
Thursday, August 5, 2021

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
August 5, 2021
Daily Bible Reading
July Food Drive - Final Update

We got the fireworks going again when we gathered 1730 pieces for Kirk Care! Larry, their president, was helping unload the Froesel's van, and was amazed at how much we'd brought...then we told him there were two more loads to come. WOW! We all did a great job of quietly and graciously giving to others in need. I will say a special thanks to all of us who were able to participate. Then say thanks to God for the many blessings He bestows on us.
The Friendly Church with the Six O'Clock Chimes

That was a tag line on our church literature from many years ago. You may or may not have noticed that we have not had bells ringing for our Sunday call to worship. Those that live nearby may have noticed that bells have not sounded from our church rooftop for several months--bells that had been ringing there on a regular basis since 1982. Our current system served us well but is now beyond repair. The leadership council, in consensus with the elders, has agreed that this method of identification and outreach for our church is a worthwhile project to restore.

Just as we have been blessed most recently with a large number of bequest monies from the estates of several long-time members now in heaven, we have also been blessed with monies given by our current members and friends in memorial for those who have passed. By combining monies given in memorial over the past few years, we are able to fully fund a new electronic carillon and restore this long tradition. These monies had been given to honor: Jim Peterson, Eunice Zimmermann, Dale Griffin, LaVerne Eifert, Lucille Massie, Jack Rutter, Mary Ann Faeth, Charlotte Moret, Sally Dobrunz, Vivian Kattentidt, Betty Welch, Nancy Allen, David Thielker, Vivian Scott, and Alton Scott. This acquisition is a fitting remembrance of these faithful members and loved ones.
Position Available

Gene Smith is looking for a weekday companion for his wife, Cindy, who has dementia. This would be a paid position and would be for five hours a day, Monday through Friday. If interested, please contact Pastor Scott.
Rummage Sale Organizer

Interested in heading up the GLC rummage sale? Please contact Pastor Scott.
Financial Update
Next Sunday's Bible Readings
Proverbs 9:1-10; Ephesians 5:6-21; John 6:51-69
Worship Leaders
This Sunday - 8/8
Lector: Laurel Don
Communion: John Steele
S/V: Paul Barbercheck
Ushers: Ken Clark, Terry Buchholz, Ron Froesel
Children's Message: Janet Leet
Next Sunday - 8/15
Lector: Sue Schultz
Communion: Steve Phelps
S/V: Jerry Nicolaus
Ushers: Becci Sasser, Lisa Grossenheider, Jeanne Lipinski
Children's Message: Pastor Scott
The Word Within the Word