Yesterday I went to a meeting hosted by Christian Friends of New Americans Lutheran Foundation concerning the Afghan crises. One thousand Afghan refugees are being vetted by the US government and headed to St. Louis. About twenty LCMS churches met to find out how we can help.
Christian Friends of New Americans is a Lutheran organization that I have worked with in the past. They give the Gospel to new Americans as well as tutor kids and help families find housing. The two things CFNA needs with this sudden influx is money and volunteers. If God is leading you to volunteer, contact me. If you want to donate money, send it to Glendale earmarked for CFNA. The Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis will match dollar for dollar any fundraising for CFNA done by our church. Our elders have approved of this effort.
Here are other needs for CFNA…
Welcome packages, Family Mentoring, Food Gift Cards, Rent Assistance, Driver’s Education, Furnishings, Trauma Counseling, Life Skills Training, Prayer.
The Bible is very clear in the Old Testament and the New, bless the foreigner in your midst. If you have a heart to help, contact me.