A Personal Message from Jesus - article by Joel Hempel
As we begin this Advent season, Jesus has a message for everyone who is paying attention: I'm real, and I'm coming back. Only this time, I'm not coming as a cute little baby people can adore and then forget who I am and what I came to do. Rather, I will be coming in all my Godly glory to judge and make the final divide. I don't like separating one person from the next, or identifying them as sheep and goats, as I once did. It has always been my desire to include or save everyone. But painfully, most people have chosen to separate themselves from me. So sadly, I have let them go. But you Christians, you children of mine who have been graced to receive me, who have accepted my love and not rejected the life I have created for you, well, you have a great deal to look forward to when I return. You can try to imagine the beauty I have prepared for you, but whatever you visualize pales in comparison to the reality of heaven. So, just continue being aware that there is a day and an hour my Father has set for my return. Continue believing and living the faith I have given to you. Live in forgiveness and generously grant mercy to others. Let me love you, and let that love pour out from you to others. When temptation or difficult times come your way, you know what to do because you know I am with you in Spirit. Draw on my strength, my courage, and the healing I will always grant you. Be at peace. You are already prepared for my return. Then someday in the not-so-distant future, you will see me coming. Admittedly, for some of you, my angels will come to you personally and escort you into my presence. For others, you will have to wait for that grand and glorious day of reckoning. But fear not. You will be with me in paradise. Oh, yeah; one other thing. As you have opportunity, tell others. |