Call Candidate Voters' Meeting A Voters' Meeting will be held in the Family Life Center on Sunday, July 23, 2017, immediately following Bible Study to discuss and vote on the Call Committee's pastoral candidate call recommendation. Every voting member's attendance is necessary to participate in the discussion and the vote. A light lunch will be provided.
Food Drive Please help fill our food cart during the next three Sundays. The food will be taken to Kirkcare storage for distribution. As a community and country, we have abundant food, yet there are some in our midst who do without. Thanks much!
Eagle Scout Project - Pet Rescue Supply Collection Hello, I am Spencer Moore and I am a member of Boy Scout Troup 319. For my Eagle Scout Project, I am collecting supplies for Country Acres Animal Rescue between July 23-August 6. A flyer is posted on the kiosk with more information. Some needed items include: - Dry and wet cat and dog food
- Creamy peanut butter
- Paper towels
A box to receive donations will be located in the main entryway. I appreciate your help. Thank you! - Spencer Moore |
Help Needed with St. Paul's College Hill VBS St. Paul's Lutheran Church in College Hill will be hosting an EVENING VBS again this year, and we are asking for groups who might VOLUNTEER for ONE EVENING of the 5 we have planned. We are planning on July 24-27, and August 1 in the evenings (5:30-7:30, with a meal provided). I hope we can count on a group from your church to help out one evening with this important outreach to our community. Pastors Jim Kirschenmann and Dave Andrus
Funnies (used with permission) |
Pastoral Care If you need pastoral care for any reason, don't hesitate to contact the church office or one of the vacancy pastors directly. Pastor Biermann will be at the church on Monday and Thursday mornings most weeks, and Pastor Erkkinen is available on campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. |
Worship Attendance Saturday 7/15, 18; Sunday 7/16, 92 = 110 Total |
Worship Leaders
Worship Leaders
| This Sunday (7/23)
| Next Sunday (7/30)
| Preacher/Celebrant
| Pastor Biermann | Pastor Biermann | Liturgist | Pastor Biermann | Pastor Biermann | Lector
| Miriam Lee | Josh Boehme | Pianist (Saturday) | Carol Benninghoff | Joy Elowsky | Organist (Sunday)
| Joy Elowsky | Joy Elowsky | Acolyte | -- | David Moore | Communion Assistant
| Jerry Nicolaus | Steve Albers | Lay Assistants
| Steve Phelps, Beth Nicolaus | Joel Hempel, Marcia Hempel | Greeters
| Bill & Judy George | Jeanne & Ken Clark | Sound/Video
| Ken Clark, Layton Wille | David Williams | Ushers
| Terry Buchholz, Steve Phelps, Rodger Lubben | Ken Clark, Jack Hurley, Jeff Wille, Mike Toney | Nursery
| Kathy Brugere, Sarah Skouby | Andy Ortstadt, Grace Ortstadt | Children's Message
| Laura Murphy | -- | |
Next Sunday's Bible Readings PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK'S WORSHIP through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day: Deuteronomy 7:6-9; Romans 8:28-39; Matthew 13:44-52 |