
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Weekly Newsletter

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter

May 23, 2024

It's Laughable - article by Joel Hempel

The other night at the Deacons Meeting, as part of the teaching about the importance of relying on the Holy Spirit as the primary Counselor in our ministry, I said something like this to the deacons: Imagine you are visiting with a parishioner who has been hospitalized following a heart attack. You are privileged to have Jesus, in the flesh, as your co-minister. But when you walk into the room, you say to your friend in the hospital bed: “Good evening. This is Jesus, but disregard him; I’m in charge here.” I could hear Bob Jacobson laugh from 1200 miles away! 


It is laughable in an outrageous way to live and serve disregarding the right-beside-you presence of the Holy Spirit.


We are told in Scripture that at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the church, upon all Christians at that time, and that He would be with all Christians for all time to come. What is His God-given assignment (God-given as in self-directed)? Consider these representative passages


  1. No one can confess Jesus as Lord except by the power of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3).
  2. The Spirit teaches, gives wisdom, and brings to mind what we have learned from Scripture (John 14:26, Ephesians 1:17-20).
  3. The Spirit convicts us when we sin and need to repent (John 16:7-9).
  4. Gives power to be his witnesses (Acts 1:8). 
  5. Guides us to the truth (John 16:13) 
  6. Gives each of us spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)
  7. Grants confirmation of our salvation in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:11-14)
  8. Helps and comforts us in our weakness (Romans 8:26-27)
  9. Helps us grow so we can bear spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22-25) 


Which of these Holy Spirit services do we want to disregard?


I don’t know and couldn’t find out how or when our forefathers set the celebration of Pentecost. But, it had to have been by the prompting of the Holy Spirit - not because He needs the praise, but because we need to give Him the recognition. It is too easy for Christians to disregard the Spirit because we can’t see Him standing beside us. 


So, let’s assume we want to be aware of, attentive to, and responsive to the Holy Spirit in our lives. How do we discern the Spirit’s nudging?


First, it is critical to note that no nudge by the Spirit leads us away from God’s Word. Thus, knowing God’s Word is essential to discerning God’s lead.


Second, Jesus was known to frequently seek consultation from the Father. It only seems wise, then, that prayer would be our foremost avenue for seeking direction.


Third, once you have a feeling, a sense, a mental nudge to do something or say something on God’s behalf, trust His lead. Venture out. Receive the blessing of walking in the Spirit (Galatians  5:25).

Voters' Meetings

The Leadership Council is calling two Voters’ Meetings to take place in the Family Life Center immediately after the services on June 9, 2024, and June 23, 2024. The agenda for the June 9, 2024, meeting will include a first reading of the proposed 2024-2025 Church Budget and a request for the congregation to vote on some Parish House roof repair options along with approval to use bequest funds to pay for those repairs. The Leadership Council will then request voter approval for the Budget at the June 23, 2024, meeting. Please make sure to mark these dates in your calendar so you can attend and ask any questions you may have.

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who took part in the recognition of my 10 years here at GLC! From the cake and flowers to the cards and gifts, along with every smile, hug, handshake, compliment--my heart was overflowing. I appreciate you all!

Michelle Fiala

Women's Group Event

On Wednesday, June 5, please join us for a visit to the Missouri History Museum at Forest Park, and lunch. We will meet at the church for carpooling at 9:30am. A sign-up sheet will be posted in the church lobby.

Questions??? Call Jennifer Buchholz at 314-302-5630 or email at

Finance Update

Next Sunday's Bible Readings

Deuteronomy 5:12-15; 2 Corinthians 4:5-12; Mark 2:23-28

Worship Leaders

Next Sunday - 5/26

Lector: Lisa Grossenheider

Communion: Mike Toney and Seminary Student

Greeters: Terry & Marilyn Young

S/V: Terry Young

Ushers: Gerry Lucas, Tony Petzoldt, Lisa Grossenheider, Judy George

Children's Message: Tim Cosby

This Sunday - 5/19

Lector: Jerry Nicolaus

Communion: John Steele & Seminary Student

Greeters: Ron & Carol Froesel

S/V: Tony Petzoldt

Ushers: Terry Buchholz, Ken Clark, Ron Froesel, Jack Hurley

Children's Message: Ryan Philpot

The Word Within the Word
Online Calendar

Glendale Lutheran Church

Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm

(314) 966-3220

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