ministries, cost estimates, and any work that might be necessary. You can share your recommendations with Pastor Scott or anyone on the Leadership Council and we will evaluate those suggestions before provide recommendations to the congregation.
Financial Update
Next Sunday's Bible Readings
Acts 8:26-40; 1 John 4:1-21; John 15:1-8
Worship Leaders
This Sunday - 4/25
Lector: Ryan Barnett
Communion: Mike Toney
S/V: Tony Petzoldt
Usher: Mike Toney
Bible Class S/V: Jerry Nicolaus
Next Sunday - 5/2
Lector: Beth Nicolaus
Communion: John Steele
S/V: Tony Petzoldt
Usher: Ron Froesel
Bible Class S/V: Mike Murphy
The Word Within the Word