Glimpses of Glendale |
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
June 5, 2016
Sunday, June 5
9:15am -- Worship
10:30am -- SS/Adult Education
11:30am -- Voters' Meeting
Monday, June 6
9:00am-12:00pm -- VBS
6:00pm -- Elders' Meeting
7:00pm-9:00pm -- Lightroom Fundamentals - FLC
Tuesday, June 7
9:00am-12:00pm -- VBS
12:00pm-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
Wednesday, June 8
9:00am-12:00pm -- VBS
9:00am-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
Thursday, June 9
9:00am-12:00pm -- VBS
8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
1:00pm -- Noble Knotters
7:00pm -- AA - Mixed - FLC
Friday, June 10
9:00am-12:00pm -- VBS
6:15pm -- AA Women - FLC
8:00pm -- AA Men - FLC
Saturday, June 11
8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
5:00pm -- Worship
Sunday, June 12
Rummage Sale Collection Begins
9:15am -- Worship
10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education
Faith Formation Ministry
One Family Bible Class
This week in Bible class we look at Luke 13:1-13 and John 16:23-33 where Jesus teaches us to pray. We learn that we sin by not trusting God and failing to pray to Him for all things. But God promises to hear our prayers because of His Son, Jesus, and to do what is best and good for us.
Stewardship Sentence
Proverbs 9:9 "Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning." We need the Lord's instruction and wisdom. We just don't know enough on our own. It seems foolishness to the world that Christians drop their hard earned money into the collection plate every week. They just don't see a benefit to the preaching of the Word, the administration of the Sacraments, the sending of missionaries, or the educating of children in the faith. But from the Lord's instruction and Wisdom we know better. Giving teaches us generosity; the work of the Church is the salvation of mankind and we are blessed to be called to participate in it in this way.
Upcoming Voters' Meetings
There will be a Regular Voters' Meeting on Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 11:30am. The Agenda includes a financial update and the first reading of the 2016-2017 Budget. The second reading of the budget and approval will be on Sunday, June 26 at 11:30am. All members are strongly encouraged to attend these important meetings. A draft budget will be distributed prior to the June 5 meeting for your consideration.
The Leadership Council
VBS Volunteer Orientation
Thank you for all who have volunteered to help with VBS. We will have a one hour orientation meeting on Sunday, June 5 at 4:00pm. Please plan to attend. Come earlier and help us decorate. See you then.
Thank You to VBS Volunteers
As we begin our Barnyard Roundup VBS we need to thank all of our volunteers who make this possible. Thank you for your work that makes this possible.
Thank you for VBS Donations
Another thank you goes out to all who donated VBS snacks. What a wonderful response! You have guaranteed no grumbling tummies this week. Thanks again. Thank you to all who have taken cards for VBS snacks. The response has been great. Just a few cards remain on the bulletin board by the church entrance. If you can pick up one of these remaining items for VBS, please take the card and then bring in the item before June 6. Thanks again.
Life Together
Church Family Potlucks
Wednesday Potlucks are starting up again next month! Join us for food, fun, and fellowship on June 15 and July 13 at 5:30pm!Bring a dish to share and a healthy appetite. See you there!
Rummage Sale--Save the Date!
It is getting close to time for our annual rummage sale. Items can be brought to the gym beginning on Sunday, June 12. Sign up on the volunteer sign-up sheet on the kiosk.
Pennies for Pipes
The Pipes are calling! It seems that the time has come for the "semi-centennial" (every 50 years or so), check-up (lubricating) of the organ pipes, which has been scheduled for July of this year. In an effort to help defray some of this expense, we will place a large jar on the table in the back of the Sanctuary in an effort to collect "loose change" or those pennies from heaven to help achieve this goal. Apparently this endeavor is terribly labor intensive, so in a small way we can all contribute to this expense. Thank you to all young and old for your help.
Knoble Knotters
Thanks very much the person who gave us the flannel fabric. If you are getting rid of sheets, we can use them too. We aren't meeting this June, July and August, but still need large pieces of fabric.
Church Work Days - Help Needed!
We have several opportunities for volunteering coming up in June and July!
Paint Day
- When: Saturday, June 11 -- 8:30am to 11:00am
- What: With enough volunteers we can freshen up interior walls for next school year.
- Sign up here.
De-construction Day
- When: Two choices...Saturday, July 2 and/or Saturday, July 9 -- 8:30am to 11:00am
- What: We need to tear up well worn carpeting and some tile in the Parish House to prepare these surfaces to save money for new covering scheduled to be installed later in the month. Depending on the number of volunteers and the difficulty of the work (to be discovered only when we start ) we may not need two days
- Sign up here.
If you have trouble signing up for either work day, please call Michelle in the church office (314-966-3220) to be added to the volunteer list. Thank you!
Community Events
Voice in the Wilderness of American Evangelicalism
Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL. This weeks topics include: Has American Christianity Failed?, Vision Casting Leaders in the Church, Luther's Later Years, The Apostle Barnabas and more. You can tune in live weekdays from 3-5 p.m. on KFUO, 850 AM in St. Louis. You can also listen to what you want when you want at www.issuesetc.org and on the Lutheran Public Radio mobile app.
Over 21 Crowd - Save the Date - June 25 at 6:00 pm
Gefarhliches Ding Brewery will host a beer tasting at the Barberchecks' house, 629 Bonita Ave., Webster Groves. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share and enjoy some adult fellowship and the brews of Tony Petzoldt and his brewing partner Dan Stauder. Anyone over 21 is invited to attend.
Worship Attendance
Saturday 5/28, 15; Sunday 5/29, 85 = 100 Total
Funnies (used with permission)
Worship Leaders | This Sunday (6/5) | Next Sunday (6/12) |
Preacher/Celebrant | Pastor Wise | Pastor Wise |
Liturgist | Seminarian Nate McCarty | Seminarian Nate McCarty |
Pianist (Saturday) | Joy Elowsky | Joy Elowsky |
Organist (Sunday) | Joy Elowsky | Joy Elowsky |
Lector | Miriam Lee | Josh Boehme |
Acolyte | Luke Redick | Layton Wille |
Children's Message | Pastor Wise | Seminarian Nate McCarty |
Communion Assistant | Seminarian Nate McCarty | Seminarian Nate McCarty |
Lay Communions Assistants
| Terry & Jennifer Buchholz | Greg & Karen Frimel |
Greeters | Paul & Sandy Barbercheck | David & Shirley Williams |
Nursery | Vicki Devenport, Ben Lee | Nora & Krista Steele |
Sound/Video | Mike Toney | Paul Barbercheck |
Ushers | Carol Froesel, Jeanne Lipinski, Lisa Grossenheider | Tony Petzoldt, Frank Moret, Gary Riley, Gerry Lucas |
PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day:
2 Samuel 11:26-12:10, 13-14; Galatians 2:15-21, 3:10-14; Luke 7:36-8:3