
Thursday, August 18, 2022

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter

August 18, 2022

We are beginning the vision planning process at Glendale Lutheran. Pastors Mark Frith and Dan Gilbert from Lutheran Church Extension Fund will lead us. We already have a Ministry Clarity Team comprised of Me, President Andy Ryan, Vision Team Chairs Steve Phelps and John Steele, Ministry Team Director Mike Toney, Church Finance James Sowers, CCLS Rep Johanna Sowers, Campus Director Jerry Nicolaus, Hospitality Director Lisa Grossenheider and Prayer Director Carol Froesel.

We are now recruiting others to help. The Vision Schedule lasts from 9-12 weeks. In September we’ll begin forming teams and have our first meetings. At the end of September, the congregation takes a survey to gauge our hopes and aspirations for our church. Then in October we will have a Vision Event in which we share the results of the survey. In November, we publish a vision statement and begin to take steps towards that path.

Our wonderful Savior has given us a great church. He has done marvelous things through us and will continue to do so. Thank you for being a part of this vision process!

Daily Bible Reading

Flawed But Not Fatally - article by Joel Hempel

In Sunday’s sermon, Pastor Scott described Samson as one who “played by his own rules,” who “used his gift for his selfish desires,” and was “like a superhero without a moral compass.” Then, a few minutes later, pastor asked if we had any of Samson in us. The Samson I heard about in Sunday school as a young boy is not the Samson pastor described.


No! I don’t want to claim the characteristics of this Samson! This Samson was deeply flawed. As judge and leader of Israel, this Samson believed he could do whatever he wanted – including murder – and get away with it. This Samson was ruthless, a womanizer, and foolish. In the next-to-the-last chapter of his life, he succumbed to his enemies and spent his final years in prison grinding grain like an ox.


No! I don’t want to claim the characteristics of this Samson!


The painful truth is, however, that we are all flawed, some more deeply than others. Who among us would want our lives put under a microscope? Who among us would like the complete truth revealed – the truth hidden away in our homes and our minds?


But before we become too hard on ourselves, let’s take another look at Samson. We are repeatedly told in Scripture (Judges 14-16) that this Samson had the “Spirit of the Lord upon him,” and as a result exhibited unrivaled strength, and then repeatedly defeated and finally decapitated the leadership of the oppressive enemy nation. 


Yes, there is some of Samson in all of us – which is why we can be grateful for it. Look where Samson makes a cameo appearance: In the Book of Hebrews! Samson is listed among the heroes of faith. “Samson…who through faith…was made strong out of weakness” (Heb.11:32-34).


Although none of us are listed in Scripture among the heroes and heroines of faith, we could be, for we are all what Luther called "saint and sinner" alike. Consider this: The Spirit of the Lord is upon each of us. God's Spirit came upon us in baptism or when by grace, we received the gift of salvation.


Of course, we struggle – daily – with our flawed selves wanting to take control. And too often, our sainted self caves in to our sinful self. But God, in his mercy, is forgiving. What’s more, is that we know something Samson didn't know. We know Jesus. More importantly, Jesus knows us. He knows our limitations as well as our strengths and loves us anyway. He loves us and empowers us daily to do as pastor encouraged: Live the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

Women's Tuesday Morning Bible Study

The Women’s Tuesday morning Bible Study is beginning September 6th at 9:15 am. All are welcome to join us for the 8 week study of Season 2 “The Chosen”. If you’ve not viewed Season 1 and would like to please contact Jeanne Clark (314-821-0522) for the DVD’s or questions.

Financial Update

Next Sunday's Bible Readings

Isaiah 66:18-23; Hebrews 12:4-29; Luke 13:22-30

Worship Leaders

This Sunday - 8/21

Lector: Julie Atwood-Wise

Communion: Terry Buchholz

Greeters: Ron & Carol Froesel

S/V: John Steele

Ushers: Ken Clark, Steve Phelps, Judy George

Children's Message: Janet Leet

Next Sunday - 8/28

Lector: Beth Nicolaus

Communion: Tony Petzoldt

Greeters: Steve & Phyllis Phelps

S/V: Mike Toney

Ushers: Jon Chapa, Rodger Lubben, Gerry Lucas

Children's Message: Steph Chapa

The Word Within the Word
Online Calendar
Glendale Lutheran Church
Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm
(314) 966-3220
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