Pastor Biermann's Message It's summer and it's hot. Of course, you already knew both of those things. A glance at the calendar, or better yet a step outdoors and you are smacked with the hard truth like a blast from an opened oven door. While we pine for the summer months during the bleak and dreary days of January and February, once those days finally come we sometimes find it hard to cope with the harsh reality of heat and humidity. But, such is the burden and great joy of living in a temperate climate. While oppressive heat can be every bit as limiting as bitter cold--both have a way of driving people indoors to climate-controlled comfort--both high and low temperatures provide good motivations to invest in indoor pursuits that might not normally occupy your attending Sunday morning Bible Class. That's right, even the summer heat relates directly to Bible Class! This Sunday you'll rise and prepare for worship before the heat becomes too intense. You'll arrive at church when it is still pleasant, and you can walk to the door without breaking a sweat. But, by the time worship is over the heat will have arrived and there'll be nothing to do but move from the church to the car to your house and contemplate another day confined to the AC. So, since your activity is already curtailed, why not spend one more hour at church in delightful air-conditioned comfort and enjoy some extra time with fellow believers digging a bit deeper into God's truth? This Sunday we'll be working through the First Petition of the Lord's Prayer. We'll think about what it means to have a God who cares for us and who invites us to go to him with all of our concerns. Of course, special effort will be made to apply the truths to real life. I always work to make sure that everyone in attendance goes home with something tangible and immediately applicable to life now. That's how God's word works: it speaks to our real lives in specific and insightful ways. So, this Sunday, praise God for the summer, thank him for the heat, and then stay another hour to learn more about the ways that God's people faithfully follow his truth in this world. |
Call Candidate Voters' Meeting A Voters' Meeting will be held in the Family Life Center on Sunday, July 23, 2017, immediately following Bible Study to discuss and vote on the Call Committee's pastoral candidate call recommendation. Every voting member's attendance is necessary to participate in the discussion and the vote. A light lunch will be provided.
Food Drive Please help fill our food cart during the next three Sundays. The food will be taken to Kirkcare storage for distribution. As a community and country, we have abundant food, yet there are some in our midst who do without. Thanks much!
Special Celebration for Harold Oberle's 100th Birthday on 7/21/17 Harold is a long-time member of Glendale Lutheran Church, currently residing at Laclede Groves Care Center. You are encouraged to send special birthday greetings to Harold at: Mr. Harold Oberle Laclede Groves Care Center, Room 158-2 729 S. Laclede Station Rd. Webster Groves, MO 63119
Help Needed with St. Paul's College Hill VBS St. Paul's Lutheran Church in College Hill will be hosting an EVENING VBS again this year, and we are asking for groups who might VOLUNTEER for ONE EVENING of the 5 we have planned. We are planning on July 24-27, and August 1 in the evenings (5:30-7:30, with a meal provided). I hope we can count on a group from your church to help out one evening with this important outreach to our community. Pastors Jim Kirschenmann and Dave Andrus
July Rummage Sale We are scheduling this annual event for Friday July 21 and Saturday July 22. Items can be dropped off at the gym the week of July 16. A sign-up sheet and sale hours will be posted soon. Check the kiosk. |
Funnies (used with permission) |
Pastoral Care If you need pastoral care for any reason, don't hesitate to contact the church office or one of the vacancy pastors directly. Pastor Biermann will be at the church on Monday and Thursday mornings most weeks, and Pastor Erkkinen is available on campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. |
Worship Attendance Saturday 7/8, 15; Sunday 7/9, 122 = 137 Total |
Worship Leaders
Worship Leaders
| This Sunday (7/16)
| Next Sunday (7/23)
| Preacher/Celebrant
| Pastor Biermann | Pastor Biermann | Liturgist | Pastor Biermann | Pastor Biermann | Lector
| Andy Ortstadt | Miriam Lee | Pianist (Saturday) | Joy Elowsky | Carol Benninghoff | Organist (Sunday)
| Joy Elowsky | Joy Elowsky | Acolyte | Anna Rawlings | -- | Communion Assistant
| Joel Elowsky | Jerry Nicolaus | Lay Assistants
| Charlotte & Frank Moret | Steve Phelps, Beth Nicolaus | Greeters
| Hank & Joan Schlichter | Bill & Judy George | Sound/Video
| Paul Barbercheck, Grace Ortstadt | Ken Clark, Layton Wille | Ushers
| Mike Toney and Youth | Terry Buchholz, Steve Phelps, Rodger Lubben | Nursery
| Mary Skouby, Spencer Moore | Kathy Brugere, Sarah Skouby | Children's Message
| -- | Laura Murphy | |
Next Sunday's Bible Readings PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day: Isaiah 44:6-8; Romans 8:18-27; Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 |