This Sunday at 11am is the church picnic. Tony Petzoldt, Ken Clark, Ron Froesel, Jack Hurley, Greg Frimel, Mike Toney, Andy Ryan, Jonathan Schultz and Derek Don made lots of sausages from scratch Wednesday night. There will be regular, cherry, and garlic ones. Sue Schultz is getting fried chicken as well. Bring a dish to share. Bring family, neighbors and friends.
Church picnics are called fellowship events. We tend to think of fellowship as fun events but they are much deeper than that. Over the last Covid year we’ve missed these type of get-togethers. We are still trying to come back together as a congregation and regaining what we’ve lost. This church picnic is part of the healing.
In the Bible, fellowship is not a casual gathering; it’s a relationship between God’s people. Through Jesus Christ we have fellowship with God and one another. When we worship together we experience a brotherhood/sisterhood that comes from the Spirit. That fellowship spills over into living life together. We eat together, all the generations, because that’s what family does. Healthy families eat together, share their lives and enjoy each other’s company. Come to the picnic and remember what church is supposed to feel like.