
Thursday, December 15, 2016

News from Glendale Lutheran Church

Glimpses of Glendale
Glendale Lutheran Church Newsletter
December 18, 2016
In This Issue

Sunday, December 18
  9:15am -- Worship
10:30am -- Sunday School/Adult Education
11:30am -- Youth Christmas Party
Monday, December 19
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
  5:30pm-6:30pm -- CCLS Basketball - Gym 
  6:30-8:00pm -- Crush Basketball - Gym
Tuesday, December 20
  6:30am-6:00pm -- CCLS Preschool
12:00pm-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  5:00pm-6:00pm -- CCLS Basketball
  6:00pm-9:00pm -- Baker Basketball
Wednesday, December 21
  9:00am-8:00pm -- LFCS Counselor   
  6:00pm -- Kirkwood Jr. Basketball
  7:30pm -- Choir
Thursday, December 22
  8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  5:00pm-6:00pm -- Bristol Basketball
  6:00pm-7:15pm -- Kirkwood Jr. Basketball
  7:00pm -- AA Mixed - FLC
Friday, December 23
  6:15pm -- AA Women - FLC
  8:00pm -- AA Men - FLC
Saturday, December 24
  8:00am-4:00pm -- LFCS Counselor
  5:30pm -- Christmas Eve Worship
  11:00pm -- Candlelight Worship
Sunday, December 25
  9:15am -- Christmas Day Worship
A Message from Dr. Biermann
It has become common to express concern about the way that people lose track of the meaning of Christmas. In fact, almost everyone is ready to assert that parties, gifts, buying, and decorating are not the point of Christmas. Even those who do not consider themselves Christian will readily decry the "commercialization" of Christmas and the need to celebrate the "real meaning" of the holiday. So, what is the real meaning of Christmas? It's important, here, to distinguish good and even very good things from the one important thing. Contrary to the settled wisdom of the wider culture that laments the loss of the meaning of Christmas, the meaning of Christmas is not family, or being with loved ones, or sharing love and peace with others. The meaning of Christmas is not even "peace on Earth, good will toward men." Those are all good, indeed, very good things. But, none of them are the meaning of Christmas.
The meaning of Christmas is simple, but it's too often missed even by those who profess to follow the holiday's namesake. While it is altogether true that "Jesus is the reason for the season," even this does not convey the meaning of Christmas. Christ Jesus is, of course, the center and reason for Christmas; but the whole point of Christmas is the answer to why Jesus is the center. Christmas is the declaration that God keeps his word, that he would not allow his creation to crash into oblivion as it followed the path of sin and rebellion. Christmas is the message that God cared enough about his creatures actually to join them and win them back to himself and back to living according to his good plan. That's something to celebrate. It's the meaning of Christmas that rightly drives all our times and ways of celebrating. I'm looking forward to celebrating that with all of you in the days ahead.
Faith Formation Ministry                   
One Family Bible Class  
Dr. Biermann leads the Bible Class this morning in the Family Life Center. Grab a cup of coffee and join us.

Sunday School
Preschool through 1st grade children will meet in the lower level of the Parish House (under the gym). Grades 2 through 6 will meet in the lower level of the new building across from the elevator, room 012. High School youth will gather in the Youth Room. Confirmation class for 7th and 8th grade youth will be in the conference room next to Pastor's office, room 113.
Stewardship Sentence
Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice." Life was no easier for the Philippians than it is for us. They had the same sorrows, sicknesses, and disappointments as we have. And yet St. Paul tells them to rejoice in the Lord. We have an abiding joy, a peace which passes all understanding, because we know our Lord Jesus and His love for us. This gives us confidence in the face of every hardship; it gives us strength to lead lives in imitation of Jesus' own generous love.
Pastoral Care
If you need pastoral care for any reason, don't hesitate to contact the church office or one of the vacancy pastors directly. Pastor Biermann will be at the church on Monday and Thursday mornings most weeks, and Pastor Erkkinen is available on campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Altar Flowers
The Altar Flower chart for 2017 is now posted to the right of the church office door. Especially needed are the first few Sundays in January. A flower arrangement is a great
way to celebrate an anniversary, birthday, or remember a loved one. If you have any questions regarding flowers, call Beverly Dixson at 314-822-2899.
Worship Service Live Broadcast and Service Video Archives
This is just a reminder that we broadcast all of our worship services over the internet. Anyone can access these broadcasts by going to our church web site ( and clicking on the orange "live web broadcast" button. You should also be reminded that if you are not able to watch during the actual worship times that all of these broadcasts are archived and historical service broadcasts as well are available. Equally important is that, due to the underwriting of one of our members, ALL of these broadcasts are now commercial free. This commercial free capability costs $100.00/month. If you are led to support this financially, a designated contribution in any amount is welcome.
Thank You
I visited with Al & Joan Winkler over the weekend and they wanted to thank everyone for all the cards, visits and Christmas gift bag that they have received thru the year - they are very much appreciated and want to wish everyone a blessed holiday.
~ Jeanne Clark
Room at the Inn Trivia Night
Room at the Inn Trivia Night will be held on January 14, 2017 at the Maryland Heights Church of Christ, 107 Midland Ave, from 6:30pm-10:00pm. The cost is $20 per person, which includes all the fun of trivia night as well as free snacks and door prizes. To reserve a table for eight, please call Chris Rodman at 314-395-5304 or Karen Scheiber at 314-522-6842.
CCLS Dinner Auction
The 2017 Hearts on Fire CCLS Dinner Auction will be held Saturday, February 18, 2017 at Orlando Gardens Banquet Center in south St. Louis county. Please mark your calendar and make plans to attend or support this special fundraising event for the CCLS community. Tickets are $70 per person or $650 for a table of 10. Sponsorship, advertising, and donation opportunities are available. For more information, please visit  Contact Joel and Kerrie Karsten, Dinner Auction Co-Chairs, at or 314-749-8333 with any questions.

The Word Within The Word  

Worship Attendance

Saturday 12/10, 26; Sunday 12/11, 118 = 144 Total

Funnies (used with permission) 


Worship Leaders
This Sunday (12/18)
Pastor Biermann
Pastor Biermann
Pianist (Saturday)
Carol Benninghoff
Organist (Sunday)
Joy Elowsky
Max Sauer
Children's Message
Pastor Biermann
Communion Assistant
Lay Assistants
Jerry & Beth Nicolaus
Mary Skouby
Paul Barbercheck
Mike Toney, Jeff Wille, Robert Lubben, Tony Petzoldt
PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day:
Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-12; John 1:1-18
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Worship Leaders
Please sign up on the kiosk or email Michelle. THANK YOU.

Christmas Eve
5:30pm & 11:00pm
Christmas Day
Pastor BiermannPastor Biermann
Pastor BiermannPastor Biermann
Organist (Sunday)
Joy ElowskyJoy Elowsky

5:30 - Marcia Hempel
11:00 - Beth Nicolaus
Tracey Ortstadt
5:30 - NEEDED
11:00 - Anna Rawlings
5:30 - NEEDED
11:00 - NEEDED
Communion Assistant
5:30 - Mike Toney
11:00 - Andy Ortstadt
John Brugere
Lay Assistants
5:30 - NEEDED
11:00 - Terry Buchholz
Robert & Krissa Lubben
5:30 - NEEDED
11:00 - NEEDED
5:30 - NEEDED
11:00 - Jerry & Beth Nicolaus
5:30 - Judy George, Beverly Dixson, 2 MORE NEEDED
11:00 - NEEDED
PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day:
Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-12; John 1:1-18
Glendale Lutheran Church, 1365 North Sappington Road, Glendale, MO 63122
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