
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
May 13, 2021
This week I was asked about Martin Luther and his anti-Semitic remarks. It is the ugliest history of our church and must be repented. Here is what happened.

Luther discovered the Gospel and was changed from an anxiety-filled slave of the law to a freeman in Christ. He believed that if people were given the Gospel that they too would be set free. He hoped that in his lifetime Jewish people would hear the Gospel and come to faith in Christ. By and large this didn’t happen. Luther was so disappointed and angry that he wrote terrible things against the Jews at the end of his life. He recommended destroying their synagogues and homes, burning their writings, forbidding their gatherings, and eliminating their safe travel. Awful.

It’s embarrassing for any Lutheran to read those words. We don’t believe that Luther was a prophet but we do believe that he was a good teacher. When it comes to his teachings on the Jews we can totally reject his words. In fact, in 1983, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, did reject Luther’s anti-Semitism saying “That while, on the one hand, we are deeply indebted to Luther for his rediscovery and enunciation of the Gospel, on the other hand, we deplore and disassociate ourselves from Luther’s negative statements about the Jewish people.”

It seems like every great leader has their one huge fail. Moses’ was anger at God and disbelief that he could bring water from a rock. Joshua’s was the neglect of prayer in making a truce with the Gibeonites. Peter’s was discrimination against Gentiles. Paul’s was persecuting Christians. Anti-Semitism was Martin Luther’s. We can learn from Luther’s sin by repudiating it in his life and ours. Jewish people are created in the image of God. We should love them like our very own brothers and sisters. Christ loves them so much he died for them. We welcome them with open arms. 
Please wear a mask during worship services.
Daily Bible Reading
Upcoming Voters' Meetings

The Leadership Council is calling two Voters’ Meetings to take place in the Family Life Center immediately after the services on June 6, 2021, and June 27, 2021. The agenda for the June 6, 2021, meeting will include a first reading of the 2021-2022 Church Budget, a request to approve updates to our Bequest Fund Policy, and requests for the voters to approve several bequest fund expenditures. On June 27, 2021, the Leadership Council will request voter approval for the Budget. Please make sure to mark these dates in your calendar so you can attend and ask any questions you may have.
Former Fieldworker Rev. Lloyd Stuhr

Rev. Lloyd Stuhr, who served GLC as a fieldworker in 2005-2007, is retiring from the ministry. Rev. Stuhr was widowed in 2014 when his wife Twila passed away. His new wife, Violet, is putting together a memory book in celebration of his years of ministry, and is asking for any remembrances anyone may have of her husband's time here. Please send them to or Violet Stuhr, Anderson Electric, 4526 S 139th St., Omaha NE 68137. If you have additional questions, please contact the Michelle in the church office. Thank you!
Financial Update
Next Sunday's Bible Readings
Ezekiel 37:1-14; Acts 2:1-21; John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15
Worship Leaders
This Sunday - 5/16
Lector: Steve Phelps
Communion: Tony Petzoldt
S/V: Jerry Nicolaus
Usher: Mike Toney
Next Sunday - 5/23
Lector: Marcia Hempel
Communion: Steve Phelps
S/V: Mike Toney
Usher: Ken Clark
The Word Within the Word