Pastor Scott's Message  This weekend is very special to us as it is the culmination and pinnacle of our 75th Anniversary as Glendale Lutheran Church. The Holy Spirit led brave souls to come together for an exciting new endeavor, to start a congregation in the boonies of St. Louis county. God began a good work then and continues it today. On Saturday and Sunday we thank Him. Saturday night at 6pm we host 200 members, former members, called staff, fieldworkers, leaders and all the rest. It is a reunion of sorts. God calls us to a particular congregation for a time. He uses us to spread the Gospel at a certain place and then he moves us somewhere else. It is how the church has worked for over 2000 years. It is a privilege to gather God's people together and remember the faithfulness of Jesus. He has created wonderful people and we get to be stewards of them. It is an overwhelming blessing and privilege. We will come together for yummy heavy catered appetizers. We will hold adult beverages in our hands and catch up with friends. It is first and foremost a dinner party with mingling, hugs, animated conversations and memories. The music is specially chosen. We begin with the #1 song from 1943, White Christmas, because that is when Glendale Lutheran began. The music will continue all night gradually climbing through the decades. Over three hours we will experience 7 and a half decades of music. Time flies when you are having fun. At 6:30, I will gather people together for a short devotion. Then we will enjoy reflections from former staff: Rick Marrs, Ed Arle, Jolene Siebarth and Jim Lohman. Pastor Steve Albers will wrap it up with some trivia. The rest of the night is yours. Reunite with as many as you can. Recall the good times and the bad. God has been with us through it all. I can't wait to see what God does next. On Sunday morning, we will continue the celebration with special worship and a Bible class called, "The future of the church." See you then. |
Honor the Service Men and Women in Your Life GLC wants to honor the Service Men & Women in your life. These brave men & women give up so much to protect us and our freedoms everyday-religious & otherwise. Please send in photos of Veterans for a special GLC/Veterans Day Facebook post. Send photos to Lauren & Kelly at Please include Veteran's name, rank, branch of military, if they served during wartime-include war/wars and years of service. Also, let us know if the were/are a GLC member or how they are related to a GLC member (Child, Sibling, Parent, Grandparent, Neighbor, Friend, Co-worker, etc). If you would like us to Tag You and/or Your Veteran please include your Facebook, Twitter &/or Instagram as well!!! Please let Lauren & Kelly know if you have any questions! |
Books & Bread Outreach Let's bless our CCLS Glendale preschool families and staff again this Thanksgiving with "Books and Bread." Sign up on the kiosk in the church lobby to let us know how many loaves of sweet breads you would like to bake. We're only 20 loaves away from our goal! What you need to know: - Sign up letting us know how many loaves of sweet bread you would like to make
- Take the provided labels to put on your bread
- Bring your loaves to church on Sunday, November 18 or arrange with Sue Schultz to deliver them early. Since CCLS is off school the week of Thanksgiving, the loaves will be frozen and packaged for distribution with the books on November 25. They will then be given to the CCLS preschool families on Monday, November 26.
- Pray for our outreach efforts that they may be a blessing for the givers and the receivers
If you have any questions or would like to help, contact Sue Schultz at 314-304-0556. |
Gingerbread House Event HO! HO! HO! This is a FUN family event. Come and get your fingers dirty while you glue and eat some of your favorite candy. Bring your friends and family members along with your favorite candy to decorate your gingerbread house. But first, please preorder the gingerbread house kits by November 24th. We accept cash, check, Paypal and Venmo. Volunteer are definitely welcome. If you have questions, please contact or |
Sermon Copies Copies of last week's message as part of Deb Toney's Celebration of Life service titled "Going Home" are available in the narthex. |
Pastor Scott Uganda Opportunity Christ Community International has invited Pastor Scott to teach Pastoral Theology this spring at the Lutheran Seminary in Uganda. We are looking for donations to cover the $2,500 cost for travel, lodging, immunizations, and expenses for the trip and ask that you prayerfully consider contributing to this opportunity. Please contact Pastor Scott or any Leadership Council member if you are interested in sponsoring this wonderful ministry opportunity. |
Food Donation Cart As the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays rapidly approach, please remember those less fortunate than you when you're out grocery shopping and help us fill up our food donation cart to Kirkcare each week. Thank you! |
Notes from the Music Director The Second Annual Christmas Music Concert will be held on Sunday, December 9, at 3:00pm. The organ and various instruments will be featured. Mark your calendars now! |
Yard Work Volunteer Wanted We are looking for a volunteer to maintain the boxwood bushes on our campus. Bushes should be trimmed as necessary (2 to 3 times per year). It is estimated to take two to three hours to trim. We will provide a cordless trimmer unless you prefer to use you own. Please let Michelle know if you are willing to take responsibility for this seasonal task. |
The Word Within the Word by John Wehmueller |
Worship Leaders
| This Sunday (11/11)
| Next Sunday (11/18)
| Preacher/Celebrant
| Pastor Albers | Pastor Scott | Liturgist
| Pastor Scott | Pastor Scott | Lector
| Lisa Grossenheider | Julie Atwood-Wise | Children's Message
| Janet Leet | Nate McCarty | Communion Assistant | Nate McCarty | Nate McCarty | Lay Assistants
| Jack & Norma Bentzinger
| Greg & Karen Frimel | Greeters
| Sally Dobrunz, Janet Leet | Vince & Flo Ryan | Sound/Video
| Paul Barbercheck | Tony Petzoldt | Ushers | Judy George, Becci Sasser, Beverly Dixson, Theresa Canania | Ken Clark, Jack Hurley, Jeff Wille | Pianist (Saturday)
| (No Saturday Worship 11/10) | Jim Thielker | Organist (Sunday)
| Jim Thielker | Jim Thielker | Bible Class Video Support
| Mike Murphy | Jerry Nicolaus |
Next Sunday's Bible Readings Prepare for next week's worship through a careful, prayerful reading of the appointed lessons for the day: Ruth 3:1-18; Hebrews 10:11-25; Mark 13:1-13 |